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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. I'm signed up for an Emergency Medical Responder course starting in a couple of weeks. Hopefully then I can help more in some of these cases.
  2. I swear I'm a fuckin' jinx for anyone driving within a mile of me. Yesterday there was a rear-ender on 23 that I passed by as they were still moving out of traffic.
  3. On my way to a knife fighting seminar, of all things. As it turns out I had the wrong day (class is tomorrow) so 5 minutes later I was headed home.
  4. GS1000 "Orange Menu" http://dashcamtalk.com/gs1000/
  5. A couple of other observations: - Everyone else that was initially stopped by the spinning car just drive away. Nobody cared about the occupants being potentially injured. - People were honking at us towards the end. Sure, express your frustration is you feel the need to, but it's not going to change what is happening. - See the one car drive past with its lights off? Looks for two flashes of his turn signal at 2:08 in the rear view. - See the ambulance drive past without stopping to check on us? 2:09 in the front view.
  6. I didn't wreck - that guy did. I came across the scene seconds after it happened and stopped to help. dashcam video is uploading now.
  7. Why should he give a rat's ass about your attitude?
  8. If I couldn't keep a bike upright (or pick it back up it falls over) I'd rock a can-am. Dunno about a traditional trike, though, and the steering dynamics are not as good. Two wheels up front is the ideal 3-wheeler config as far as I'm concerned.
  9. Magz would have insulted you for not using two wheels. So, maybe some kind of endless wheelie would keep him happy?
  10. Could not disagree more. Anyone should be able to ride if they choose to.
  11. No you didn't say "ride a 2 wheeler" - you said "hold up a 2 wheeler". So, no, a paraplegic cannot "hold up a 2 wheeler", but with outriggers can "ride a 2 wheeler". Although, to do so you must have balls like Goodyear blimps and v-twin for a heart.
  12. That is the problem. You don't understand why the cop is doing what he is doing, but you are assuming he is doing something wrong by adding the flippant comment about the babies and using words like "out of control".
  13. A few problems: 1) He appeared to snatch the phone recording the video and throw it aside". No, the phone recording the video wasn't touched. The man whose phone was taken was too close to the scene (right up next to the cruiser's door) and he needed to be moved. Not sure why he took and threw THAT phone, but the throw was clearly not done in an attempt to damage it (the officer looked for, and threw the phone onto grass not concrete) 2) The arrested man claims he left the scene when asked first time but was arrested anyway. The officer claims the man refused to leave. Which is it? Let's figure that out before condemning either side. 3) It is not clear from the video (or the story) why the woman and teenager were removed from the vehicle. Neither side explained that. 4) For the sake of argument, assume the 3 people needed to be removed from their vehicle and controlled... How else should he control them? Cuffs and on the floor at taser point is clearly what the officer opted for. What would you have done? Think of it from the cop's angle. He is dealing with a person for diving with a fake license plate, and a car full of people drives right up to the back of his cruiser and acts in an aggressive manner. Tactically the cop is now in a bad place, stuck between a man who needs to being arrested on one side of his cruiser and a man who is angry enough about that arrest to interfere with the scene behind him. He can't simply ignore the car behind him, and if the car won't leave when asked he can't simply walk away from it. I still have a question about what the woman and teen did to require them to be removed from the vehicle (Did he remove them himself despite them being 100% passive, compliant and quiet? or did they get out and in his face once the male was arrested, requiring them to be controlled too?) I also want to know what prompted him to grab the other man's phone. Beyond that I see nothing but an outnumbered cop staying in control while waiting for backup.
  14. That was the flash from a passerby who was trying to instagram his body.
  15. Full of sand though - he needs to quit carrying people on the beach.
  16. We're going to base our outrage on a version of events from the arrested person? I want to hear both sides before I join the pithforks & torches riot.
  17. Any use of force was prior to the video turning on, apart from him picking up the guy to walk him to the cruiser. There's not enough context to know if the officer's actions were reasonable. Did the man and woman attack him? Did they act completely passively? No clue. I didn't see "enraged" and "out of control"...? I saw a lone officer dealing with multiple subjects in a manner that asserted his control of the scene. What happened prior to the video turning on? He wasn't yelling/screaming or punching/kicking. What part of his behavior would be classified as "out of control"?
  18. Scruit


    I like the easy access control panel. I also love being able to turn on the flashlight without having to unlock the phone and load up the flashlight app.
  19. A paraplegic can hold up a stock bike.... without outriggers?
  20. He's lucky he's "all there" People have had major brain damage with oxygen loss of much shorter duration. No doubt the CPR would have had to have played a vital role in keeping oxygen to his brain.
  21. Scruit


    I updated 5 mins after release. Took a hour to d/l.
  22. There are folks that like to ride but can't do 2 wheels for whatever reason. I have nothing against them.
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