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Everything posted by wicked94s10

  1. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=bbJMHZv7OEA Here is just a little preview of what it can do The unit is a obd2 bluetooth the one I got is model elm327
  2. The app is called torque It works with a obd2 bluetooth adapter to send all of your cars info to your phone. It displays everything that the computer reads all the way down to the voltage of your o2 sensors. You can also check clear and get help with your check engine lights. The program also uses gps to give some performance figures on your vehicle. There is also a fuel mileage section that uses the cars info to give your instant mile per gallon like some cars do. it can also log and graph everything for you as you drive. The bluetooth adapter is 25 shipped on ebay and the program is 4 bucks, well worth every cent if you work on cars
  3. I would bet the neg rep is because the guy knows your a fag, either its for sale or its not. I mean come on "Today only 7800" its sunday who has that kinda money sitting around? Well some of us do but those who have that much sitting around are smart enough to not buy a truck from you
  4. I raced carts there for years and am in shock about this rip little driver
  5. I think its a cool idea and would be fun to go and see, if I was not putting a roof on sunday I would be in
  6. I shot half a box of home defense and 50 cheap bullets through mine at the range the other day and had no loading issues
  7. I never plan on doing any of those things to any of my guns but if I did and the gun broke I would be out big money unless it's a hi point they would give you another. Plus one for high point, I think it's funny people who do not own or have never shot a hi point come on here and bash them because they are cheap
  8. I have friends that own a few high points and love them, I'm a fan of cheap stuff that works and has a lifetime warrenty
  9. Guess I'm in the 35 and under group
  10. number 3 and 9 may be the two best reasons ever for dropping your bike
  11. take it easy buildit some of us young guys have dual sports to
  12. and people wonder why we read about fallen riders once a week, thats as smart as drag racing in the parking lot of the crew stadium or passing in double yellows on tight mountain roads, the best part is I bet he was out doing it again weeks later thats why I laugh at fools like this guy
  13. Thumbs up for the fjr, I put in 12 years on sportbikes and don't regret selling my last one a year ago, I was 29 when I stopped riding them and will never buy another
  14. Pilot road 2, very good grip, long tire life, and good in the rain
  15. I could not see spending 20000 for a bike that I would just run the miles up on, I put over 15000 on mine this season and I have two bikes
  16. 300 miles on a tank , I was looking for a so called road king with fairing, sometimes I really throw some miles down
  17. No where near as light as my supermoto but out holds its own and is very nimble now- just needed a fork brace to stiffen up the front end
  18. I have the same gun and bullets but have not shot them yet, I just picked the gun up yesterday. Should get a chance to fire it this weekend ill let ya know how mine is
  19. That neon will bring that, the olds is junk
  20. very over rated try 26, woodsfield to marietta is 50 miles of nothing but good twisty road. Not really any blind hills and no bad pavement, half of it was repaved last year
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