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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Great bike as the learned Justin says. Secretary has one, she rides it all over with us...even on long trips. She can't do 90 on the freeway but she is right on our ass the rest of the time.
  2. She is going to outgrow that single cylinder bike before she finishes the MSF course. You can buy 2006 750 Honda Shadows and Aero's all day long for 2500 with saddlebags and all the farkles. I would get one of those.
  3. Connecting flight from Alaska.
  4. Come over and borrow my FNX. I'll grab the kids Springfield carry 45 too. If it is for carry, that is what you will buy. If it's for home, you'll get the FNX.
  5. Not as difficult as you actually riding your bike seems to be.
  6. Still twice as many times as you went down there.
  7. Bad has it right, sort of. From Dayton Louisville isn't a bad run. It's awesome. Stay at the Hyatt Louisville downtown. Right on 4th street in the center of all the action, it's awesome down there. Tons of stuff to do. Eat at Doc Crow's, easily walkable from the Hyatt. Get a pound of the Cajun/BBQ shrimp. If you have a good line of BS, call the Hyatt direct. Tell them you are one of the people that work for 'Derbycon' and you are coming down with your wife for a vaca. You should get a killer deal. FYI for your story, Derbycon is a hacker convention my kid runs down there. He sells the hotel out for a week...spends a BOATLOAD of money there. They should hook you up.
  8. https://services.dps.ohio.gov/BMVOnlineServices/Search/Title
  9. Bottom left of the page below. The ones I have reported to ODOT have been fixed in a couple of weeks. They give the local municipality a kick in the add it seems. https://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/Operations/Traffic/Pages/OTEHomePage.aspx
  10. This is going to be ugly. Obama is going batshit insane with new executive orders. He is pretty much tying up the duly elected next President. What a fuck stick.
  11. So wrapping up 2016 I thought a short political review was in order. 2016 was the year the libs celebrated the nomination of Trump. They then proceeded to rig their nomination process so the only person that could lose to him was nominated as their candidate. Then, after having been warned that the Russians were the US's greatest Geo Political foe in the world they feigned indignation when the Russians exposed their anti-democracy plan to get Trump elected. But in the end, they prevailed and were successful, they got Trump elected. They then proceeded to dismantle all of the illegal NSA spying on emails and such that they were fine with when their guy was doing it because they finally started to realized WTF they have done. Congrats libs, mission accomplished. Pretty f'd up plan, but at least you made it happen.
  12. Found the bill. If you click on 'As Enrolled' that will be the version the governor signed. https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/legislation-documents?id=GA131-HB-154
  13. Effective date is 90 days from governor signing it. So April 1 for sure.
  14. New red light law confirmed just now on the news. After a reasonable time you can proceed but you do need to yield.
  15. Stay south on 80 as you pass through Chicago. Take it thru to Iowa City and go north on 380. Only 90 miles longer, but far less Chicago traffic. And you can stop in Davenport and see the Antique Archeology dudes. Hit Wall Drug on 90, and the car museum. And of course the bad lands.
  16. It only happens once, when you get a new browser or have cleared your cookies. It drops a cookie as soon as you say no and won't ask again. Now, if you are privacy conscious and clear cookies each time you exit, or running incognito, it happens every time. Did I mention Tapatalk sucks?
  17. This thread looks promising. http://www.triumph675.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21757#/topics/21757?page=1&_k=at588q
  18. I can't answer for IP. But I am convinced that it isn't overheating. It simply can't over heat that fast. Physics, or Science or something. That is good news, no major engine issues. Just the annoyance of chasing down the electrical bug. Got a trailer? Northern Ohio Duc/Triumph has a good rep (for the most part). Akron.
  19. Check it out @Bad324 He has a bike AND a pool table.
  20. Yea, that's why I am happy as shit about it. It did change it, we can leave it in our cars as long as the car is locked. Not signed yet, just passed the house and senate. He will sign it I am sure. There is a link to the bill as passed in this article: https://www.buckeyefirearms.org/pro-gun-rights-legislation-passes-ohio-general-assembly-way-governors-desk-update-vote-tallies Shady side of the law in prior to this was a bit too much of a gamble. Can't work for a school if you break that type of law...insta fired and banned for life. Once or twice a year they sweep the halls with dogs and they have swept the students lots with the dogs. Not taking the chance that they would the employee lot. No way my mom is hanging with you, she hates guns and bikes. Shame though, she is hot for 79.
  21. Wandering Grandpa is right. In a store or restaurant it is civil trespass. They have to sue you and prove you damaged them. However, as soon as they ask you to leave you leave, otherwise that becomes criminal treapass. And the gun is sort of irrelevant.. you were asked to leave. Now, on a state cpz like a government office, that is instant criminal. I am happy as shit about this. Pisses me off I cant store my gun in my car at work which is a school. And it really sucks when i am leaving from work on a bike trip.
  22. If I understand correctly...you don't want music you want to cut down wind noise but still hear the bike and traffic...the above is the correct answer. Ear plugs certainly do cut down on the volume of the stuff you want to hear but you can still hear it. And the wind noise will be virtually gone. It's your body defending itself...without plugs the wind noise is so loud your mind shuts down your ears. Take away the wind noise with the plugs and your mind will focus on the rest of it and you will hear it. Same is true of your eyes, they self adjust if you mess up your computer monitor adjustments...they compensate for your mistakes.
  23. Apparently that depends on how bad you curb it.
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