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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. At least they quote their sources so you can check for yourself. Do the math... How does one get a $4k no-insurance penalty in 2014 while only earning $45-55k?
  2. Copay for what? A doctor's visit? A doctor's visitn is usually $80-$160 How can the copay be 200?
  3. Snopes to the rescue again... http://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/penalty.asp
  4. Next question... Family members of the person who is in a coma/paralyzed have stated that "he didn't know the rest of the people in the group and was only stopping to help the SUV driver" Well, multiple questions: 1) What makes them think he tried to help the SUV driver? What kind of "help" is he giving the SUV driver by being in front of the SUV? 2) Is it more likely that he was helping the person who was knocked off his bike? (note I didn't say "biker") 3) Is it equally likely that he was taking part in the initial attack on the SUV? What evidence do they have that indicates what was doing? 4) The $64,000 question.... Did his bike have its license plate on? If his license plate was removed then I would refuse to believe he was not part of the ride. Maybe he DID stop to help the idiot who got knocked off his bike... Maybe he even stopped to help teh SUV driver... Regardless, once a mob starts attacking his car he has every right to punch it out of there. They're lucky they did this in NY - if they did it in Texas they'd probably have be shot. This is a good example of not just "mob mentality" but why you should not allow yourself to be caught up in the moment and make assumptions. I wonder how many of those riders knew that the person knocked off his bike was at fault? Maybe those attacking the SUV thought they were stopping a hit-run driver from fleeing? Doesn't matter - for the patient in the coma we are only judging the SUV driver's actions - and from what I can see in the videos released so far I don't have any problem with what he did.
  5. I can see it. Very bare-bones, no real content.
  6. Scruit


    My wife pledged $30 to a company that we promising gourmet candies. 4 months later they disappeared. Facebook, twitter etc all gone. Contact info dead-end. Kickstarter refused any refunds. Amazon merchant services (who you pay kickstarter through) said "talk to your CC company". CC companies are all say; "4 months is too long, sorry." The scammers made about $10k.
  7. Holy crap, this thread is so old Ben must have had to load it from a 5.25" disk.
  8. Dare I ask if I am part of the annoying group?
  9. Remodelling the garage is not an easy solution. Cut out switch and a transponder immobilizer would work much better. In an old car I have I made an immobilizer that interrupted the clutch switch. I used a pair or relays that would reset to "armed" when the key was removed. When the key was put in the ignition the first relay would be activated by pressing a hidden switch. Pressing the switch activated the second relay which fed back into the first relay keeping both relays "latched" (stuck on). The switched side of the second relay was inline with the clutch safety switch so the car would refuse to start if you didn't press the secret button. The secret button on my old car was actually attached to the handbrake lever, UNDER the leather boot. I could press it with my thumb by putting my hand ont he lever. Nobody ever noticed it. I still have that relay pair setup. I need to install it into my current car. It only cost me about $15.
  10. Makes sense. If they strip it in a "safe" location then all the GPS will do is let you recover the carcass more quickly.
  11. GPS may not be a reliable option for you based upon cell coverage also. The "several hours" thing is not as much of an issue if you use a system like mine where it uploads every minute and I can track the history. If my truck gets stolen and winds up stripped and in the desert then I'm sure they will have found the GPS - however they will have found it while they were dismantling the truck at the chop shop. The history will show the route they took to the chop shop and it being there foe an hour or two, then the signal goes dead. In my bike the gps tracker's labels are all removed and replaced with professional looking labels that say; "PowerBuddy Engine Control Unit v2 - DL650 PowerBuddy Performance, Manchester, UK" They will find it very quickly, hopefully they think it's like a power commander and leave it alone for a while. In my car the label says; "You're busted. Sit tight, the cops will be with you in a few minutes."
  12. New law: If you injure someone while driving drunk, on illegal drugs, or on prescription/OTC medications that tell you not to drive, then you get 40 years in jail and must server every day of those 40 years. However, as I am a lenient kind of guy, I'll let you buy your freedom back, but it's cost you an arm and a leg. No, I mean it. You get 10 years off your sentence for every limb you let us amputate. Ok, more realistically.... A fatality or severe injury caused while drunk, on illegal drugs or driving on medications that advise against driving (assuming the impairment is the proximate cause of the crash) should net you enough jail time that nobody would ever do it. If the OMVI driver is not at fault in the crash then they are processed as if they were simply pulled over. How about: - Automatic year in jail to start with: - Add one year of jail for every day, or part of a day, the victim is in the hospital until they are released alive up to a maximum of 10 years. - Multiple victims add up, so two victims in the hospital for 1 day each = 2 years. - If any victim dies then you get life in prison as they were never released alive. - If any victim suffers temporary disablement (defined as not being able to continue working in the job they were working in, or no longer drive a vehicle identical to the one they were driving at the time of the accident) then you get one additional year for every month they are disabled. - If they are permanently disabled then you get 10 years. - They they die you get life. - If you hit/run and there was an injury you get life regardless of how minor the injury was. Examples: - OMVI pulls out in front of a bike. Rider goes down, but does not go the hospital. Driver gets automatic one year in jail. - OMVI sidewipes a bike, rider spends 2 days in hospital. Is able to return to riding immediately. Driver gets automatic one year, plus 2 years for the hospital stay = 3 years. - OMVI driver rear-ends a bike. Rider spends on week in hospital, 4 months recover before he can ride again. Automatic 1 year, plus 7 years for the hospital stay, plus 4 years for the recovery = 12 years. - OMVI driver t-bones a rider. Rider loses leg. Driver gets automatic 1 year + 10 years. - OMVI driver hits and kills rider. Driver gets automatic 1 year + life. - OMVI driver runs from an accident he caused = Life.
  13. I bought 4 Meitrack VT310 GPS trackers and installed them in my car, my wife's car, my bike etc, my truck. They cost me $115 each from ebay, Then I went to Consumer Cellular and got 4 SIM cards all attached to the same account with a really low level data plan. Enough data allowance to get minute-by-minute updates of location costs about $75/mo total for all 4. I could drop that to about 60/mo if I only wanted locations every 5 minutes. If a vehicle is stolen I could send the tracker an SMS message telling it to bump up to 1 minute updates. I then downloaded and installed OpenGTS - a linux-based opensource GPS tracking webserver. Each of the VT310 trackers is configured with a "device id" (1,2,3,4) and the ip address of my webserver to send location updates to. The webserver listens on that IP and receives those messages from the trackers, and knows which vehicle it using the id number, and plots the current location (and as much history as you have hard drive space) on an interactive map. (I think it uses Bing). If the webserver or IP has problems, I can track using SMS. For 4 vehicles, total cost was $460, about 1-2 hours install each and $75/mo for tracking (could be 60) For 1 vehicle it would be $115, 1-2 hours install and about $30/mo for tracking. Now, I have no clue what the cellphone coverage is like out there. And I'm assuming they did not strip the truck out in the desert but instead took it to a chop shop first. If it went to a chop shop then that GPS track will sink the chop shop operation for good. If the vehicle is stolen for a joyride and dumped intact, you get it back. If it get stolen and hidden somewhere they you get it back. Even if hidden inside a building, you will get a good track up to the door of the building. If it is stolen and is still being driven around you can direct police to it. Car theives in the UK are wise to GPS. They will steal a car and leave it parked normally in a side street a few miles from the theft location where they can keep an eye on it. After a week they steal it again and take it to the chop shop. This gives GPS owners time to locate and recover their vehicle before it is chopped.
  14. If I got a car alarm installed by someone the first thing I'd do when I got home would be to run through the keyfob programming sequence again - deprogramming all existing keyfobs and only reprogramming the ones I had. Of course if my car is left at any shop for more than 30 minutes they could get the key copied and program a new fob into the car, so really I should do that whenever I get the car worked on. My car is not special enough to be worth it though.
  15. The property damage and personal injury should be separate claims. You can close out the bike claim and keep the injury claim open until you know the full extent fo your injuries. Some injuries show up days after the accident. Most of the time you're fine. Don't let them bully you into a quick settlement - THEY are the only people who benefit from that.
  16. I'll tell you what inhibits my ability to hear emergency vehicles.... Unattenuated wind noise.
  17. Do you have your own insurance company on this? Do you have collision coverage? Is YES, then file a claim against your own insurance and let THEM fight it out. They will represent you better than you can represent yourself. If you are liability only then you'll just have to run with it. With the witness saying the turn started, and the 911 call backing that up, if they rule against you then you should fight it. And buy a dashcam. Check ebay for "GS1000 Orange menu"
  18. I'm sure they could. I'll take my chances. Here's how the story goes:
  19. I've worked on a steel mill and I know that I could hear conversations better in a loud environment with earplugs that without. When it's really loud you exceed your ear's ability to hear any more sound. It's the human form of audio clipping on a microphone (where the sound you are recording is too loud and comes through distorted) Reduce the overall sound level and you restore the ear's ability to discriminate.
  20. It is illegal. Minor Misdemeanor (like a speeding ticket) http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.84 You would have to REALLY piss off a cop for him to write you for it. I got pulled over last year doing about 80 in a 50 zone. I removed my helmet and earplugs right in front of him and he didn't bat an eye.
  21. The ticket is cheaper than a set of hearing aids. I can hear emergency vehicles just fine. In fact I can hear them sooner than cars because I'm just in a helmet not in a car, and I don't have music going. How well do you think you can hear an emergency siren after an hour or two of riding and all you can see is the eeeeeeeee of tinnitus. Maybe I should get a doctor's note stating that riding without ear plugs gives me tinnitus which impairs my hearing. I need ear plugs to prevent tinnitus.
  22. I swear by ear plugs. EAR brand (the traditional yellow ones made from memory foam - not the newer tapered / round tip ones). I can discern noises from the wind noise just as easily with the ear plugs as without - actually more easily.
  23. Can I video that attempt and youtube it? I'll call it "Stupid guy frantically hanging off the side of a bike as it plows forward uncontrollably into the tire barrier". I'll make thousands of dollars from the youtube ads.
  24. Define quickly, so we're all on the same page. Quickly enough to turn at an intersection on a 35mph road?
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