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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. When I am riding at anything close to freeway speeds I can lock the throttle and take my hands off the bars. I can lean my bodyweight to make the fine corrections to keep my bike in the lane ok, but as far as changing lanes? Maybe a very long, slow and precarious lane change - certainly not happening at any normal lane-change rate. Swerving or cornering? Forget that. Cornering my bike requires proper counter-steering unless I'm going less than walking speed. I'm not a small guy either, over 6'3 and 220lbs riding a DL650. If I lean over the side enough to steer through any actual bend or turn in the road I'd fall off before having any appreciable steering effect.
  2. I don't think you will need the 911 witness given that Witness 1 stated the vehicle was turning. Turn the 911 calls over to your insurance and let *them* worry about establishing fault.
  3. Grape - you are fine turning at the intersection prior to reaching the bus. It's is simple - If there are 1, 2 or 3 lanes total you stop for a stopped school bus with its stop sign / flashing red lights in both directions. If there are 4 or more lanes total then you only stop if you are going the same direction as the school bus.
  4. Did she have the option of asking for a condom? If so, then it was HER choice to not use one, no?
  5. I know that. I'd have to do the EMT Basic to get that - much longer course. Maybe next year. For now I'm happy with EMR. Ah, I get it... When I said "who else is an EMT " I meant in addition to YOU, Todd, not in addition to ME. I guess that didn't come across as I intended it.
  6. I'm doing an Emergency Medical Responder course at the local career center. Who else do we have on here that are EMTs? I know Todd is.
  7. Kerning is little off on the A in the company name, no?
  8. http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2013/09/24/lancaster-cameras-on-school-buses.html I'm ok with the concept, but again the private company that provides the cameras is getting a portion of the ticket cost. Needs to be the local police reviewing the camera footage and issuing citations into regular court. And the fine for passing stopped school bus that is loading/unloading kids should be one week's pay. That money should go to the school district to pay for child safety events such as stranger danger or drug awareness programs.
  9. Not JUST Historic plates - they have to individually list the sections being amended, in order. They proposed amending the historical plates section, and they also proposed amending two other sections further down the bill that would have made Ohio a one-plate-state. This legislation appears to have died.
  10. What does this have to do with license plates? If you mean this: ... then it appears that this legislation died with the 129th general assembly. We are now in the 130th general assembly - unfinished work from the 129th expired at the end of 2012.
  11. Gotta be ready for the morons.
  12. Why do people so that? One person ALWAYS gets jacked up.
  13. I just get a blank page with comments at the bottom...
  14. In England that means; "I don't mind you cutting in line in front of me, I'm happy to be SECOND (you w@nker)."
  15. Ah, 3wheel endorsement make MUCH more sense. Good, good. It doesn't help that the CanAm stays upright if you part ways with the thing because you steered too hard at freeway speeds... Still, different strokes...
  16. I'm just sayin'.... (Gotta love those chicken strips too)
  17. The only time I wave at people, I only use one finger. It's more efficient. Especially if someone cuts me off and I try to apologize for existing by waving at them frantically. Strangely, it appears to annoy folks. Does that have a special meaning to you Americans?
  18. Can't we all just get along? I don't care what you ride, just ride. I don't want to buy a can-am but I don't have any opinion (good or bad) about anyone who does. Can Ams are an interesting concept aimed at people who don't want to ride two wheels for whatever reason. I'm fine with that as long as they are not led to believe that they are better protected in a crash. - The biggest pro to a bike over a Can-Am for me is being small, maneuverable and able to get through slow heavy traffic more easily. (Example below*) - The biggest pro to a Can Am is its inherent stability - you can "throw the anchor out" without washing out the front wheel like a non-ABS bike is prone to do unless you are skilled and calm under pressure. It's also immune to highside/lowside and gyroscopically-induced motions like tankslappers. I *do* wonder if you can be thrown off the can-am by its non-leaning design if you steer too sharply at speed... I also have an automatic objection to the concept you can pass your bike test on a can-am. If they give you a 3wheeler endorsement then fine, but I don't want to ride near anyone who tested on a can-am and then jumped on a bike for the first time. Maybe if I understood the specifics better I'd be ok with it, but it just sounds wrong. (*Example of bike maneuverability...) Got stuck on the freeway a while ago in a huge backup caused by a major accident. I was in the left lane, level with the chevrons of an exit (100' further forward and I'd have to ride across grass to make the exit) All 6 lanes stopped dead, emergency services on scene. Nobody going anywhere soon. I was on the bike, so I simply walked the bike in a zig-zag between all the stopped cars and exited at 315 and took surface streets instead. I was squeezing through gaps not much bigger than the bike. Try that in a car. Or a can-am. (All you survivalist types with barn-sized 4x4's, think about that... Evacuation by 4-wheeler may not be possible if the roads are backed up. Throw knobbly tires on the bike and you can evacuate by lane-splitting or cutting cross-country)
  19. Score one for the good guys. That Witness 1 just saved your ass. The officer should be commended on a very thorough investigation and report.
  20. I wouldn't have tried to make it across to the other side. I don't think he should have turned around right then, even. I suggested he get as far out of the lane as he could and call the police to help him get turned around. I was just trying to give approaching cars a couple extra seconds to react to him while he got out of the lane. If I was me I'd tuck up close to the barrier, get out of the car and stand the other side of the barrier a little upstream of the car and call the police. I'm sure in his mind calling the police would get him a ticket for failure to control so he just wanted out of there ASAP.
  21. Ok, so let him fend for himself in an unknown medical condition for the 5-10 minutes it would take to get a cruiser there?
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