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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. On second thought, don't bother. You probably weren't even close enough to see me.
  2. Put that part on Google drive, send me the link and I will post it.
  3. B-Mac rolled with Jim at the spring epic if I recall correctly.
  4. Justin gave you the right answer. I will go with the T 30's next time.
  5. The one that is shorter than the guy sitting down.
  6. Actually I already invited them as participants. So maybe you and Danimal can handle that part.
  7. Lame, excluding 600's cuz you are scared I'll smoke you too.
  8. Tonik

    Fork Fluid

    More importantly what oil did you put in there?
  9. That is a genius idea, we will do that. Much easier than my plan and more accurate. This is the kind of out of the box thinking we need to make this event a success. Thanks man!!
  10. Tonik

    Fuel Cleveland

    No, road trip with the wife on the Whale this weekend.
  11. Tonik

    Fuel Cleveland

    More of a bobber/cafe/urban event but still a good time. http://fuelcleveland.blogspot.com/ http://www.cleveland.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2017/07/fuel_cleveland_shows_off_gritt.html
  12. Post it on YouTube then link from there. The guy that owns this sight is pretty much a dumbass and stuff is usually broke. And yea, that was it.
  13. And we will all need to pair our Sena's on the phone app, so we can warn riders on the course of incoming cops.
  14. So I been thinking about that. I have a plan. One person goes to the north end of the road. Everyone else goes to the south end. With both ends covered with eyes there is very little chance a cop will get on that road without us seeing them, there are not many/any other ways in. So for the sake of explaining this I will be at the north end, and you will be at the south end with everyone else and you will be the 'Starter'. You call me, and the first rider gets ready. You stand to the side in front of him and get the phone by your mouth with one arm and the other arm in the air and you yell 'Go' at the same time you drop your arm. I start the timer when I hear 'Go' and rider one goes on the arm drop. Rider 1 will start with the timer at zero. You wait 5 minutes and we do it again. At that point though since I have the timer I will warn you that 5 is coming up...then I yell 'Go' at the correct time in the phone and you arm drop on that..... And so on.......As they get to me I write down the time they arrive at. Obviously we would subtract 5 minutes from Rider 2's time, 10 minutes from Rider 3 and so on. @Uncle Punk is not invited, he hates speed contests on public roads.
  15. It was kind of funny actually because 3 or 4 peeps followed you. So there was a gap now where I couldn't see anyone behind me. Did everyone follow you? Or did I go the wrong way and 255 was a right turn there.....then I decided I was leading so no, I can go any way I want and it would be correct since I am the leader. So I just kept going.
  16. Too be clear you took a side road. It was glorified right turn. To answer @TimTheAzn 's original question. We were riding our bikes. What were you doing?
  17. My end receipt was bad, no timestamp. But the hotel receipt was time stamped on check in so that saved me. Yea, I hear on the 1k they will bend a bit. After that they are more strict.
  18. Forgot to add physically he looks excellent. He jumped right up when I walked in.
  19. Just finished my visit. Short version. F'ing miracle. Long version... he is totally there, remembers our ride the day before. Remembers specifics of the fz6 and who he knows had one. Details about me, my son...everyone. Maybe a tiny bit slow remembering really complicated words.... like medical terms. But that is a maybe. He always had a bit of that style in the way he talked, he would pause to make sure he was using the exact word he wanted. He is moving any second now to Metro for rehab. Both physical and cognitive. 8 days without moving creates a fair amount of physical issues that you just need to exercise through. Any cognitive rehab will be based on an evaluation.
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