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mello dude

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Everything posted by mello dude

  1. OK gang - Here's a letter I sent ---- subtle but makes the point. Feel free to use it! Send to your senator........ Dear Mr Husted, There is a bill that just passed in the House that I am in full support of on "Street Racing". I am totally against any kind of street racing and I understand that recently somebody was killed as a result of this. 2 or more people who conspire to race on public roads is unacceptable. I would like to point out a concern though of part C that expands the deffinition of street racing - listed © Any exhibition of speed or acceleration that is 2502 inconsistent with the normal operation of a vehicle on a public 2503 road, street, or highway. Persons 2504 My concern is how will normal operation be determined? If I am speeding, is that racing? If I accelerate hard onto the highway ramp is that racing? How much acceleration is too much? If I am alone but speeding, how can I be racing? What is the difference between "reckless operation" and racing? I just think this is way to ambiguous and leaves it vague and up to the mood of the police officer. I may as well add that - yes I am a car and motorcycle enthusiast. I dont street race and dont support anybody that does. But this bill leaves it open that I could get charged with "street racing" if the officer is having a bad day when more appropriately I may be simply be guilty of speeding. I ask of yourself and the senate to clarify or eliminate this issue. If section C is eliminated, I would be in full support of this bill.
  2. I think a letter should ask more of -- what is normal? What will the difference be between speeding, reckless operation and street racing. Is it up to the police officer to determine if my braking or accerlation is normal? I wouldnt mention anything about spirted riding. Say ---sometimes I may be guilty of "speeding" but how does a LEO determine I was "racing" even if I am alone? These guys are politicans and we need to be level headed about it. Also say that in principle you are against "steet racing" (even if you do it) but section C is a stretch. Easy does it - but make the point. MD
  3. Send emails to Motorcycle Riders Foundation - Jeff@mrf.org and AMA http://www.ama-cycle.org/ Click the Contact button in the upper right. Its a start. MD
  4. I started playing poker a couple years back to occupy winters between riding seasons. Now I play year round too. Its almost as important to me as riding now. MD (All in!)
  5. Re: How many weapons at student can hide video.... Holy Shit! MD
  6. I've used WD-40 quite bit on chain cleaning, but mostly I spray a rag and drag the rag and sometimes a toothbrush and go like that. If I'm real ambious, I go grab some kerosene from the hardware store to use for cleaning. For 2 cents worth - my favorite chain lube is the pro honda moly and teflon dry film. BTW - chances are your friends chain is worn out
  7. Motorcycles have always been the priority in life for me, so I never have had less than 2. About 4 years back, I had about $30k in motorcycles and a $4500 car (used Accord). Strangely, being a Honda kinda guy, 2 years ago I stumbled into an absolutely georgeous black Acura 3.0CL with only 28k miles on it for just $10,000. Super nice car. OMG, well yeah I bought it. But dammit, black is a major PIA to keep clean and my anal side rode up to keep the thing perfect. Yeow - after 6 months, I couldnt stand it, I had to sell it. The OCD on that car was driving me wacko... that plus the bikes was too much to handle. So I replaced it with another $4500 Accord. --- See a trend here? So $25k? - wow, lets see, $5k for a car and $20k for bikes. Hmmmmmm..... MD
  8. Yeah the HD holier-than-thou jerks - true fags MD
  9. Voting Yes - I want some place closer to go play poker. MD
  10. I'm running Spiegler and they and are very good, but a little pricy. The main reason I went with them is that they are in Dayton and working direct with them at their shop made it ez. MD
  11. Dude - if your only riding experience in life is on a cruiser, consider slowing down a bit and consider an SV650 with the clip-ons. Get you riding skillz up for a season and then consider if you want a hyper bike and go for the full sports 600 or 1000. Theres a nite and day difference between riding cruisers and riding sport. MD
  12. mello dude


    Well if your set on 555 and need to make time, run it south, then 32 west to 56 west by Athens, theres some good twistys around there that go past Hocking hills and then motor 56 back to 70 and home. To bad you dont have more time, there some great stuff over around Marietta too. Run 26 north to south... sweet! MD
  13. So where is Milan? I wouldnt mind doing 3 or 4 runs just for fun. MD
  14. Those old Sabres are very cool. I had a 700. MD
  15. Hey! I'm a noob to OhioRiders but no way a new rider. Been 2 wheeling for 30 years +. Started on dirt bikes and some moto cross, moved to street bikes and cant count how many I've had. Most have been Hondas. Currently have a '98 VFR with quite a few suspension and brake mods I use for twisty corners, and then a stock Valkyrie for some laid back cruizn. I like to say - one to go fast and one to go slow. I live in south Dayton and currently am out of work. I wouldnt mind hooking up with anybody for daytime rides if anyone is up. I like to get out around Waynesville, Lebonon, Hillsboro and if real ambitious, Athens and Marietta. Later:cool: MD
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