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Everything posted by imprez55

  1. Special pricing this week guys, $2800 OBO for OR guys. Trades are welcome, I want space for a impulse buy. Help me make it happen!
  2. The more I look at this, the more I want it. I just need to make room for another bike...
  3. "See that girl in the red dress? Look again, its actually a trap and she is a tranny." I think thats how the dialogue went. Yup, we are definitely in the matrix
  4. I have literally done nothing before and have not seen any negatives from it. I do prefer to bring the battery inside (with a heated garage then I would just disconnect it) and fill the tank all the way up.
  5. $3.77 to $5.73 (today), I think you might have hit the nail of the head here. Nicely done
  6. I do not know the bike, but if you aren't afraid of dropping an engine than a shift fork isn't that big of a deal and a waterpump seal is a piece of cake. It was the first thing I ever did to a bike (yes, even before pumping gas) and I would do it again if I needed to. Be warned, it might be the dogs and not the fork necessarily.
  7. BB's as mentioned, nuts and bolts, chain lints etc. will work to help remove it. If it is just a light surface rust in a small section then you can just try to remove it as suggested, but if you are going to try and seal the whole gas tank then get a chemical that will cause a reaction to the rust to bind to the top sealing layer. I have heard many stories about POR15 not working correctly. I do not know the reason (I have never used it myself) but I suspect it is due to improper surface prep.
  8. QFT They have shown repeatedly that they want to control the market and then stifle progress so they can get the highest profit margin without putting money into R&D and innovation. "Bing it" (as well as "duckduckgo it", although that is my personal preference) didn't catch on like "Google it" and they are all pissy, so they have to do something. The problem with their plan is that they are not the near monopoly they once were and Google is a giant company with the $$$ to push back. Frankly I think the whole patent office screwed the pooch and these companies need to find a new past time
  9. My 2003 CBR600rr is right in your price range. You are a bit far away, but I wouldn't have any problem trailering it to Columbus at least. If not then I would recommend a late 90's 600 since you are used to carbs already
  10. imprez55


    What kind of refrigerant? I am assuming R12, I just want to make sure
  11. Came to suggest both of these, was not disappointed. FYI these are no more than 5 minutes east off the Chagrin rd. exit on 271
  12. I am not so sure a spirited ride will scare him. Just be careful that it might actually have the opposite effect and make him desire it even more. If he is a lowly passenger, he will see the skill of an experienced rider and think that he will be able to perform those maneuvers just as easily. Why do you think he wants one? It is probably because he wants to go fast and showing him that it can go fast might just make him want it more. It might also have the more desired outcome and scare the piss out of him, but then the result might be that he will be too scared to ride any bike. My father told me a story of how he was a salesman at one point and a young kid, on his 18th birthday with his MC temps and not a day on a bike, walked in and purchased a brand new liter bike. He never even made it home to his parents and crashed into the back of a semi. I'm sure he will just write that off as "I'm better than that kid" but that story has always stuck with me. My advice would be to take him a step up from a quad to a dirt bike. A small displacement, torque-y dirt bike can make him feel like he is going to loop it once he hops on it and ham-fists the first time. Teach him basic safety and some parking lot drills to see if he is actually ready to ride a bike by himself. If all else fails and he buys a busa against your wishes, pick it up for him and make him show you that he can actually ride it in a parking lot (lay out the endorsement test in cones) before he rides it on the street. Dollars to doughnuts the bike will be wrapped around a lamp post by the end of the day if he truly has the reckless abandon that it sounds like.
  13. For an air filter you will be looking at around $50, wires might be around $30 and for the brakes it will be a little less than $90 for all of them but you might be able to get away with just $50 for the fronts. One of my big no-no's is rust in a gas tank unless I plan on replacing it or something similar. I really hate dealing with the process of cleaning it out and coating the inside just to leave you wondering if its fully coated or if it is going to stay. With that said, I had good experience with KBS Coatings and their gas tank kit which was like another $50. If you are lenient with your budget then you could do it for that, I always make sure I can go 20% out of any budget and still be happy. The little things that might bite you are gas and coolant lines which could be brittle by now and some electrical wires (it would be time more the money there). With my estimates I am coming up with about $375 (battery $60, coolant $20, oil+filter $30, spark plugs $12, ignition coil wires $30, brakes $50, air filter $50, tire $115, carb cleaner $6).
  14. The official "why isn't this in the Politics Sub" post
  15. There is an Alarmax on my tomorrow that I can stop by, depending on their hours. How much are we talking for a name brand camera? If I am buying a camera for this explicit purpose, I was hoping to keep the price under what it would cost to repair the scratches. That is how I was planning on mounting it so that the person doesn't see it. I would (oddly) prefer them do it again so I can get it on tape and get the other scratches they caused paid for versus just scaring them into not doing it anymore. I don't get how the motion detector setup works though, can you explain it? You, I like you. -Edit- Kmanlyst cave me an idea. What about something like this? Its only $40 (open box ones) and I am close enough to the garage that the wireless should function.
  16. Here is the scenario: I live in an apartment and just recently started using my assigned garage space (never used a garage before, but lack of close parking spaces makes it more convenient). Within the last 2 weeks I have had 5 new scratches appear on my passenger door magically overnight. Four of these scratches are about 1/2" by 3" with one of them leaving behind red paint and it just so happens the person next to me has a red vehicle. It also is convinced that the pain on the edge of their door is scraped away at the same height of the scratches. I don't doubt these can be removed, but I don't want to pay for their irresponsibility. I went to the police station and they told me to install a camera and catch them in the act, otherwise I wouldn't have enough evidence. I have just gotten permission to install a self contained camera in the detached garage to catch them (I don't doubt it will happen again) So what camera would do best in a low light situation and can run for ~24 hours (at minimum 12 hours) while still retaining enough clarity to identify the person and contact with my vehicle? I also want this to be the cheapest camera possible while getting it and installing it in a short amount of time so I don't have to see 10 more scratches by the time I get it. Help me out here guys!
  17. Its not that easy always. I went through a big ordeal having a MCO and bills of sales tracing back to the original owner and I could not get a title. If it is a dirt bike being used for a closed course or offroad use only (as brian said) then I would buy it no problem and get a bill of sale. If you are planning on trying to title it and get plates, I would be wary and get things in writing from the BMV beforehand.
  18. When I was at IMS last, a Racetech rep said that they could replace stock internals and springs with their stuff for about that price, I believe. You are probably better off finding a $20 stock shock on ebay from one of the bikes you mentioned.
  19. Hotel pillows, free, Kalahari, super comfortable and thick
  20. I'm not picky, I am just looking for something to put into my new system and I'm sure anything you would have is high quality. I'll probably have windows 7 and miscellaneous games that I want to play at any time so I am thinking something in the 100GB+ range. If it is reasonably priced then I wouldn't mind larger. Flounder, where and how much were yours?
  21. Are these still available or have you gotten rid of them?
  22. So you pay them $50/hour to rub tanner on them, right?
  23. Youtube already took down one of these videos so here is a mirror and one you don't have to sign it for. http://videos.mediaite.com/embed/player/2ZCKHP14JGXS6QHF
  24. I can't give any advice, but I was looking at the other gun so I know its not for sale anymore
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