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mello dude

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mello dude last won the day on January 31

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  • Location
    South Dayton/C'ville
  • Vehicles(s)
    1998 Honda VFR800, 1999 Honda Valkyrie

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  1. Ohio Retired Motorsports Group?
  2. I'm a member but not signed in... looking at the page, it shows not signed in, not a member.
  3. @Tpoppa - That tax calculator is nice.. .thxz
  4. ^^^^I've done very well in my portfolio..I have split equities into different purpose buckets...in my dividend bucket with a bit of risk a couple good holdings are ARCC and PFFA.....A bit touch higher risk have been Sunoco and Verizon....I don't need the bucks so they are set up as a DRIP. Been living on my cash and a bit out of the portfolio, and also planning to take SS at 70, which will be more than I need considering a career as a salaried engineer... For grins....hit a freaking home run on PLTR.....Bought tons sub 15s....now? Holy shit!
  5. Was in Lowes today and found myself checking out a babes fine backside.. Looked like she was going to turn around, so thinking I better look away, my eyes somehow fixated on.... . . . . . . Sub-conscience telling me something?
  6. Very nice and tasteful customization on that Yamaha! Sweet...
  7. Cool bike...Always wanted to customize a Fury with chrome spoke wheels and lots more bling, IMHO the oem wheels are sad looking...
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