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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    Church carry

    I am sure Satan has noted that now and you can expect both.
  2. I vote no f'ing way. http://i.imgur.com/cEzskNU.gifv
  3. Tonik

    Church carry

    Hell is different for everyone, it's very personal. Yours is to be stuck on the Kings Island entrance road and when you turn around and go to the other end there is another dumbass there at the ticket gate. Turn around, rinse lather repeat.
  4. Tonik

    ABS or Pass?

    I also think there were adjustments to the Connie system in newer models based on the bitching.
  5. Tonik

    ABS or Pass?

    Same here, but in Tim's defense...I now recall many peeps on the Connies bitching about that. Their link is different than mine even though they are both Kaw's. I trail brake a lot and there is no real dive.
  6. Tonik

    ABS or Pass?

    I do that, a lot. You are just dragging the back a bit, which means the front is hardly even on. I don't see any nose dive worth mentioning.
  7. Tonik

    ABS or Pass?

    Kinda like this, only backwards.
  8. Tonik

    ABS or Pass?

    In most cases yes, or there are other ways...usually very easy but how is bike specific. On mine there is a fuse under the right seat cover but I have never done it. I am going to assume it is because you want to stunt once in awhile....but other than that I view disabling it as a bad idea. EDIT: I can see disabling it for the track too, at least in the case where the ABS is also linked as mine is.
  9. Tonik

    ABS or Pass?

    Interesting. On mine there was no change, never even thought about it until this thread.
  10. Tonik

    ABS or Pass?

    Oh please, everything on an BMW is more expensive to work on, more complicated and more prone to failure. It is no coincidence that BMW and Duc both have three letters.
  11. I have gotten several of the 'wrong number' charity calls the last few weeks. Seems to me they are just robo dialing numbers and guess at a name and go the 'maybe you can help me' line.
  12. Tonik

    Church carry

    ^ You are going to hell. Your eternity will be spent on a Harley with open pipes, no helmet and a straight flat road that never ends. And of course it will be as hot as, well, hell.
  13. Tonik

    ABS or Pass?

    Anyone arguing against ABS on a bike will be using the same arguments people used years ago when they first showed up on cars. Those arguments back then were just as retarded as they are today. No, you can not stop your bike faster than a computer because you have been riding all your life and you are really good. It won't even be close. You need to stop, you just jam them on and it stops. I can not believe how much faster I can stop the bike...and I have been riding a long time. I was sure I was one of those guys that really knew where the edge was. I wasn't even close to being as good as the brakes. I almost missed a stop sign last summer, it was half hidden behind a tree and I was half being a dumbass. Or maybe 1/4 hidden 3/4 dumbass. When I saw it I was doing 40, I swear I wasn't more than 4 or 5 bike lengths from it. I just grabbed both brakes with all I had, felt the ABS kick in and it just stopped on a dime. I have never gotten a bike to stop like that it was amazing. There are no disadvantages, the weight is minimal. All of the gear for mine is under the right side panel...the little tiny panel below my seat. Can't be much more than 10 lbs of shit under there. It's just some aluminum manifolds and solenoids controlled by the ECU.
  14. I got my room, Casper has his. No they are not the same room, I hate roommates and I hate Casper.
  15. Boy that sounds like a real extreme event. And I find it pretty hard to believe it was running on one cylinder and you never noticed. Get a compression gauge from the local auto parts store, they have loaners and recheck that part first.
  16. Only on OR can a thread pivot from a fake story about a crazy motorcycle law to anal sex.
  17. Then there was the great Newlywed Game cover up. For years there was a rumor of Bob asking a question on the Newlywed Game: 'Where was the oddest place you ever had sex'...or something to that effect was the claim. It was claimed the wife said something to the effect of 'Up the butt Bob'. Snopes went to great lengths to discredit it, even contacting Bob about it. He denied it ever happened. Snopes declared it false, there was massive debate and questioning their methods and conclusion. Snopes held their ground. Then one day they re-ran the episode. She said 'In the ass, Bob'. Took Snopes some time to correct the story, and they rewrote it to make themselves look less stupid.
  18. Tonik

    Masonary advise

    As for sealing, they make special sealers that are 'cure and seal' at the same time. They are for new concrete. Others that just seal, yea wait a month.
  19. Tonik

    Masonary advise

    He isn't a mason damn it. Mason's work in brick and stone. He is a concrete guy.
  20. Tonik

    Masonary advise

    Yes caulk it. I don't see water being an issue but its cheap easy insurance.
  21. Snopes is fake. https://www.facebook.com/notes/billy-martin/proof-snopescom-is-fake-can-not-be-used-for-the-truth/573901245964384/
  22. And I will take you to the airport, you can ride bitch on the back of the couch.
  23. So, big raise..more time off. Buy your bike back, see you at the gap. And if she drops the kids you can just park it and fly home for that, then go back and get the bike.
  24. I am with you on that one.
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