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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Your options are pretty limited with a locked bootloader.
  2. You in VZ? Thier upgrade assistant tool is really good at force flashing phones. http://www.verizonwireless.com/support/knowledge-base-80200/ Also hit xda forums, fewer bikers and more phone geeks over there. There will be an s5 specific forum. Still got the crowbar?
  3. Now if I get out of range of someone that I am paired with...and they get caught back up do we automagically reconnect?
  4. I would suspect the dropping issues are due to range. Larger groups would be more spread out..more hills and curves between riders. I honestly don't get from a tech standpoint how they can claim a 1.2 mile range. That is far beyond anything I have ever seen from bluetooth. Not complaining, as I have made clear I won't be pairing with anyone. At least not anyone that is alive. And I am very happy with mine. The battery life is wonderful.
  5. So i thought i had a wu tang mix going for on the way home. Somehow i put CREAM on repeat. I got that one down now. Gonna rush the stage Friday and steal a mic and join in. @Casper is in charge if recording it for youtube.
  6. Funny you should mention that. Mine does not work for shit once music is playing. Soon as I start streaming music I can scream 'Hello Sena' until the cows come home and it won't respond. But that said, I do just tap the button on the back of the unit and that gets me into voice command for the phone. So in my case 'Ok Google'. I use that a fair amount. Like on the way back the epic I voice texted the wife to keep her posted so the garage door could be open and dinner on the table. The voice commands for Sena are pretty basic, using it to voice command the phone is the better way to go. IMNSHO.
  7. You won't show, some lame ass excuse like the Indians didn't make it.
  8. ...yes I do have my kids VIP seats for the Cavs home opener/banner raising.
  9. How about you asshats that want music turn off the youtube volume and stream what ever gay crap you listen too. Makes everyone happy.
  10. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Send? You guys don't think big enough.
  11. Ping @RidersDiscount here. Their deal on them is pretty epic. Reminder, dont try and pair with me on the Gap Trip. I will shoot you.
  12. If you were faster you would catch up to the slow traffic I speak of.
  13. And you might not have needed to hit them that hard...you were in a corner. Hard braking stands the bike up...you had to balance stopping and turning. ABS in a corner is less reliable since it won't totally keep the tire from sliding sideways. It helps, but it is best in a straight line. Obviously you did it right.
  14. Wooo, we get to run all the way down 83 to get there. Well done man, really.
  15. BTW, the new meet spot is awesome, and allows for your longer route. Good job man.
  16. Screw 78. Nothing but a parade behind pickup trucks every damn time. https://goo.gl/maps/EdsqWy1U3ax
  17. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    31 days gang. Time to double check tires, brakes and so on. I am debating if I put on new front brakes before I leave, or do it in a hotel parking lot down there like I usually do.
  18. https://goo.gl/maps/CAJeTnPTjRJ2
  19. Weather looking pretty good. I still plan on riding down, leaving super early Thursday. Slab to C-Bus then down 62 and across the river at Ripley. Which sets you up for an awesome twisty run across 10/22. FYI, I am leaving Saturday morning. Have to come back and take our turn at watching Daves kids. Should I post up about how you are giving a talk Sunday and that everyone here can watch it live on YouTube? Or is that secret?
  20. This is the correct procedure whenever you deal with the LEO's. Don't make up shit, they are professional liar detectors. They do it all day every day, they are way better at it than you are.
  21. So with ABS you have to completely rethink emergency braking. For years you have trained your self to push the brakes and 'feel' the bike so you don't slide. You now do it without thinking, it is instinct. With ABS, in a panic/emergency stop that needs to change. You jam both of them on as hard as you can and let the computer take care of business. You will stop MUCH faster. So, if you didn't feel the ABS kick in, you were not stopping as fast as you could have. Obviously it worked out fine, but maybe next time it wont. Go out and practice. You will be amazed how much faster you can stop. In fact test it. Hit a speed and pick a marker on the side of the road and do your usual instinct stop. Then go back and do it my way.
  22. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Jesus I would think you of all people could get a doctor's note that you are sick and need rest for a few days.
  23. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Don't you have a phone that needs updating? http://www.zdnet.com/article/hold-off-on-updating-to-ios-10-its-breaking-iphones-and-ipads/?ftag=TREc64629f&bhid=23250526
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