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mello dude

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mello dude last won the day on January 31

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  • Location
    South Dayton/C'ville
  • Vehicles(s)
    1998 Honda VFR800, 1999 Honda Valkyrie

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  1. @Tpoppa - That tax calculator is nice.. .thxz
  2. ^^^^I've done very well in my portfolio..I have split equities into different purpose buckets...in my dividend bucket with a bit of risk a couple good holdings are ARCC and PFFA.....A bit touch higher risk have been Sunoco and Verizon....I don't need the bucks so they are set up as a DRIP. Been living on my cash and a bit out of the portfolio, and also planning to take SS at 70, which will be more than I need considering a career as a salaried engineer... For grins....hit a freaking home run on PLTR.....Bought tons sub 15s....now? Holy shit!
  3. Was in Lowes today and found myself checking out a babes fine backside.. Looked like she was going to turn around, so thinking I better look away, my eyes somehow fixated on.... . . . . . . Sub-conscience telling me something?
  4. Very nice and tasteful customization on that Yamaha! Sweet...
  5. Cool bike...Always wanted to customize a Fury with chrome spoke wheels and lots more bling, IMHO the oem wheels are sad looking...
  6. mello dude


    Seems like Ohio is getting more than average share of tornadoes lately....Yeow!
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