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Everything posted by buildit

  1. My sister works there. The dumb ass shit she tells me about makes me certain they will never handle any of my money. Simple to say Chase is not for consumers of average means and their corporate heads (executives) are sociopaths. Wanna laugh? Just search Chase on You Tube!
  2. Who knew that getting dark early could have such an upside? :-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1PpuzNJGjo
  3. It's so old I have it on VCR tape! Might wanna check out On Any Sunday, Terra Circa and Mundo Enduro.
  4. I can't wait till Cabelas is done so I can get into some reloading for the 45-70 and .308. Maybe even the 9mm if I really get into it. Lord knows I got lots of brass.
  5. Fun, well as Hickock says, "all guns are fun". But for a .22 semi auto it worked real smoothly. As I said in the video I've only ever had a Barretta .22 and it sucked, jammed constantly. The M&P has a fixed barrel and is very light but only had one jam when a round failed to fire. The fixed barrel design is also supposed to be more accurate. At 40ft it was keeping up with my Ruger single six.
  6. Gotta love friends who stop by with new toys. S&W M&P .22 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oc81TCyPlAI And some cool old ammo:D
  7. Ever seen someone who just came out of the bathroom dragging a little extra behind them? This just made me laugh on the way home today. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OvARWGEQJc
  8. Just in case.... http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=C1CrEqDO2UKGmDs6a6wHt8oGACJCdnrQCoL6Ltz7AwcWxRwgFEAEguVQoBVDhiIKWB2DJhoCAxKT8EMgBB6oEI0_QUXmyTUQxUf_qu7VvatfInCLh3xL0Vojb5e8Laj4eBjV-gAWQTsAFBaAGJuASvo_wjrfY2K5o&sig=AOD64_3QydxTOmx3X84U54ZxJJcc2k3UDA&ctype=5&ved=0CDkQww8&adurl=http://www.batteryspec.com/cgi-bin/cart.cgi%3Faction%3Dlink%26product%3D18G9
  9. Sounds like everyone here needs a dirt bike, no battery required.
  10. No, I think the point is there is no sucking because he can't reach
  11. When it comes to MC maintenance anything you can do your self is $$$ in your pocket, anything a friend does is a favor waiting to be called in and anything a shop does is $$$ you didn't have but will spend because they did it.
  12. I think I found your answer: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=ohio%20domestic%20abuse%20laws&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CEAQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ohiolegalservices.org%2Fpublic%2Flegal_problem%2Fdomestic-violence%2Fdomestic-violence%2Fcriminal-domestic-violence%2Fqandact_view&ei=FuyyUNe3EYeH0QHCpYGIBA&usg=AFQjCNG8hQsdgbtd4QkOew6fPNX576or_Q Can the police arrest both parties—the man and the woman—for domestic violence? Yes, but Ohio law strongly discourages that practice. Under Ohio’s preferred arrest law, in cases where law enforcement officers determine that both the man and the woman committed domestic violence, the officer should determine which party is the “primary physical aggressor.” RC 2935.03(B)(3)(b). Law enforcement officers are not prohibited from arresting both persons who engage in domestic violence against each other, but in most cases the officer should only arrest the primary physical aggressor. In determining which person is the primary physical aggressor, the officer should consider the following factors:
  13. Paging Meef to the crime and advice phone... I'll also ask on another forum to see if an LEO can confirm.
  14. In Ohio I believe that neither party needs to file a complaint if there is visual evidence of abuse. I'm sure an actual LEO could confirm this.
  15. Seems silly but I'l get to done before the night is over. In the mean time it's a 30 round mag. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKatfN46hmU
  16. Yeah, that's where my yard extends into Texas I think.
  17. Ignorance is bliss until you find out how ignorant you are.
  18. So if 33 round magazines are illegal in Ohio, why are they sold in Ohio gun stores?
  19. It's an ATV. Great another four wheeler for those who can't ride off road on two wheels.
  20. I believe the final count is over 50% of the USA meet the criteria of idiot.
  21. Tell them you are on Ohio Rider time which everyone knows means it only happens when the weather is nice out.
  22. I hear they increased store security this year
  23. Using a carbon canister can adsorb the moisture from the air at an amazing rate but the down side is if the fuel gets in there it will ruin the carbon bed and clog air flow.
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