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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Could always have my son give me access.
  2. Not that I can see, but I didn't try very hard.
  3. All you gotta do is fumble around a little, look like you are going to fuck it up and he will yell at you and grab the wrenches from you and finish it up.
  4. On the text box typing thing...yea the keyboard popping up is annoying but that is the way it is on most phones and websites. When that happens you can touch the area above the keyboard and scroll the webpage back up a bit. Also hold the phone landscape instead of portrait and that helps. I see that alot on my phone. For new posts there is a link on every page that says 'unread content'. If you click that I think you will be happy. You can customize that to exclude shit you don't want. Look at the custom 'my activity' options.
  5. The lady with the Masters in English in the room next to me says you are a dumbass.
  6. Take for a short two block spin. See if the rotors get real hot, and if the noise goes away. Be careful.
  7. And its never too late. I was a financial disaster in my early 30's.
  8. I should add, it sounds like a daunting task. But when you get started it multiplies on itself. It gets easier and happens faster.
  9. Short answer is to live conservative and think long term. Our house is nothing huge, never owned a McMansion. 3 bedroom bungalow with a tiny lot that we paid 130K for 13 years or so ago. We remodeled slowly but surely, paying each item off one at a time. In fact we just did the kitchen this summer. Prior to that we lived in a three bedroom townhouse, raised my kid in it. He is fine. We lived there a long time too...walked away with a lot of cash from it and banged it down on the house. By not constantly moving from McMansion to McMansion we saved boatloads of money. We pay our cars off and drive the hell out of them, never buy a new one until we can easily bang half down. Mines a 2011 Elantra, your basic sedan, paid for. Hers is 2014 Subaru Impreza, it's loaded out but we get VIP pricing from Subaru. It is also paid for, we financed like 8K on it. I love guns, and I own exactly two. A hand cannon for home defense and a pocket revolver for carry. I don't have 15 other guns, instead I have that cash. I don't buy Xbox games I rent them. I didn't buy the Xbox One until it was out a year and dropping in price. I just threw my snow blower away, I bought it when we moved in here. Sucker is old and crappy looking but it worked. I don't need headlights and heated grips and shit on a snow blower. Long as it blows or is reasonably easy to fix.... I don't have to go to the Bahamas ever spring with all the other families that live in McMansions. We do real cool trips every 4 or 5 years instead. And do lots of trips on the bike the rest of the time, which are way cheaper. Don't eat out a lot. I buy computers and electronics one or two steps behind the latest and greatest. I bough my bike in 2013 at the end of the season, got a hell of a deal on it. Paid about half of it in cash and financed the rest. It was paid off in a year. I wanted and could afford a 30K goldwing. I bought a 15K Kawasaki Voyager, never hesitated and never regretted it. Investments are our retirement, they don't impact our daily lives at all.
  10. Me in front of Conrads tonight getting air. Only place I have been so far.
  11. I think you could get good attendance for that, a ride and restaurant afterwards perhaps or even no food. Although chit chatting afterwards seems like the 'meet' part. I would be in, keep me posted on the plan.
  12. You bastard, you made me click. He does my bike.
  13. Going to switch to the dark crappy side, just to get this app. So I can give all you asshats one star. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/peeple-the-yelp-for-people-app-launches/
  14. Because I am, as usual, correct.
  15. The fuel you burn first is carbs, which are stored in your blood and liver. If you eat in the morning and go jogging the carbs you burn will be from last night's dinner not from breakfast. It doesn't get there that fast.
  16. You don't know how hard he spun it.
  17. I hate diagnosing sounds over the interwebs, you can never tell how loud it actually is.
  18. Jason, make him throw in the Top Gun poster.
  19. That's an old study, I am certain Obamacare fixed that issue.
  20. Apparently I am the only one that thinks this is normal. All my Kaw's have done that, can hear it when I push it out of the garage. Noisy as fuck front brakes at low speed. Assuming it wasn't recently apart.
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