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mello dude

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Everything posted by mello dude

  1. There does seem to be quite a following of Rotella, lots of the touing bikes guys are using it. I'm not there yet, but curious. For the moment I'm on M1 Mx4T 10-40 or 4T Racing as its called now. -Really I think it comes down to - as long as you change your oil at resonable intervals, there is no bad oil. -- BTW I went to the local QSL bike night and there was a funny drag car in the parking lot. Guess what oil they are using? Yeah - Rotella..
  2. Good looking ride!
  3. I had a 4th gen too for about 7 years. Lots of good riding with that. I have had a Honda V4 of some kind 20 years +
  4. One of my favourite roads is Rt 16 going south. I would probly then run 39 going east to Summersville for a break and pick up going east. Then pick up 219 going north or something like that. Its been a couple years since I've been over there - I had a rotater cuff injury the kinda grounded me for a while. -- I am really itching to just park it at one of the ski lodge towns and go exploring for day loops over there. I have have hit maybe 15% of the state. -- I highly recommend hitting the book store and pick up a Delorme West Virginia Atlas & Gazatteer. (Theres one for every state, grab an Ohio, mbe a Pennsilvania too.) Its a highly distailed map/grid of all the roads in the state about 80 pages worth. Its fantastic for planning riding trips. - I probly have 15 of them. http://shop.delorme.com/OA_HTML/DELibeCCtpSctDspRte.jsp?section=10096
  5. Assuming your in Cleveland, I would drop through SE Ohio into West Virginia. Fine roads, Fine scenery.
  6. I'm kinda broken record but VFR800 - 5th gen. The bike is sporty without being a rack. With minor suspension upgrades and a good rider, will hold its own against the RR bikes in the twists. Wont wear you out on a 400 mile day. No problem doing a multi-state trip as a week on the road. Wide power band vs 600s. Very flexible engine with a good hit on top. Amazing V4 sound. Gear driven cams, so no screwing with a timing chain. Simplier valve adjustment vs the 6th gen. Bullet proof engine. A bit unique, not that many around.
  7. Looking for like minded experienced sport tour riders.
  8. A 650? Jeez, Wifefy wont be happy on that little passenger seat. ----- Ditto on the apes, they gotta go.
  9. LOL! I thought you fell in love with that '04 CBR? -- I was in a simular situation when I tryed to buy a used car. I test drove the thing and came back and told the owner "I'll take it." I didnt have the cash on me but wanted to go to my bank about 20 minutes away. There were some other people there that had the "cash in fist" and wanted to buy the car too. The owner wouldnt let me go to my bank and get the money. He took the cash in fist. Bastard ! I was there first!
  10. I hear this guy is good...Spencer http://greatdaytoride.com/Home_Page.php oops, same link
  11. I'm with ya there - I hate forward controls.
  12. I have a Valkyrie and the standard OEM pull backs are quite comfortable. - I never really understood the ape hangers. Maybe its a "look at me" thing. On your wiring, I would just work to tuck everything in neat as you can get it. Go buy a bag of zip ties from Auto Zone. If the wires work on the tall apes, they should work on lower bars.
  13. Ive had a few car toys, but with bikes in garage-typically the cars just sit - so I sell 'em. Mostly now I buy cheap old Hondas or Toyotas, so I can spent the big money on cool bikes. No more sports cars.
  14. While were screwing with this heres Michelins for $209.99 delivered. http://tiresunlimited.com/Michelin_powercombo.htm
  15. I'm running the Qualifiers and thought they are pretty good. I would have no problems running the Q2's. -- I admit I would like to try the PPs as a comparison.
  16. I really dont have a good idea, but I'm sure its 150,000 + spread over lots of different bikes .............
  17. Dude - if you get a chance since your kinda north, checkout 55 and ride int Urbana. Good road.
  18. Is there a winner yet?
  19. Dude - I'm more a Honda guy, never really consider a Zook or Kawi on my list. -- The cruiser/sportbike combination is a good way to go. Kinda like a ride for every mood. Then also 2 up is way better on the cruiser vs the track rack. - Baring that, you should ditch the RR and grab a VFR. It will burn twistys and still be fine for a long haul trip or every day commuting.
  20. Yup, when the weather gets warm, theres plenty of babes in warm weather gear (lol) walking around watching the action.
  21. I like two wheel tuesdays at Killkare Dragway.. Bike's, Babe's and Burning quarter miles...
  22. Congrats and welcome to riding. 2 hours is not a whole lot of experience on a motorcycle to be thinking about doing a trip. Please sign up for a MSF course and get some basic training. Also if you can bum some time on a dirt bike go for that. Riding is a skill and it takes time and practice to get anywhere near to being a decent rider. Keep a cool head and keep the rubber side down. Good luck.
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