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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. How do you like that thing. The new hatchback version is on my short list.
  2. Wouldn't it be easier to just yell out to him from the kitchen?
  3. Just made another batch. Went with a pure sugar shine for the base. I got 5 quarts of that, one quart makes this much ape pie.
  4. I just bought this and now I can change rivers too. https://www.amazon.com/Mountain-Three-Short-Sleeve-T-Shirt/dp/B002HJ377A
  5. Jesus, did anyone click on the link I posted.
  6. This isn't hard. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=hcci+ignition+timing
  7. Correct, pardoned for all crimes before he was even charged.
  8. So far we have learned don't buy anything with a motor from Mags.
  9. Now if they would just put this in a Wankel engine.
  10. Not anymore, he had his dick cut off. And you paid for it.
  11. Younger brother by another mother.
  12. No, not like that at all. Have Magley explain it to you, he appears to be smarter than you are.
  13. No, it's like actually kicking you off my Twitter feed.
  14. Still doing it as of 9 minutes ago. All new topics it appears. That is how I found out about this thread.
  15. I unfollowed OR on twitter. Don't need every damn new topic in my feed. I see them here.
  16. Don't you have some valves to adjust? When you get done @what needs a hand with a battery change.
  17. Fuckin ride it FFS. I bought my bike, drove it 5 miles to home and loaded my shit in it and drove it 525 miles on freeway to get to the dragon. Then I drove the hell out of it for 3 days on the twisties. 50 thousand later it runs like a top and uses zero oil. Now, granted my bike isn't one of those f'd up Italian or Brit things. Maybe those are different.
  18. Yep, that is what we ordered last year. I mouse is poised over the reorder button.
  19. Tonik

    Mad Dog

    Yep, he did that. Plus he made a hell of a lot more Supreme Court appointments than Hillary ever will.
  20. Skip most of 321. As you get near Gatlinburg but still in the park....Just before the park head quarters... Turn left on Fighting Creek Road, its awesome. Then pick up 321 near Townsend. And when you get to Foothills Pkwy you can go right now.....New section not even on Google Maps yet. I think it goes back to 321 north of Pidgeon Forge. Pics of it look epic.
  21. Don't you have some forums to merge and some add ons to install?
  22. Tonik

    F'in Rudy.

    It was a trap. You guys ruined it. Mags and that DCC guy would have fallen for it for sure.
  23. Tonik

    F'in Rudy.

    What a stupid thing to say: "Being too down in the weeds at the technical level could actually be a little bit of a distraction,"
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