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Everything posted by drc32-0

  1. Good advice! Do a test pack a few days before you plan to take off...there's not much storage on a bike and you may have to downsize or come up with alternative packing methods.Dry bags are nice,I have a couple I could loan you if you need one. Grab a tire plugging kit and a source of air if you don't already have one.You probably won't have any mechanical problems with a new bike,but you never know about a punctured tire. Don't wear cotton underwear...seriously,cotton can be very uncomfortable on a long haul..get some thing that wicks like ex-officio. And don't forget those earplugs. Enjoy your ride.
  2. Portersville(37) to Ringgold is good.Ringgold to Chesterhill was chip/sealed last year and has plenty of pea gravel. Chesterhill to Little Hocking is good. If I remember your route you was wanting to get to 676 heading into Marietta?If correct,I would either stay on 37 over to 78W,or go down 555 to 78E at Ringgold,either way will get you to 377 south.377 was paved about three weeks ago and has some really fun sweepers for about 7 miles down to Pennsville.Just south of Pennsville take 266 to 792 to 676.792 is in very good condition and it's a fun ride.676 was also chip/sealed last year from 792 to Watertown,once you get to Watertown 676 has very good pavement all the way to Marietta. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I would avoid the Ringgold to Chesterhill section of 555. Enjoy your ride,there's a lot of fun roads on your route.
  3. 775 is in good condition all the way...it was paved about three years ago. Greasy Ridge is in pretty good condition north of 217,south of 217 it is pretty rough.Greasy Ridge will cross 775 twice north of 217.I think G.R. is county road 2. I really like Greasy Ridge...it's a county road so the turns aren't mark for suggested speed,so be careful on your first pass.It's a shame that the section south of 217 hasn't been paved,it could be very good.
  4. Mary's post and link has a lot of good info on this area. If you're looking for twisty roads,your route is going by some really good stuff.775 is good all the way from 141 near Galipolis to the river...especially the section from Lecta(intersection of 790) to 217.Someone from another forum rode it for the first time last week and called it his favorite road in Ohio.I wouldn't go that far,but it is a very good road.217 from 218 to Miller(7) is short at 5 miles,but is one of those extremely twisty up and over a hill roads like 536.A lot of 217 was chip/sealed last year,but east of 218 has pretty good pavement.218 is also fun from Galipolis to 217,especially south of Mercerville.The top part was paved last year,unfortunately the bottom section was chip/sealed...good chip/seal,but still chip/seal. 141 reminds me of 800 with lesser elevation changes...it does get twisty in the Symmes valley/Kitt's Hill area.A lot of nice farms along 141,it would be a great road for fall colors. 790 from 775 to 218 was just getting ready to be paved when I was down there two weeks ago.I doubt if it's done,but if it is,it's a good ride.
  5. Gotcha...I should know that since I pass it two or three times a day.
  6. I'm not in to poker runs,but I'll stop by and make a donation. It was good to hear she is wanting to get back riding. Take care and hope to see you there.Where's Lucky's?
  7. Damn Doc,it looks like you're a busy guy.I saw where you might be open for Sunday,and I was going to see if you wanted to come down and check out this route I've been playing on this year.It's about a 75-25 percent mix of state routes and good county roads between Zanesville and Marietta...a lot of recently paved roads.Maybe some other time. Drop me a pm if you want to check it out sometime.
  8. If you do take this course,or any motorcycle safety course,call you're insurance company...some companies give a discount for safety courses. A few years ago I got a 5% discount for taking a msf course.
  9. early in the year...maybe rusty skills? I ride pretty much year round,but I still try to pay close attention to common errors(corner entry,surface conditions,turn signals,etc) early in the year.It could happen to anybody.
  10. I was afaid of that. There has been a lot of wrecks on either end of that bridge in the last few years.I really don't know why,the sightlines seem to be pretty good in all directions. Wish her well for me.
  11. At least good news to hear that she is getting out of the hospital. Was she the one that got hit near the 719 bridge and 60? Best wishes on a full and speedy recovery.
  12. I just heard on Fox news........IT WAS OBAMA!!! He's the anti-christ,and he changed the weather patterns. RUN,RUN!!!!
  13. Is Sue planning on taking the course on the road?It would be great if she could arrange it so this course would count as a First Aid/CPR course.
  14. Obviously never ridden AZ191. Personally I can only think of two roads that rival it ...the Mt Tam and Fort Bragg/Leggett sections of highway 1 in California and the 136 miles of 36 from Red Bluff to Fortuna in California. Like Cooter said...when you have sections longer than the Dragon with a 10 mph speed limit...it's TWISTY.
  15. That is music to my ears!:)Thank you.I just got back from a 5 week trip out west...I'll go check out 377 tomorrow.Some real nice sweepers on 377.
  16. Looks like a fun route.Did you notice if ODOT is doing any paving on 377?
  17. I just got home from my western trip last night...9400 miles in 5 weeks.I mainly stayed up in the mountains between the Golden Gate,Yerka and Eureka.It was awful tough going through Utah and not hitting 191 in the Flaming Gorge area or the Devil's backbone down south,but it was time to head home. Are the passes open in the Sierras yet?If it's open and you're still in the area 180 into King's Canyon would be a fun little side trip on your way over to Vegas. Enjoy the rest of your ride.
  18. I just rode 191 about a month ago on me way out to California.We took a lot of the same pics. 191 is an amazing road,one of the top three or four in the country,especially if you're looking for non-stop twisties!Did you see the sign...speed limit 10 mph next 11 miles?Gives you a idea of just how twisty this thing is! I went the very southern route out to California just to ride this road... and it was well worth it.A true destination highway.
  19. A heads up...there's a lot of fairly new pavement on highway 1 from the Golden Gate up to Leggett. Great views,twisty roads...but can be busy.Much better on weekdays and the farther you get away from S.F.
  20. I'm in the bay area right now...as I was going from San Mateo to San Jose this morning I was thinking the whole way...why would anyone drive a car in the bay?Between H.O.V. lanes and lane splitting it's the only way to go out here.It cuts drive times by more than half.Free motorcycle only parking is also a big plus.
  21. I took 84 in from the coast yesterday...one really twisty forest road!I'm heading up 35 tomorrow morning on my way to the Golden Gate and North.I'll look at the map to see if I can fit 9 in. On my way out here I went down to AZ to ride the Coranado Trail (AZ191 between Alpine and Morenci).That is one AMAZING road!!!91 miles of very twisty nirvana.I'll post some pics when I get a chace to down load them from camera...didn't bring my computer.
  22. Nice video doc!I'm typing this from Blyth CA on the AZ border.I've been traveling across country the last week and should be up on that section of highway 1 early next week. Hitting the 74,"The Palms to Pines Highway" today,then up north to check off 36 and 3. Love California riding!
  23. Thanks,I'm glad you're getting a laugh.Some of you also voted for W,enough said.See ya all tomorrow.
  24. BTW...what is it with you repukes always talking about Obama's junk,the last time I got into one of these threads you guys brought up the same thing. Do they make you guys do that over in the republican camp? It makes one wonder about anatomical inferiority....or racism.
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