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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Asshat attorney wanna-be's.... I like mine. I don't really care if anyone else likes it or thinks it's a twin, it works for me. I don't blast down the highway at triple digits, and when I go to the track it's to watch cars go real fast in a quarter mile... It's "heavy" compared to a "real" sportbike, but that also makes it a lot more stable on the highway. It's smooth, gets 50+ mpg in mixed city/highway riding, looks good to my eyes, and my old body appreciates the upright riding position.
  2. Like Women's Hockey? Watching the Canada ("the best team") /Finland match last night, they may have 'athletic ability' but it sure isn't in hockey.
  3. "Fat chicks need lovin', too" "It's like a ride at the wet 'n wild" "Don't ever 69 with a fat chick - if you <happen> to bring 'em to orgasm: Whooomp! You'll need a snorkel to breathe" "Wait 'til she pees and head upstream"
  4. "I've got Pepperidge Farm Cookies - Mint Milano"
  5. #1 - False. Try finding someone that can habla ingles at a McDonalds. #2 - Completely believable. Wal-Mart employee's I.Q. typically = 2 above plant life #3 - False - what are these "floppy drives" of which you speak? #4 - Completely believable. #5 - Was the intern female, cute and at least 17? Hired! #6 - Jeez.
  6. Auslogics Duplicate File Finder (click) Searches for audio, video, images, archives (e.g. .zip), and programs. Search on name and/or date-time and/or file size. Optionally will create an MD5 hash of each file and then compare 'em all, finds dupes even if they aren't named the same - as music files often are (or aren't as the case may be). Windows only, XP, 2000, Vista, Windows 7 (and Server 2000, 3, and 8). 32 & 64 bit versions available. $ Free (as in beer).
  7. "toke" ?? I didn't like it at first, had to use the patch to start smoking...
  8. michelin made in france france = fail ergo, michelin = fail. Yes, I'm "one of those people" who don't like france. Useless country, rude people (before you ask, the answer is Yes, I have been there). Italy, Switzerland, Monaco = nice people.
  9. jblosser


    what happened to the typing kitteh?
  10. If it's one of theose MyBook things: unplug everything, put a paperclip in the hole in the back, power it up, keep the paperclip on the button until the LED on the front comes on, then let go of the paperclip. Viola: User/pass are wiped out but files are preserved.
  11. gets you into developer mode on the Pre.
  12. To quote Red Forman: "dumbass".
  13. Last step in any project: Blame the innocent, promote the guilty.
  14. Inya stole my thunder: I'm from the school of thought that "if it ain't broke, don't break it". Upgrades should be done for compelling reasons: - The new version fixes problems that the current version has and/or - The new version adds features/functionality that you want AND need and/or - The current version is out of support Things to think about: - How will the look/feel/functionality of the new release/software compare to what the users (us) have now? - What would the impact on the users be, e.g downtime, learning curve, etc. - Can ORdotNET (you) afford an upgrade/different software? If you're paying maintenance and/or licensing fees, what would the costs be going forward? - Will the hardware you currently have support the new system? (I <will> be hitting the data center this weekend to wipe/rebuild one or two 1U HP systems for ya)
  15. Added to my cart at Amazon. With the cold weather, packets are slower going through teh intarwebs and thus a torrent would take too long. I have multiple certs, so I know this to be a fact....!
  16. I'd start the debate about spending $hundreds/weekend on track days but being too cheap to buy a video but I'm busy right now, plus I may or may not have torrented things myself. Allegedly...
  17. Both DVDs for $38.06 at Amazon.com Both DVDs plus the original book, $51.63 at Amazon.com Just sayin'.
  18. What's with posting motorcycles here? I thought this was a snow, politics, and guns forum?
  19. @CBRzach: huh? edit: nevermind, comments to the 10tv "news" story. those are usually/always populated by idiots.
  20. jblosser


    <smartass> It's snowing well in Columbus, falling from the sky to the ground, just as it should. </smartass>
  21. Suzuki Nightster, fork gaiters and all, plus realistic sized gas tank, minus the turn signal/brake light combo, cool sleeveless t-shirts, and anorexic-thin or obese-fat broad on the back... I would slap a different fender on it. A larger engine would have been nice, but it looks pretty good in this man's eyes.
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