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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. I've seen reading books, makeup, electric shaver, all manner of electronic devices, road-head and hair-dressing (freeway, both hands, putting in a scrunchie).
  2. Last time I got pulled over I was nice to the officer, CC at the time. Accepted I was going a little fast (20 over) and he gave me a verbal warning. In my experience, treating the police like human beings is cheaper than being confrontational.
  3. When I bought my 2011 vstrom Ohio Motorcycle refused to budge off the MSRP telling me that the indian ocean tsunami had made them rare. They offered me $50 off a jacket if I bought the bike BUT wanted to charge me hundreds of dollars for dealer prep on top of MSRP, then tax etc.. MSRP 7299. Their OTD price was about $8300-ish if I remember right. I knew I could get out the door for $7300 if I went to nerthern ohio for it. On the off-chance I could get a deal I went to ASK on the east side. Flat out said "If you can get me OTD for 7299 then I'll pay cash right now. They took it. Done deal. All I paid was was 7299 plus the cost of the 30-day tag. The bike had been there for 527 days? At what point is it no longer a "new" bike? It's like storing a car - the tires/seals rubber components all age even when it is not being ridden.
  4. Did she admit to running the red, or is she claiming he had the green? Witnesses?
  5. I didn't get that from his comment. People have been listing many things that distract drivers.
  6. Was he also continuing to struggle? or was he complying?
  7. Maybe half joking and half serious. The reports they mentioned were both "middle eastern" people and it just screams right wing xenophobe website to me. Now, if a legitimate news site reports it then I'll look more closely. Kinda like when fix reported that Obama was paying his own money to keep a Muslim museum open. Wait, what?
  8. It's a great barometer of the sort of people who lap up that stuff.
  9. After reading this: I figured the article's credibility was shot and I didn't need to lose any sleep over it.
  10. Witnesses say that at at least one point the truck drove away and the bike slowed down - but the truck got some distance and waited for the bike. This is the separation of time and distance that the law requires to consider the biker to have disengaged from the 14 miles of road rage. If the truck got out of sight and then waited for the bike then he is starting a new road rage incident that the biker was clearly considered blameless in. I had said at the beginning that the truck driver claimed that his truck accidentally rolled into the bike behind him on the US23 off-ramp at US36/SR37 when his foot came off the brake. Problem is that the off-ramp is downhill. Assuming this is the the Electric Brae, trucks don't roll uphill. I said if a witness told the police that the backup lights came on in the truck the the first shooting may be justified (I believe Castle Doctrine applies as he is in/on his vehicle). I guess that is exactly what the witness stated. I'd also like to know who entered the FOE parking lot first - the truck or the bike. Whoever entered second is the aggressor. That is another separation of time and distance that gave both the opportunity to disengage. Whoever entered the lot second clearly did not disengage. The the truck enter first and the bike stopped figuring the police would have to be called due to the shots fired, then the truck driver threatened him with the baseball bat? No clue. I didn't see where any news source mentioned the truck driver was drunk and carrying a baseball bat - clearly a deadly force weapon. If nothing else, let this be a lesson that what you read in the news is not always correct.
  11. Mind. Completely. Blown. http://www.nbc4i.com/story/23610896/attorney-charges-dropped-against-former-osu-football-star I know a lady who witnessed the shooting. I'm going to go ask her if this is consistent with what she saw... None of this was reported in the news prior to this acquittal, and she never mentioned it when I asked he what she had seen.
  12. Scruit

    RIP John Ryan

    The bike in that pic is not owned or ridden by some lightweight sunday rider. That's a bike that has many, many stories to tell. I wish I'd had a chance to meet him. Rest in peace.
  13. I like the spent case in the trip reset...
  14. Just got a call from my family in England - my Uncle had a stroke and is completely paralyzed on one side. He's 10 hours into some magical "72 hour" time limit that apparently limits his recovery (Any recovery he makes will be made in the first 72 hours, apparently - beyond that no further recovery is anticipated. He cannot talk or swallow, but his life is not in danger. Anyone else had experience with this? To make matters worse, his mother/my grandmother is incapable for forming new memories and if we tell her she'll obviously freak out, but then forget. Every time she asks where he is she will hear about it "for the first time" again and again and will grieve for him over and over. What do we do? Just tell her that he's busy today knowing that she will forget that. She always asks me to call her after I get home when I visit her, so she knows that I got home safe. I always do. I called her one time and she asked me how my flight home from England to Ohio was. I didn't have the heart to tell her that my last flight home was three years ago.
  15. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Regardless of crime or punishment, EVERYONE is innocent until proven guilty. All you've done is read this on a new site - what if they are wrong? What if the police are wrong? That's why we have courts and due process.
  16. She is innocent until found guilty in a court of law. Everyone has the right to be heard in court. If she is found guilty, or pleads guilty, then he punishment is clear. Hint: It involves a sledgehammer and a knife.
  17. Eye for an eye, 100%. Televised, But.... If she hit a baby in the head with a sledgehammer with a "wood chopping" strike I'd have thought the baby would be instantly dead. How could the baby survive multiple hits and still be alive when she used the knife to kill it?
  18. The worst they have done with this rainbow flag is a possible copyright violation. It doesn't bother me at all. I actually think it's a pretty clever juxtaposition. If someone wants to desecrate a flag then go for it. As long as you don't desecrate a physical flag that belongs to me then who cares? It is a form of expression as far as I'm concerned. Desecrating a flag is not a crime.
  19. The orthoneuro was a doc visit, yeah? And Mt.Carmel was a hospital visit? 250 is a typical copay for a hospital given they charge 2.5k the moment you set foot in the door.
  20. Did your 3 passengers not back up your story of the engine dying? or do they think you did something that killed the engine? It's on the news in China: http://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking_news_detail.asp?icid=2&d_str=20131007&id=41602 http://www.guampdn.com/article/20131006/NEWS01/131006004/Star-Marianas-plane-crashes-Tinian-4-survivors-confirmed http://www.saipantribune.com/newsstory.aspx?newsID=150716&cat=1 Get out of there as soon as you can. Document, document, document. EDIT: Your incident is mentioned in this report: http://www.saipantribune.com/newsstory.aspx?cat=1&newsID=150695
  21. Wait.. You are arguing penalty amounts, yet admit to NOT knowing the penalty amounts? You believe the $4k penalty amount enough to argue against me disputing it? How about this: https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/affordable-care-act/faqs/how-much-are-the-tax-penalties-for-not-having-health-insurance-and-when-do-they-apply This is not from the snopes people, nor is it from the FEMA Death Camp crowd. Maximum family penalty for 2014 is 285. That is a fraction of the cost of just *one* ER visit from said family.
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