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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/24/justice/california-fake-rifle-boy-killed/index.html?hpt=ju_c2 Looks like an airsoft rifle with the orange tip cut off. Thoughts? The official report is that the officers took cover behind the cruiser doors and ordered the kid to drop it. Instead he turned to face them. A witness claims the officers didn't say anything to the kid, just shot him from inside the car - He further added that he was too far away to hear if any words were spoken (but still knows that nothing was said?) Hopefully the officers were smart enough to nose the cruiser towards the kid and have a good video showing what actually happened. The rifle the kid was holding looks just like the real one.
  2. Don't need to. Judges know that prior offenses are irrelevant and juries are not told about them for a reason.
  3. There you go again adding your own twisted interpretation as if it was gospel. "panicked"? Seriously? She was advancing on him, he was backing away. That != panic.
  4. Wait... Are you saying the power disparity between this man and woman is equal to the power disparity between you and a 4yo girl? That would make you about as big as an 11yo boy.
  5. "Beating" a woman is different to "hitting" a woman. "Beating" connotes an attack initiated on a innocent party. "Hitting" means striking, and can be offensive or defensive in nature.
  6. Better to compare a claymore to a katana. SHE did zero damage? How do you know? Because he shows no sign of incapacitation? HE did serious damage? How do you know? She knows no sign of incapacitation. While sparring I get punches thrown at me all the time. 95% of them do no "damage" as I am able to deflect, avoid etc. Does that mean the punch was not intended to do, and capable of doing, harm? Why do you insist on thinking that you are some big strong dude that is incapable of being harmed by a woman? I wanna see you in the ring with madcat's wife. That would be a joy to watch.
  7. Keep your misogynistic stereotypes to yourself. I know plenty girls that could knock your nose on to the side of your head, daffy-duck style. Grown woman != "little girl". Nobody should hit anybody. period. full stop. amen. Gender is irrelevant. If someone attacks you you do what is needed to stop the attack. With multiple attackers the thing you do needs to be quick and leave you free to deal with the next person. A punch to the face is a great way to quickly take the fight out of someone without serious injury,
  8. Upon what do you base your assumption that she is incapable of inflicting harm? The right-hand that she landed - was is a slap, a punch or an eye-gouge?
  9. Karate is not all kicks. In fact the more I spar the less I kick unless I set it up first. Too slow. To the untrained eye there very little visual difference between flailing arms and clear/press/cupped-hand strike.
  10. I'm telling you that small size can be an advantage. A smaller, lighter person can use speed and accuracy. Is a claymore better than a katana?
  11. You're becoming ridiculous again.
  12. Her gender is not relevant to the question of how reasonable deadly force would be in this situation.
  13. Ask you insurance about the impact of insuring a car with a rebuilt title. You may need to jump through extra hoops of proving the true condition of the car. Also, you need to understand what to expect any insurance payout to be if it gets wrecked again.
  14. Common sense dictates that there is a time and a place for using it - on the way to an urgent call getting critical information about the scene, sure. Putzing your way back to the cop shop after a call? Stop and use the MDT.
  15. If you have liability only then your insurance will only pay the legal fees associated with any liability on your part. Please tell me which insurance company will handle your claim against a 3rd party when you have liability only.
  16. Absolutely. You mess with a bull, you get the horns. Claiming frailty doesn't count for squat when YOU are the aggressor.
  17. +1 If I want to see the game I'll put it on the TV. Better angles, closer view etc.
  18. Emergency vehicles are not held to the electronic device law due to their MDTs. Causing an accident is not a charge in and of itself. They dinged him for ACDA. I'm surprised they didn't get him for Failure to Maintain Control, Failure to devote Full Time and Attention. TBH I'm sure if it was a civilian that hit a cop they'd have found their way to a Vehicular Assault charge by arguing that he was driving "recklessly". Did they ever explain why he didn't see the bike? I bet they don't, as that admission would be the basis for the VA charge. Whether someone is "seriously" hurt or not is a pretty amorphous definition. Any injury that is likely to cause death is the accepted definition. Would their injures have been potentially fatal if not treated?
  19. Someone who drives a Subaru.
  20. Opinion noted, and heartily disagreed with. You don't know how you will react when attacked until you are attacked. You can sit there and say that you would have swatted her punches/slaps arms aside playfully until her arms get tired, but "fight or flight" mode reduces fine motor skills and higher level thinking. Don't forget.... 'Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.' - Mike Tyson
  21. Would you be happier if he threw some 'bows?
  22. I was on a plane earlier this year and I looked out the window and saw we were only 50 feet from another plane. Then they backed us away from the gate.
  23. a) Irrelevant b) You're taking the media version as gospel
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