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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. Headline is "What caused two 747s to almost collide?". Subtitle is "How 747's came 100 feet from crashing". Picture that in your head. 100 feet from crashing... Then watch the video: http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/us/2013/10/22/tsr-pkg-airliners-almost-collide-lawrence.cnn.html The closest the planes got to each other was 3 MILES. Yes, miles. They had 100 feet of vertical separation, sure, but they were both going in the same direction move than 5 miles apart so that is ok. They got closer than 5mi, were told to steer apart, but they both accidentally steered the wrong way. They were told to steer away and they did. But never came within 3 miles of each other. Where the hell does CNN get "100 feet from crashing"?
  2. Have many chicks have you punched?
  3. Adding fuel to the fire - another angle: One the one hand, it shows that she was wildly swinging at his face, slapping him with her right hand a split second before he punched her. On the other hand, it shows that he had plenty of time to see it was a girl that was hitting him, and that he even stepped forward into the punch. I'm still 50/50, slightly on his side. She was approaching him swinging punches while he was backing away - he reached a point where he chose to step right, forward and clock her one in the face. I can't say she didn't deserve it. How many times does he have to left her hit him before he hits back? Would it be any better if he put her in a wrist/arm lock? Took her to the ground with an armlock? (I know it would be a bad idea due to multiple assailants, too distracting for him) Must he stand there deflecting blows until security tells them; "We gotta lock up and go home guys"? If it was me I'd probably have stepped left and put the brunette between me and her. Multiple assailants? Put one between you and the other, deal with one at a time.
  4. I know that was directed at Magz, but I will answer for myself... Before graduation high school, plenty. My last fight hospitalized me for a few days when the guy I was fighting pretended to give up to get me to drop my guard then sucker-punched me, broke my cheek and nose with a signle blow of his fist (MAGZ), and I grew up a lot during those few days in the hospital bed. It used to be nothing to me respond to any perceived physical assault with an all-out fight, but I learned quickly that the older you get the more damage you do, and have done to you. Nowadays I train hard in karate, JJ, Krav, knife fighting and gun-totin'. These days I have much more to lose and avoid confrontation as much as I can, but I also don't hang out at sports events, bars, frat parties or road rage people, so I haven not been in a fistfight outside of a sparring ring since I was 18. I'm going to be 40 next year. I spar regularly with all belt levels (I am brown) and spend as much time kicking ass as I spend getting my ass kicked. I've seen students at the dojo with broken noses, ribs, cheeks, arms, ankles etc, and that is from training. I have no illusions that a punch/kick is incapable of f*cking you up big style when you do it for real.
  5. We can't tell that as there was a person blocking the camera's view of her left hand. Did she punch him? Punch back. Did she try to eye-gouge him? Punch back. Did she slap him? Push her away. Did she have a weapon? We don't know. I see her extending her left arm towards his face and her arm stopping as it if hit something solid, more quickly than I would expect someone to pull a punch. I suspect she struck him in the face, but I have no more basis to say she DID than YOU have to say she DIDN'T. One single punch in the fact to stop an attack would not be unreasonable against a guy of the same build, right?
  6. You got so caught up in your paradoxically-chauventistic victim-mentality diatribe that you apparently missed my response which contained the evidence you seek. It's easy: 1) A man should not hit a woman 2) A woman should not hit a man 3) Any person has the right to use reasonable force to stop an attack.
  7. Magz: Heavyweight boxers don't break each other's bones because they wear boxing gloves. In the real world people don't use gloves. Broken bones in the face from punches are all too common. http://forum.freeadvice.com/civil-litigation-46/1-punch-broken-cheek-bone-nose-120862.html 16 yo male, single punch on 15yo male, cracked cheekbone from eye socket to mouth http://www.sunderlandecho.com/news/crime/fan-s-eye-socket-broken-in-pub-punch-up-on-newcastle-vs-sunderland-derby-day-1-5339743 Punch broke a man's eye socket in a barroom fight http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2332337/Hollyoaks-star-left-broken-cheek-bone-fractured-eye-socket-attacked-stranger-Leicester-Square-2-30am.html Single punch broke cheekbone and eye socket
  8. ANY woman? Some women can hold their own just fine. Also, as madcat said, a good student with good training can fight waaay above their belt, regardless of age / gender.
  9. http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/jets-fan-punches-pats-gal-big-victory-article-1.1491263 I'm really torn on this one. I don't know what went on before the start of this video - but what I see is two girls running after a man who is backing away. The blond girl charges toward him and stops suddenly in what looks like a left hand punch landed by HER - then he punches her. Gallantry tells me that you don't hit a woman. My fight training makes me wonder if he could have defended himself from this girl without punching her. (Push, redirect, step aside, grab an arm and push her aside) I'm 50/50 on this one. If his story is that she landed a punch then I would say he has a right to defend himself, especially given two aggressors. If she was just "getting in his face" and yelling then the punch could easily be considered be over the top. Men should not hit women. UNLESS the woman is in the process of attacking the man, then the man can do what is reasonable to stop the attack. If I kick a pitbull and it bites me, nobody would blame the dog, right? Now, I have punched/kicked women many times - but they were all wearing sparring gear. You should never underestimate the speed and accuracy of a smaller/lighter opponent, especially if you are big and slow and have to rely on power. We have a BB that is half my age and weight - and he kicks my ass up and down the mat every damn time we spar.
  10. Fair enough. Liability only makes sense on a $500 bike, although with all the upgrades you referenced it's not really a $500 bike any more. Comprehensive give you one HUGE advantage in that you are claiming from your own insurance and they don't take crap from the at-fault insurer, and they know when they are being given a line of crap. Small claims court might be a better option. Don't let them bully you with arbitration - you are under no obligation to arbitrate with HIS insurer. I don't think liability is a problem to prove, but the value of the bike is. Are there 3rd party companies around here that will appraise your bike based upon the extras you added?
  11. I don't doubt for a second that this kind of stuff goes on in any country - you just need to put enough cameras there to capture it.
  12. All the usual stuff to follow. - Identify the gun he used,(vilify it). - Identify the process he obtained the gun whether it be direct purchase/straw/stolen/parents (vilify it). - Identify the types of people who use the same kind of gun (vilify them). - Identify any person who thinks that a human being might actually have a valid reason to own a gun (vilify him/her). - Find some rabid/vehemently/militantly pro-gun frothing-at-the-mouth nutjob who says it is his right as a "Yoo-night-ted-stites citizen" to arm kindergarten kids with gatling guns then have Piers Morgan scoff at him on CNN as an example of what all gun owners are like (thereby vilifying them). As long as we are careful to avoid any discussion on real solutions, we should be fine.
  13. My experience was that total lag is about 2 seconds in practice, as seen from the customer end. 2100-2400ms ping time.
  14. Agree with satellite/goats. I have proof. :-) Anyways, 2-second lag = no gaming, no netbios type, no remote desktop/RDP (ssh should be ok). It's great for browsing IF you user THEIR proxy. Skip their proxy and your 4 or 5 d/l threads each take at least 2 seconds to return any data. Go to a page with 60 or 70 subgets (images/stylesheets/javascripts, ads etc) like CNN and your page will take 30 seconds to load. If you use their proxy then your request is sent up to a server n your provider's side of the sat link, the webpage is quickly assembled using their fat pipes, then the fully assembled page is sent back to you in a single packet-o-crap. Much faster and smoother. Basically, anything interactive is futile, anything downloading is great, and uploading is like a sick joke. I have 7Mb dsl through frontier. Love it. I tried fixed wireless. Twice. One I tried (Bright.net) was on the far end of their service area (cut my house in half!) and it was iffy. Sometimes is worked, sometimes not. I tried NexGenAccess and they gave good service but it's a crowd-signalled setup (my signal came from a couple ham tower uplinks. Power blip = guaranteed outage until I called the ham guy and had him reboot the router on his end.
  15. Make sure you see your doctor about the pain, or go to an urgent care. Document it. Turn it over to your insurance.
  16. My purchase from Ask on the east side was really easy. They had to wait for the next bike fro the distributor and told me it would be a couple of weeks. Right on cue the bike arrived, the color I wanted. They helped me load it up on my trailer. Doesn't get any easier.
  17. We don't punish people for the result of their crimes - we punish the intent. If we punished the result then we'd never punish people for "attempted X" What he did was reckless, and he is culpable, but I suspect the court believed that at no point did he intend to hurt anyone. Plus, 10 years of probation and no alcohol/drugs will do much more to control him while allowing him to become productive in society.
  18. Well, devil's advocate for a moment... Ever heard of the term "acquired taste"? I can't imagine many folks trying whiskey for the first time thought "Wow, this is nectar!" I agree that you either believe something or you don't. People have access to different bits of information, have different chemical and psychological standards for belief. When the combination of available information fits the person's own evidentiary standard for "belief" then they believe. You cannot choose to believe something that you don't. It is not a conscious decision. It's a gut thing. I know what I believe, and I feel that everyone is free to believe whatever they believe - as long as they don't try to force me follow their beliefs.
  19. Watch it mister - you already hate women, apparently.
  20. But her breath was minty-fresh. She'll get points for that with St Peter at the Gates.
  21. Who are you angry at? Oh, also "would have t-boned me" "failure to obey traffic control device" :-)
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