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Everything posted by imprez55

  1. Put me down for intermediate. I should be getting my plastics this week and I will get them mounted and maybe even a tach by the 9th. I still have to talk to Todd or someone about getting the bump from novice. Anyone know the best way to contact him?
  2. I need to leave so I will make this short and sweet. The peanut example is not being looked at in the right context to make an accurate comparison. Think of it more along the line of if a food product is made in a facility or made with peanuts it needs to be labeled. It has to be labled because it is potentially deadly to someone. I never said their was a form of non-lethal detainment, I am simply pointing out that it is "false advertising", if you will, and gives people the wrong idea that only bunnies and rainbows come out the other end. I never said shot placement was on the same level as a taser either. There is a strong hint of "guns kill everything" from this thread and that just simply shows that it is less lethal that a guaranteed kill. And why would a cop tase a "non-threatening unarmed person who is resisting arrest"? Oh yea, because its "not lethal" and there is no danger present. The label of non-lethal numbs people to the idea that it can kill; I was presenting that it can be and widespread, thoughtless use is potentially hazardous.
  3. So now the police need attain someone's medical records and have a doctor review them before they take action on a suspect? There is no viable or effective way to ensure that someone they need to neutralize will be safe from the actions they take. Not to mention that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US which could have other effects that the study did not look into. It is a reasonable jump to believe that an already stressed heart could become overly stresses and go into an abnormal rhythm when stressed with that type of electrical input. They are not "non-lethal" devices, they are "less lethal" devices; just as god-like shot placement would be ("Shots to roughly 80 percent of targets on the body would not be fatal blows" Dr. Fackler).
  4. That was the way I was planning on going... I might need to change up my plans a bit Don't be silly, the troopers are hard on drugs. Its the locals that are in on the trafficking. Proof:
  5. imprez55

    Saturday 5-26

    The adhesive in duct tape dissolves in gasoline. You might be able to take the fuel pump gasket out and wrap it in teflon tape (the yellow type) to help it seal, if I am understanding the problem correctly.
  6. Yes, this. I am definitely interested in getting out for a group ride finally, however, it may or may not be on a new bike so I might have to take it easy.
  7. Weeeee eeeeee. (I know you were being facetious, just figured I would provide some evidence why tasers are not actually non-lethal)
  8. What years? I know the new ones are not recommended for towing at all in the US (I believe the European version is rated at 1000lbs but don't quote me on that).
  9. Thanks guys! It looks nothing alike, there is red all over the front! Yes, the first time was going out of a driveway and the second was at the track (as redkow said) so no police or insurance needed to be called in.
  10. SOLD Quick Stats: Price: $2800 Make: Honda Model: CBR 600rr Year: 2003 Miles: 18xxx (will go up when its nice) Title: Clear Up for sale is an almost totally stock 2003 600rr. Mechanically the bike is in 100% condition, cosmetically however, it is a little banged up. I have never had any problems with it and still get plenty of compliments regardless of the scratches and mismatched upper fairing. Full disclosure: this bike has been down 2 times. I bought it in wrecked condition from someone on here about a year ago and rebuilt right around 16K miles. The valves were done, clutch pack and springs checked, fork seals and fork oil replaced, oil/coolant change, tires replaced, chain/sprockets good, brakes calipers rebuilt, new brake fluid, good condition pads yet etc., you get the idea. I have ridden it plenty of times since the second wreck but have not cleaned it (hence the dirt on the clutch cover and tank cover). A comment on the pictures: the front seat was not pictured because I took the battery out to charge it but does come with it, chain is slack but was being adjusted, and a black front fender is also included but not installed. As far as trades go, I am only interested in guns or certain computer/server parts but if you think you have something particularly interesting or a good project/engine then feel free to offer up, the worst I can say no. Either PM me here or call/text (216) 702-2-eight-2-nine
  11. imprez55

    WTF head??

    Kinda looks half like Stewie Griffin to me:
  12. The bleeder near the master is standard on a radial. That should be bled first and then the calipers if you are swapping lines. So what happened that you wanted to bleed the brakes and when did the problem arise? It might be: To check this, pump the brakes 4-5 times before applying them fully and see if it seems back to normal. If not it could be air, master cylinder seals are bad, got brake fluid on the rotors, or stuck pistons. Its pretty difficult to diagnose a feeling but my money is on warped rotors since you were bleeding the brakes anyway (unless you were doing it because the feeling was off). I don't know how many times you have bled brakes, but they are a huge PITA so you could have air still.
  13. Pro tip: "A man can get rid of an erection by flexing a large muscle for about 30 seconds or more, like both thighs. If you're sitting, rest your feet on your toes and push off the ground as if you're just about to stand up."
  14. I am definitely going to watch this. I am not really experienced on the track but I am hoping that by the end of the season I might have a race license. I can be of a bit of use though with bike maintenance, tire changes, pit bitch, redneck engineering etc.
  15. I feel like you could do it for cheaper if you really wanted one for personal use. A brand name might be nice for a business though.
  16. With a name like that, I'm sure he would have no problem getting factory support if he came back and showed that he could still run a respectable lap time. I don't know what happened to him at France though. Rossi was a monster coming up through the ranks and it seemed like Stoner just gave up on the last lap or two. Especially once Rossi got by him, Rossi picked up at least a second by the finish.
  17. This was just bumped in the market place and gave me and idea: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=92711. If you get something with a higher fuel consumption for this kind of price, just put aside the full $5k for it and use the remaining for gas. Its like buying a new Prius for the gas mileage when you don't need a new car and wasting so much more $$ when factoring in the cost of the vehicle.
  18. imprez55

    "Nice bike"

    Really? I get asked quite often if someone can ride it or at least ride bitch. I get asked even more if I can teach them how to ride.
  19. What all happened with you Tyler? I thought your bike was fine after Saturday.
  20. Now that I think about it, you might be right. He could flip them every couple years to try and mitigate a problem occurring when he is using it, but that's a huge pain. A smaller crossover would probably work great then, as you mentioned.
  21. I would skip the truck idea as well if you are looking for fuel efficiency. My wrx got 20.5mpg to and from nelson's this Saturday which matches some trucks. You should see what brian is getting out of his church van. MyKill's accord also seems like it is getting an insane mileage, and they are definitely reliable.
  22. imprez55

    I'm Down

    The sliders probably wouldn't have helped save the bike any. They would have just dug into that soft ground and possibly bent the mounting bolts. Sorry about the crash and hopefully everything is alright! Let us know about the knee. I took a lowside last year and the bike landed on my knee as well. The ER gave me a clean bill of health and it took a couple days but everything went back to 100% once I stayed off it. By the way, saying you were in a motorcycle accident will definitely speed up seeing the doctor haha
  23. imprez55

    Web browsers

    1st Firefox 2nd Chrome 3rd Opera (mobile) Explanation: When I surf the web I have usually upwards of 100 tabs open. Maybe its bad practice but I have found it to be extremely useful when switching between subjects that I am researching or whatever. Firefox can support that great, but unfortunately I have to restart it every couple weeks/days (depending on how many new tabs, how many old remain, flash, pdf's etc) when the memory leak gets to be too great and it slows down. Chrome works better for keeping the browser open for longer periods of time, but cannot support nearly the same number of tabs or amount of change over. I have found there to be a memory leak with Chrome as well when the turnover rate of tabs/windows gets to be excessive. When Chrome has trouble it just closes the windows and all of my tabs are lost. When Firefox crashes, it saves all of the tabs including individual browsing history for each tab (you can go backward/forward pages). Chrome still feels far too unrefined for me to use it exclusively. The well supported add-on community for Firefox puts it leaps and bounds ahead of Chrome as well as many other features. Although I think the memory leak has just gotten worse with newer revisions of Firefox, it is still my primary browser. I would like to see some accessibility features of Chrome added to Firefox in the future and the memory leak fixed (haha) but until then it will have to share the spotlight, once the memory runs away, with Chrome. I use opera mobile because it is simply a better browser than the Symbian S3 native browser and I have limited options.
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