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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. I actually disagree with that. They are here illegally because the politicians we elected and continue to elect allowed them into the country and allowed them to stay. That is not the immigrants fault, it is our fault. So they go to the front of the line to be screened and converted to legal status. Yea, that is Amnesty. Get over it, it is the right way to move forward from where we are.
  2. I don't get the whole illegal immigration debate at all. We can have huge numbers of immigrants and do it legally and safely. My ancestors came over from Germany post WWII. They went through extensive background checks to make sure there were not Nazi asshats. I have seen the documentation of what they had to do. I don't understand why the left is opposed to that, and why the right goes to the other extreme and wants to ban everyone. Actually I do understand, it's not about doing what is correct. It's about getting re-elected.
  3. Link to Trump saying 'military force' please. In the interest of saving time I am going to assume you are talking about 'send in the Feds' and are just lying about what he said. In that case link to you bitching about Obama already sending in the feds. And in the interest of saving more time I'm going to assume you never said a word and are a hypocrite. BTW Chicago's mayor already said he welcomes Trump's help.
  4. 7 pages and the Cheeto in Chief has only been President for five days. This thread is going epic
  5. Could be. POS stands on it's own as it's own noun if you consider how it is used.
  6. So you will be at the Spring Epic ride?
  7. Mary Tyler Moore DEAD!! #ThanksTrump for getting rid of one of those nasty women you told us about I guess.
  8. Come on, even Paris Hilton knows we have to do both.
  9. And there we have it. No viable alternative. We are close but until we do have that alternative we need oil. Now, do you want it from Canada or do you want it from Iran? Which brings us back on topic. #ThanksTrump for approving the pipeline so we don't send billions of dollars to people that want to kill Mags.
  10. Finally someone gets it. This isn't about Harleys suck. It's about a bar in a motorcycle dealership. I mean who the hell gets up one morning and says "I got a great idea, I'm gonna open a bar inside a motorcycle dealership". And what owner of a dealership said 'I sure hope someone calls me today and offers to open a bar in here'.
  11. After. Show at 3 then dinner. Where is undecided but Public House is a good bet. Text me if you are thinking of showing up.
  12. There is a mini one Friday, probably Phil and John, me and the wife at Public House.
  13. Yeah, but we like them. Well, hate them less than you.
  14. Dow hits 20K!!! #ThanksTrump
  15. No, I often spell like crap when I am in a hurry. I count on @Isaac's Papa to correct my errors. He failed me this time, the mod's here suck.
  16. Justin, you are arguing about build quality with someone that owns multiple Ducati's.
  17. If it is an attachment you use the 'choose files' thing from the bottom of the box when you post.
  18. Do I need to make a youtube video on how to do this? Edit: To be clear, on how to post pics. Not how to suck.
  19. So technically you do not own a bike. Or a pool table.
  20. Wobble is typical in big ass heavy cruisers owned by dumbasses that don't take care of their steering bearings.
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