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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Didnt Apple have major issues with their nav program? I doubt the car will find the Apple store.
  2. .....you are a man. If you have a vagina you are a woman FFS. It's not that hard. http://www.cleveland.com/nation/index.ssf/2015/10/third_option_besides_male_fema.html#incart_river_mobileshort_home
  3. Fear my Google-Fu 11/10 court date. He has like six felonies against him right now. Superior CARTERET TURNER,BRADLEY,RUSSELL http://www1.aoc.state.nc.us/www/calendars.Criminal.do?Next+25.x=23&Next+25.y=11&Next+25=Next+25&submit=Next+25&start=125&defendant=TURNER&navindex=5&court=BTH&county=999
  4. And how will they advertise it? They are blocking ads now in their OS. Another initiative idea that no one has ever done before. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-09-09/apple-s-ad-blocking-feature-is-sending-publishers-scrambling
  5. Oh. Pretty simple, the press eats up Apple announcements.. Last week or two Apple announce they will have an electric iCar by 2020. Very inventive of them, surprised no one ever thought of an electric car before now.
  6. Yep, as soon as it was dyno'd he said. Hope he doesn't go all Nivin on us.
  7. Yes, as the post above this one clearly demonstrates. Please print it out, tape it to a Clue by Four and have Carrie beat you with it until you get it. TIA.
  8. Peeling sticker on bed, leaking dish washer, dead battery in the bike. Is any of your shit not broke?
  9. Wooo, that means burn out videos are imminent.
  10. And why do the monkeys think that yelling will make their balls bigger?
  11. Yea, it is weird. How the hell do the monkeys know they have small balls compared to the rest of the monkeys. Why do they care? There are a million questions about this. It's also pretty darn cool info.
  12. I always thought it was to save lives. Science has proven us both wrong.
  13. Science says yes. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/10/23/us-science-monkeys-idUSKCN0SG23N20151023
  14. He already made up his mind. He made a fine choice. Don't turn this into a Brian or Nivin thread. Dude is just trying to sell his bike. Damn kids.
  15. Ok, it's yours just as soon as we are done hauling beer.
  16. Ok, I get the Triumph. It needs rescuing from the garage where it just sits. We can sell the trailer for scrap.
  17. Casper: Last Active Oct 17 2015 10:32 AM CbrGrl: Last Active Jan 11 2015 01:01 PM
  18. I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of my motives for getting this helmet. It has nothing to do with being able to communicate with people, in fact quite the opposite!!!
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