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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. You know the rules, pics or it didn't happen.
  2. This is your chance @durk In one instant you can do what is right for your community and prove Pauly wrong.
  3. I intentionally sat on responding for an hour or two so I could tone it down. If that is not effective I would encourage you to take the next response.
  4. You regularly ride your bike to southern Ohio in areas where the infection rate is spiking pretty rapidly, stopping for gas, some snacks and lunch. And even though you are careful you are surrounded by idiots not wearing masks. Then you come back to your safe little county, and don't wear a mask when you are around other people. You are the poster child for why people should wear masks, as are most of us.
  5. It doesn't say "looking intimidating", it says while commiting a crime or while causing intimidation, so a mask while robbing a bank or a KKK hood while marching.
  6. I think it worse than that. These people are relying on their cognitive bias to make decisions instead of making evidence and data based decisions. They vote the same way too.
  7. I followed him on that trip. Those bags are fast as hell, would recommend.
  8. Dayton is mandating masks, but unfortunately...... "Whaley said there will be exceptions, such as for children under 6 and people who are unable to wear masks because of medical conditions or developmental disabilities." ....the development disabilities exception will cover pretty much all the Covidiots. https://www.cleveland.com/open/2020/07/dayton-to-become-first-major-ohio-city-to-require-masks-in-public.html
  9. I have had horrible luck getting Wu Tang masks. Of the four I have ordered only one has shown up. Those type are pretty useless in the current environment anyway since no one else is wearing them. So I stick with KN95's now.
  10. Wonder how many of these Covidiots want to be operated on without the surgery team wearing masks.
  11. Holy crap anti's get your mask on!
  12. I do find it ironic that they can breath in this but claim they can't with a mask.
  13. I sincerely hope this guy does not die. But I wouldn't mind if some of his family members got it from him and he had to watch them die. https://thedailyrecord.com/2020/06/26/reopen-maryland-organizer-covid-19/
  14. I got my pants exempt card. Makes it easier for the Covidiots to blow me.
  15. Not really, below went across the state right when we would have been heading home. Right call man.
  16. Are you saying that the flu death rate the Covidiots have been tossing around are also irrelevant, or that they acounted for everyone that had the flu? 3 times as many people in the US have died in half a year from Covid vs the flu from all of last year. Even @TimTheAzn understands that math.
  17. 9AM, we would almost be there, and dry.
  18. Anyone else remember when the rallying cry for the self centered was that the death rate was less than the flu?
  19. 630 AM. Rain has passed, skies have cleared and the birds are out. No rain forecast for the rest of the day in NEO.
  20. Earlier today my friend Mike DeWine tweeted about wearing masks. I replied to him that he just needs to make them mandatory. My Twitter blew up man, it was awesome. The comments I got were as intelligent as the video above. I am totally going to troll them now. They go nuts. I have decide the anti mask people are clearly very self centered and only care about themselves. Some of them flat out said so. I also suspect many of them are flat earthers, they are that stupid.
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