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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Just go do miles at a slow pace, lots of miles. Slow. Ramp up a little at a time.
  2. Great, 50 Ducati's lined up on the track in front of a Starbucks drive through.
  3. Nothing at Mid Ohio for the rest of the year that I can see. Nelson Ledges on Oct 7 and 8 has my attention.
  4. There is a 13, it's just numbered 14.
  5. You turned it down. That is my counter offer.
  6. I wasn't speaking of MG owners, I was speaking of OR members in general.
  7. I can assure you it was very stressful for me, can't imagine what it was like for him. He accused of a hot lap and going back around, but the truth is I wanted to see my buddy up and moving around. But don't tell him, I got a rep to maintain.
  8. Wasting your breath here man, they won't get that. Not many of them have done 5K in 10 days 2 up.
  9. A great product, but it's not a full replacement. Part of a Colonoscopy is to check for polyps, and if there are any to remove them. They are usually where the cancer starts so getting rid of them when they first show up is a great preventative measure. I didn't have any thankfully. Cologuard will be a great option for someone like me that isn't going to have another Colonoscopy for 7 years. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/colon-polyps/home/ovc-20346918
  10. Ok, so now that I have everyone's attention. Go get your physical. If I can do it with all my doctor/dentist phobias you certainly can. Look at it this way, if you don't do it that makes me smarter than you. Can you really live with that? (pun intended)
  11. Ahh, taking the high road. Good on you.
  12. Estimate of loss seems low to me. Side of the bike is ok? Did it also include new underwear for me. I can send pics if you need them.
  13. And watch it till the end. Must be 50 locks on that truck. When they finally load the giant flat screen on the bike it gets good
  14. You know, I got like 7 more pics from Tuesday I could post.
  15. Tim was spamming me with it on Facebook. I got it, several times.
  16. Tonik

    2014 Impala

    Yea, there is lots if used Kia Niros out there. :Tard:
  17. And the answer is no. Yamaha needs to get this bike out there on the demo days if they want me to buy one.
  18. Tonik

    2014 Impala

    This is what we do. Buy new, get exactly what we want with all the goodies we want and drive them for a long time.
  19. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
  20. That's a wise choice. You didn't see me out there on the whale. For the record, that Connie guy was nuts doing that. Maybe my FZ6 will be for sale as I upgrade to a rocket.
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