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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. ZOMFG OBAMA WANTS TO BAN ALL GUNS!!!!!11!!1! Better? he does, btw, you just can't use this video to show it. ...I thought this Breitbart fella got hisself murdered by Obama's henchmen a week or two ago?
  2. Disclaimer: I am most assuredly NOT a fan of President Obama nor of Mr. Holder... The title of the video (and of the thread) "Brainwash people against guns" is disingenuous at best. I watched the video, and then watched it a second time to make sure: Nowhere does Mr. Holder suggest "brainwashing people against guns". The point he was trying to get across was that youths, and in particular male, urban youths (read black teenage males) think guns are "cool" due to what they see in "media/the entertainment industry" (rap videos, etc.) and was proposing that an effort be made to make them "uncool" to the target audience (black, teenage males). Yes, I would imagine that Messrs. Obama and Holder would like to whittle away if not entirely eviscerate the 2nd Ammendment, but this video (from 16 years ago) did not capture him saying anything of the sort. *** edit: NRA member, Ohio and Utah CHL licensee, and until the horrible smelting accident I may or may not have owned and used firearms...
  3. netbook = tablet with real keyboard, sorta. Just about as easy to tote around. Jr.'s netbook runs rings around his iPad and my tablet, and the netbook's 2~ish years old.
  4. i'd hit it (them)...with a meat hammer Oh, and this thread's title courtesy of the Department of Redundancies Department.
  5. Sounded like the North side of Columbus (161/Sharon Woods/Karl Road area) on New Year's... As always, "Stay classy, Detroit." /staying in Westerville next year
  6. not her brother's, ya freaky Brit...
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYDfwUJzYQg
  8. sooo, that'd be 3 of the 4 that own a computer?
  9. Just a thought: Whatever you end up getting, also buy the cheapest money clip you can find, put $7 or $8 bucks in it so that it appears you're carrying a semi-wad of cash. Keep the money clip separate from your "real" wallet, and in the off-chance someone tries to mug you, toss the money clip to them - it may satiate them and you'll escape unharmed, minus the $7 or $8 bucks and the cost of the clip. * note to anyone who wants to mug me: if my kid's with me you're gettin' popped. Period.
  10. You've obviously never owned an Audi. If you had owned one, you would have written "...as if Ducati's didnt need enough repairs already." WAIT! I'm going to post my A8 for sale on here soon. mods, please delete this post before any potential buyers of my fine automobile read this...
  11. Call the Mt. Sterling cops, tell 'em your squirrel won't go to school. Or, live trap w/peanut butter on a piece of cardboard. Mr. Squirrel hops in in the morning, trapped in there all day on a metal roof in the sun, by the time you get home, just dump Mr. (dead) Squirrel in the trash can.
  12. L-R: MT, UP, Casper, Shitty, Gen3
  13. Nevermind. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder (black), appointed by U.S. President Obama (half-black) swore Mueller in for a 2 year extension after the President asked Congress to approve legislation allowing him to stay past the 10 year limit. Guess the F.B.I.'s not racist, and this Weddington fella's just a crook. Shoulda figured that out when I saw the "(D)" next to his name...
  14. I poop in the afternoon or evening, unless I drink too much coffee. I've had enough of this bitching about bitching - back to normal Ohio Gun Owners and Cop Action Second-Guessing.com talk, please.
  15. was the "tall white guy...." causing a disturbance/inducing panic/robbing the store? I see no probable cause to search your car; fruit of the poisonous tree and all that law gibberish. I could be wrong, though, and it wouldn't be the first time.
  16. Damn racist, Republican F.B.I... Director Mueller was appointed in 2001 by G. W. Bush, and is only supposed to have a 10 year term. Hmmm...
  17. Wouldn't seem to me to take much more looking than "are all of the doors shut completely, and are all of the windows intact" to determine whether or not any vehicles had been tampered with. What is the officer going to be able to tell by looking inside the vehicle? How would (s)he know what (if anything) was missing? btw, I am normally 100% behind law enforcement officers - this just sounds kinda funny. Probably just doing their job, but you never know.
  18. Sounds like they were casing your and your neighbor's stuff for future "late night shopping" endeavors. * edit: that's assuming your drunk @ss is remembering the events as they actually occurred...
  19. Michael J. Brinkman, C.P.A. 870 High Street Worthington OH 43085 614.885.6195 Not sure if he does business returns, but you can ask.
  20. I searched ORdN for "slickguns", found nothing; searched ORdN for "guns" and my browser done blowed up...
  21. jblosser

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