I give you that's somewhat true about 800; it has a little taste of most stuff, but nothing really technical. The stretch right above route 70 is pretty good, actually; nice tight sweepers. There is nothing really challenging on that road taken at a sane pace. I've ridden it from Uhrichsville to 7. I've yet to ride 255 or 260. I'll have to take a look at those. I'm in the NE part of the state, so it requires a little commitment of time to get down there and ride. My favorite road to ride for a variety of personalities and easy access would be 9. It doesn't get really tight either, but there is enough twisting and good pavement that an 80-90mph pace is pretty fun. The OP said he's an intermediate rider. I guess I don't know exactly what that means, as I would call myself an intermediate rider, and I have been at it for 15 years and haven't ever had a problem keeping up on the street (yet). To me, it sounds like he's looking for some good technical riding, and 800 really isn't that great for that. Just one guy's opinion.