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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Well you better get it figured out. You are one of them now. Wife and I know the Pres of the Cleveland HOG if you want an introduction.
  2. No, nothing on 26 at all. Woodsfield on 800 or Marrietta is it.
  3. Says the guy that owns two Harleys.
  4. We are all riding on used tires.
  5. ECU mods are always a better way to go. They can change timing...and have it change again based on temp and altitude. Fix throttle response since most are drive by wire now. All kinds of stuff. Expand your search as far as you have to so you get the right guy. It will be worth it.
  6. Yea, I did a crappy job of reading. I do not believe he does that.
  7. Suck it up and get to CBus. You dont want any one other than Brian. http://www.dynotunemotorsports.com
  8. In that case, we need to meet for lunch again soon.
  9. The opportunity to tell you to fuck off and die out weighed the amusement value of watching a noob squirm.
  10. Let's just burn the fucker down.
  11. Fair enough. Since there are not specific folders for specific motorcycle types you can post your stuff in the same sub forums as the other 'riders'. Daily ride, events and so on all fill the same need for all 'riders'. @Casper Make it so!
  12. Bullshit, it went away so you could parade around in spandex in your cycling forum. Cycling forum on a motorcycle message board, yea that makes sense.
  13. He is trolling you, just tell him to F' off and die. Although when posting a ride it is a good idea to include your basic riding style. Fast, slow...Mach Retard. Just so peeps know what they are getting into.
  14. Tonik

    Slingshot review.

    Actually it appears Durant is going to take less than the max next year so they can all stay on the Warriors.
  15. Tonik

    Mid-O July 3

    What exactly is a 'ballistic suit'?
  16. Tonik

    Slingshot review.

    LeBron just spent 41 million dollars to send every kid in Akron to college. And that is just a small part of what he does. He can ask for all the money he wants from Dan Gilbert as far as I am concerned. Dude is a fucking saint.
  17. C-Bus sucks for many reasons, but Cincy blows it away for crappy drivers...by far. It isn't even close.
  18. Tonik

    Meet Casper

    He is so bad they named a virus after him. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/qkvmpq/meet-casper-yet-another-malware-likely-created-by-france-for-surveillance
  19. Caspers quote system, annoying noobs since 2016.
  20. The best way to fix this place is to make me an admin. Then I can ban you and nothing will get broke again.
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