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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. -Looks at the floor, scuffing his foot-

    "They think I might not be moral enough to join the Army after being a litterbug"

    "Your here for LITTERING"! And they all moved away from me on the Group 'W' bench.

    Until I added "And creating a nuisance".

    And they all moved back and we had a great time talking about mother stabbin' and father raping and all kinds of groovy things!

    Best song ever for Thanksgiving!

    I play it every year, it's a tradtion. :D

    And of course, "The Motorcycle Song" with "The significance of the pickle"

    Classic Arlo Guthrie.

    Just love the part about the 4 foot cop with the 5 foot gun. LOL!


  2. I've heard that the Winchester Pike area, end of Brice Rd is getting pretty bad. This comes from a Columbus firefighter. Something about some ethnic groups that aren't tolerant of any others, white, black mexican or otherwise.

  3. look up i figured it out :D........... i just hear cedarstreet and i think of bleach and kerosene baths, my mind wanders a bit :lol:

    Cedar Street in Newark isn't all that great either!

    I might be up for this, if I'm not working on this stupid Honda. :D Actually, it will depend on how early I can get my butt out of bed after being at the Hartford Fair until what will likely be 1:00 AM for the Rough Trucks.

  4. While you are checking for the leak check around the clutch push rod seal.

    Those have been known to leak.

    You are putting that bike back together like I did my V65 magna just a few parts and my own time.

    The clutch seal IS the culprit! Thanks again for the suggestion. The bad part is the difficulty in repairing it. I found a fix that may work until I get time to tear it down for a complete overhaul, it involves an o-ring insde the seal. It just might work, and get me by for a while. I really don't want to tear it down just for this little seal!

  5. I was reading that the driving priveleges are to work, but I didn't see anything about driving FOR work.

    From what I've read, $150 is the maximum fine, and the Wreckless Op is where the suspension comes from.

    I don't think this situation is over yet, it's not gonna just go away that easily, there's too much media coverage.

  6. To expand on the radio thing, how about internet radio? I know it's not the most popular, but might be cheap, and get the word FAR out.

    I also think it might be a good idea to see what sponsors might want to kick in, and check the local dealerships, in all the different areas. It might go over bigger with the dealerships that offer the rider courses, as they already think there's some value in riding safe.

    I do think that we need to direct it to cagers, maybe talking about sending that text causing the driver to not see the smaller motorcycle?

  7. While you are checking for the leak check around the clutch push rod seal.

    Those have been known to leak.

    You are putting that bike back together like I did my V65 magna just a few parts and my own time.

    Didn't even think about the clutch rod seal! Thanks for the tip there!

    I just wish I had more time to work on it!

  8. Congrats on getting everything back together and working!!

    Could the oil leaks be from the tubes that run under the carbs? Sometimes those o rings go bad.

    I think it's coming from under the sprocket cover. I'll have to check tomorrow.

    I took the bike for a ride tonight and it acted like it ran out of gas. I put it on reserve, then a few miles later, it did it again. This time it was right in front of the shop where I work, so I coasted downhill and only had to push it a little bit! I'm pretty sure it's the well known to these bikes vacuuum operated petcock issue. I'll be remedying that ASAP.

    It has been quite a bit of work getting this old bike back in shape, but I don't have much money in it. So far, I actually only have abot $45 for a battery in it, and fuel and oil. Also, the cost of some hondabond sealer. Oh, I also have about 30 hours of my "spare" time in it.

  9. Bringing this thread back to the top with another update, if anyone is interested! :lol:

    I checked the clearances on the donor crank, and re-used the rod bearings from the donor (original to the bike) engine. Everything checked out ok, so I put it all abck together, and got the engine back in the bike and running yesterday. I got a few things straightened out as I was putting it all back together.

    The bike is running pretty well now. Still needs some work, carb syncing, etc... I also now have a couple oil leaks... :(

    I'm determined to get this thing right yet!!!

  10. Interesting, bikes cause false positives on speed cameras.

    And no doubt red light cameras after sitting in a deserted intersection for 1/2 an hour. I have had to get off the bike, walk over to the pedestrian crossing button, push it, walk back to the bike to get a green light.

    State Highway patrol sat right there and watched the whole thing. No doubt a ticket if I tried anything else. (posted no u-turn, no turn on red)

    Surprising that you didn't get a ticket for parking on the roadway, pr something like that.

  11. dont be so sure, I did it one night. Did not see the cop about a 1/4 mile up... but he saw me...... He was gonna right me a ticket, but i finally talked him out of it. By asking him what i was supposed to do. He didnt have an answer. It was also like 1am.

    Dunkin Donuts must have been out of his favorite that night.

    Sorry LEO's that are cool, that was just a joke!

  12. I wish my Instinct was ACTUALLY cool like that. But no, it sux. I'm sticking with Sprint (contract). I spend enough with them that they'll give me an upgrade every year, instead of 2, so I'm pondering what I would like to get next. I may go back to a simple flip, or something, who knows!

  13. For now yes they will get reimbursed from the other parties insurance.

    Make sure that they don't have it counting against you as a claim. My wife got ran into about a year ago, we fought with THEIR insurance company, and they wanted to total it, would have been less than what was owed on it, so we went to her insurance company, got it fixed, just under totaled, they got their money back, deductible refunded, all was good.

    Fast forward about 6 months, for cost issues, and since we had married in Dec., I switched her to my Progressive policy. About a month after that our rate went up, due to this not-at-fault accident. We still haven't gotten this straightened out, they go through some reporting agency, or something like that and we have to get it fixed with them, which is a pain the ass.

    Just something to watch out for!

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