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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Haha, it's all good. @2talltim is actually a good mod. He spotted a spammer that the rest of us missed.
  2. I'm guessing he missed his blinky lights and was trying to find a way to compensate by getting the Staties to turn theirs on.
  3. Tonik

    A* SPX Gloves

    Great, I am @Bad324 's locking bitch.
  4. I got written for 13 over in Southern Ohio a couple of years ago. He didn't mind my ear plugs either. He wasn't having a bad day, he was pissed as hell. He got 911 calls on some bikes, multiple LEO's chased them down at 115 mph and 2 of them ran. So in his head it was: 'I will write you for everything I can think of and maybe you won't do this again'. Not giving any of the riders a hard time for what happened at all, just pointing out how it looked from the cops point of view. But none of that matters. This is a stupid law that accomplishes nothing other than giving a pissed off cop a way to f' with you.
  5. On April 1st I will be able to store my gun in my car at the school I work at, because the politicians listened to us. Now us gun nuts are far more organized than us motorcycle nuts but it was still a grass roots movement, not the NRA, that made this change happen.
  6. Yea, if they actually listen to us it will be tacked on to something else in the fall during silly season.
  7. Be interesting to hear what the Western contingent thinks of Beverly. Might be a bit too far south and west for them.
  8. The ear plugs will be an extra hundy when you get tagged for speeding.
  9. I thought about that. We would get like 50 signatures. My therory on this method is maybe one of our reps will look into it....and all the other ones we contacted will say 'yea, I heard about that..lets fix it'
  10. Were you wearing ear plugs at the time?
  11. Ok, found one. Anal is illegal in Cincy. So after they fix this head on down there and anal it up.
  12. If they fix it, I will help you find another law to ignore. I promise.
  13. Go here: https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislators/find-my-legislators and find your Rep and Senator. Copy and past the below in. Yea, I know I caved on the earphone issue. But if we go for that at the same time we will lose on both. One thing at a time. Hello, I would like to discuss with you a needed change to Ohio law, specifically ORC 4511.84 http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.84 This law prohibits the use of earphones and earplugs while riding a motorcycle. While prohibiting earphones may make sense, the prohibition on earplugs does not. This law is antiquated and does not account for the medical community’s better understanding of hearing loss and it’s causes. In fact the Ohio BMV handbook for new motorcycle riders says: “Long-term exposure to engine and wind noise can cause permanent hearing damage, even if you have a quiet motorcycle and wear a full-face helmet. Whether you choose disposable foam plugs or reusable custom-molded devices, properly worn hearing protection reduces noise, while allowing you to hear important sounds like car horns and sirens.” I have a quiet motorcycle, and I wear a full face helmet. When I don’t wear ear plugs I can clearly tell my hearing has been impacted after a day of riding. They ring and buzz, just like being at a loud concert. Yes, I ignore the law and wear ear plugs as do a great many other riders I know. One of whom just got a $95 dollar ticket for doing so. I can assure you I can hear sirens and horns. Ear plugs are selective in what noise they block. Simply put the State has a law forcing a motorcycle rider to suffer permanent hearing loss. It has no moral right to do so. 4511.84 needs to be amended with an exception for hearing protection for motorcycle riders as many other states have already done. Please let me know what I can do to help make this happen and thank you in advance for your help in this matter.
  14. You will burn your dick if you do that.
  15. You don't have to eat a donut for it to be the best donut evar. Interesting, so it isn't really spelled donut, it's spelled Doughnut. F' that, I am sticking with donut.
  16. Moved to the reviews section, which wasn't nuked.
  17. Pro tip. Don't Google image search 'Gay trailer'.
  18. I have declared it National Warriors blew a 3-1 lead in the NBA finals day. And then there is this:
  19. Dow hits 21000!!! #ThanksTrump
  20. I am no track expert, but this sounds like you need more laps to build more confidence. And stop trying to go faster, that will make you slower. Just crank some laps and enjoy.
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