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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    House advice.

    You buy too many houses.
  2. Lol, the bikers were driving like maniacs on the freeway endangering everyone around them and then complain when the cops put them in danger. God I hate hypocrites.
  3. Well, look what google found. http://news.pickuptrucks.com/2014/04/nhtsa-closes-investigation-on-ford-ecoboost-issues.html
  4. I would change the Knuter valve also.
  5. Pauly will probably do it for 90 and toss in a handy.
  6. Just a joke, there was a run here on batteries for Triumphs. Happens to all bikes, batteries go. Triumphs are no worse on batteries as far as I have seen. But the way some of the Triumph owners here handled the situation was rather humorous.
  7. Ok, this is getting exciting. Real MC racing there would be awesome, and it makes sense. This guy is a developer, he is going to develop it to make money.
  8. If you buy it I will get you a battery. You will need it.
  9. Because any dumbass can work an auto parts counter. Its all computer driven turn and burn franchised BS.
  10. You got to give those two credit. They took a situation that would piss most people off and made it epic.
  11. Paul aka AttackPainter is a great choice, but have not seen him around in awhile. Hit his profile below and toss him a private message. He is on the east side of C-Bus. https://ohioriders.net/index.php?/profile/9022-attackpainter/
  12. Tonik

    We have a winner

    You had to edit that? Did you misspell 'tat'?
  13. The other thing to consider is that you can replace the risers (clamps) for the handle bars and get some that move it...usually up and back. That may be part of your solution, or all of it. Depends one what you are trying to do.
  14. Unfortunately no Yuppies were injured.
  15. Right under your name, it says Member. So I am gonna go with that.
  16. Cool, as a moderator it's part of my duties to verify Casper's fixes.
  17. Tonik

    Flat track

    Go during a race, talk to peeps in the pits?
  18. Doesn't matter what Jeep you asshats buy, my dick will still be bigger than yours.
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