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mello dude

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Everything posted by mello dude

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wro7Ea9pf6U&feature=player_embedded
  2. mello dude

    Super Viffer

    From the album: Viffer

  3. Well if that was blasphemy to you, it was a blast for me too! MD
  4. And the PACE... http://canyonchasers.net/reference/the_pace.php
  5. So what do you think of this one --- http://users.hal-pc.org/~mmcham/rules.html
  6. I was on a buisiness trip in Connecticut and saw a station wagon that had a sign on it. It says - Connecticut Urinary Clinic. The licence plate? I FIX DCK
  7. I am just as experienced as yourself. So just my 2 cents - I still think even for a experienced rider its not a good idea for a 4 year old to be a passenger on a motorcycle. MD
  8. http://www.spieglerusa.com/cfm/bleeder.cfm They are one way check valves that replace the stockers. They make bleeding way easier. MD
  9. I dont think putting a 4 year old on a motorcycle is a good idea. I would wait till he's 11 or 12. You are a begining rider and have much to learn on riding. Also I think legally you have to have a year of experience to ride a passenger. MD
  10. Them 4th gen viffers are sweet. I had one awhile. Congrats. MD
  11. Gloves - deep discount too? MD
  12. That whole area is pretty fun. Its kinda my default ride when I cant decide where I want to go. MD
  13. I'd agree with that, -- sounds like a bait and switch. -- "Sure we can do it for $240.." Yeah -when you get the bill its $ 1240.00
  14. Hey dude - dont take your stuff to Southside.. I wouldnt let them tighten an air valve cap on a wheel! A legit valve check adjust should start at about $450, there's lots of labor involved. - You might jump over to VFRD for more questions. (It might be you need a starter valve sync) Good luck md
  15. Jeez -did you lean it and twist the loud handle at the same time? ---Ok - I'm being an asshat. I got 3600 on the rear and 5100 on the front from the Q's I had. I like 'em and will get the Q2's next time too. MD
  16. yeah - sounds something like that...... fooook!
  17. My Dell PC is about 3 years old with XP on it. Its starting to make a dull repetitive metalic sound once in a while - seems in sink while a hard drive spinning. Is the HD going out and what do I do to clone what I have to a new HD settup? I can easily take out old and put in new, but I dont want to lose my programs/data/settup - Yeah, I'm PC tech challenged. Thanks in advance for any advice/help.
  18. I heard these guys were decent --located in c'bus http://www.bikes2nv.com/
  19. I had a 4th gen for 7 years, - totally sweet ride. I have owned vfr's concurrently for 11 years now. We should hook up sometime. md
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