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Everything posted by imprez55

  1. Accident in Parma, guy died on a bike because the van cut off multiple people including the bike. http://fox8.com/2012/04/29/police-parma-road-closed-due-to-fatal-accident/
  2. Haha, good find. My favorite thus far is probably the http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00608G64K/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=natdee-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00608G64K, good thing the shipping is only an extra $380.
  3. Kind of cool concept but I can't imagine it is a comfortable ride, especially with those small wheels. It reminds me of a Myers Motors NmG (from Austin Powers) that I drove; it was quite underpowered and a very uncomfortable ride, not to mention the cramped interior.
  4. I don't normally repost from imgur, but this was just too funny to not share:
  5. Bump, got mine this week
  6. I don't have any race plastics but I can still come and eat all the food. I will bring some of my fiberglass stuff if I can still make it. Since I didn't need to get the bike(s) done by Saturday, I have some work to catch up on.
  7. Wait, how many favors equal $20K worth of car? There needs to be a conversion chart or something
  8. Might as well since that day is suddenly open right now. I'm fairly new to the scene, so how often does something like this happen?
  9. You already bought a new bike and are parting that one out? I might as well ask how much for the whole thing as is and what kind of title?
  10. Nope, no formal experience or training with anything I do (bikes, machining, etc.), just fun. I got my first bike about 2 years ago for a steal because it needed a new transmission and I didn't have enough money for anything else. So I read up on what needed to be done and read the service manual and eventually got it done. It took a long time (like 6 months) because I was working 1 or 2 days per month in my brother's garage and didn't really have the proper tools. I thought it was easy enough though, so I eventually ended up buying a basket case '03 600rr from a member on here with a cracked lower crankcase. Again, I just read the service manual and ended up getting that done in a mere 2 1/2 weeks. I felt like having another project and bringing another bike back from the dead so I picked this up. Unfortunately with cash flow, this is taking much longer than expected. It is also coming in over my expected budget by a couple hundred because of a few things that I just didn't plan for (triple trees, ram air tube being so expensive, no gauge cluster). I guess I just have a knack for picking things up easily and fixing things, which I credit to my dad and grandfather. The offer is open to anyone, if anyone is curious or wants to learn more, I am more than happy helping out and teaching.
  11. +1 to all of this. Lead is softer so it will wear out slower (although lead tends to foul them quicker) but its irrelevant because a barrel for a standard chambered pistol will last so long anyway.
  12. Really, no one has any ARM experience? I'm open to other suggestions, maybe even propeller.
  13. imprez55

    screw my boss

    I call shens on all the experience; no way you were able to learn all those adequately with the learning curve you possess for riding. Unless of course your "experience" is more of a manual labor type of a thing, then I can understand. What machining and IT experience do you have (we have a lot of those on the board FYI)?
  14. I did not know that about the sprockets until you mentioned it. Apparently they changed up 1 tooth in the rear in '07. I had assumed they were the same as my '03 still. I am going to hot glue and wrap the servo delete in electrical tape, I just thought it was a good picture to have. I am definitely doing the gutting when I get a ram air intake, they are just proving difficult to find and VERY expensive when I do find them. I might have to DIY something Hmm, lets see here: subframe, battery tray, stock exhaust, main wiring harness and part of the headlight one, swing arm, rear wheel, front+rear calipers/lines/pads, f+r axles and spacers, tires, 1 clip on and all controls, tail fairing, most of the engine...and that's all I can think of haha. This is truly a Frankenstein of bikes!
  15. I already paid, so I'm not on the fence about going. I am, however, on the fence about if I should change my tires if my parts even come in time... I might have to run with the '03, in which case I will have the stockers off the '10 (Dunlop Sportmax Qualifiers) and then I am not as worried about it being wet. Just wear a layer more, it will still be mid 40's. -Edit- Newest weather says 20% chance, so they don't actually consider it a possibility. I'm fine with the temperature and happy if it stays just cloudy.
  16. I know there are some electronics guys here, so hopefully someone has some background with ARM. I have done some stuff with AVR's but I am looking to do some projects that require something higher powered and my first choice (arbitrarily) is ARM. I'm currently using a Coridium dev board that a professor of mine owns to do some research. It is proving to be quite difficult to work with because the documentation is scarce, the IDE is terrible and the support is nearly non-existent except for 1 yahoo group. I am simply trying to use SPI to program a DDS and its not working at all. So I was wondering if any of you have any ARM experience and if so where did you start? I have looked into a few boards already but I'm not sure what direction to head. The mbed board would be perfect if it wasn't for their online style IDE/compiler; I don't think I could bring myself to use that type of a system and I think its too controlling. The BeagleBoard looks great, except for the $150 price tag which I really don't want to spend at this point. The Renesas RDK is slightly cheaper at $100 but that is still a little more then I want to spend and it seems to not be used by very many people. I would like as large of a community behind a product as possible so that I can be helped if a problem arises as well as provide enough sample code for me to go out on my own with something. Maybe I have been spoiled with the community backing AVR's, but I don't want to end up dropping good money on something that ends up preventing me developing the projects I want to. I don't think it is too much to ask to have a reliable SPI interface, good IDE (or the option of someone making a better version with open source code), and a strong following with plenty of example code.
  17. I actually got Casper's PM, but I still can't view the one by redkow and I still have the one from 1969. It might be ok for now, but if it happened once it could happen again. Nope, I still have 9 more slots so it shouldn't even be an issue of being close to the quota.
  18. Where are you getting the weather? I am getting that as Saturday with Sunday being 0% precipitation and a high of 45*F. I hope they switched places... http://www.weather.com/outlook/recreation/golf/weekend/44125
  19. wtf is a bumber Maybe he doesn't know how to make the upside down "b"?
  20. I wouldn't consider myself afraid of heights, but I am afraid to stand painfully close to the edge of a roof or other tall object. I have terrible balance (I have almost fell over just standing up many times) so me being afraid of being too close to an edge is protective for me. It is healthy to be afraid of some things as a survival mechanism. So are you afraid of being in a high place, or in a precarious situation in a high place (standing on a roof vs standing on a roof with your toes over the edge)?
  21. So are you putting in new swingarm and steering stem bearings? I couldn't really tell what was going on with the swingarm and you mentioned the steering stem was being "serviced". If you are changing them, what are you going with? And does that include new wheel bearings? -Edit- Now I don't see anything. Did you guys stop work on it or something?
  22. I logged on just a couple minutes ago and the standard pop-up saying I had a PM came up, however, it had the title of my 2nd most recent PM (04-16) and not the current one. At the very bottom of my inbox list there is a PM that is not read, that I cannot click on, with the time and date on the same line, from "07:00 PM12-31-1969". I still have the 1 new notification thing as well as it saying that I have an unread private message but I cannot access it.
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