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Everything posted by imprez55

  1. Bump again for a buyer's market now
  2. I can as well vouch for the minty-ness of the bike in question. I also wouldn't mind "blowing" $80 on 1:200 odds because its more of a donation than anything. With that said, you have a PM inbound. This is certainly a different kind of forum.
  3. What kind of project are you looking for?
  4. Just a heads up, the craigslist ad in the original post says you deleted it. I also cannot take him anymore, the cage he would have gone into is no longer available.
  5. imprez55


    The guys that come to work seemed pleasant enough. I don't know if they are just happy people or they enjoy their job. I will ask them next week if I remember to
  6. imprez55

    Just a shotgun

    I was not speaking on the correctness of the prior laws, just that he did in fact use a gun that was illegal at that time. You said that my quote was incorrect and I think we were both commenting on the latter portion (correct me if I am wrong). Bingo. I think the guy would be prosecuted even here for his actions, regardless of his owning a gun or not
  7. imprez55

    Just a shotgun

    It doesn't make sense to me, maybe try re-wording it or someone else explain? The email mentioned the shotgun as never being registered, so therefore it would be illegal to have. I could be taking for granted the facts presented but, if anything, that fact goes against what the email is trying to prove so I assumed it would be correct.
  8. imprez55

    Just a shotgun

    Since this is a chain email, don't forget to do your own digging instead of taking it word for word. The man booby trapped his house and ended up shooting the 16 yr old in the back with an illegal gun. The rest of the timeline after the "April, 2000" conviction: -April 10, 2000 - At his trial at Norwich Crown Court, Mr Martin denies murdering Mr Barras, attempting to murder Mr Fearon, wounding Mr Fearon with intent to cause injury and possession of an illegal firearm with intent to endanger lives. - April 19, 2000 - Outcry erupts after Mr Martin is found guilty of murdering Mr Barras and sentenced to life. During the trial, it emerged the burglars had 114 convictions between them. -August 20, 2001 - At an appeal heard at London's High Court, Mr Martin's sentence is reduced to manslaughter and his sentence is cut to five years. - January 2003 - Mr Martin's hopes of release are dashed by the Parole Board after he refuses to show remorse. July 28, 2003 - Mr Martin is released from custody. He sells his story to the Daily Mirror for £100,000. Also, the treaty and prejudice against Obama is false.
  9. Yup, that black bracket and the remaining chain guard screw are definitely out of place
  10. bump, price negotiable, especially with guns added
  11. A 22lr at 100 yds will become a paint remover to an angled stop sign, so I am betting that the pan will be just fine.
  12. I like oil or Teflon based lubes the best. I use the Repsol chain lube (spray can) the most and have never had a problem and I will also use some spare 80wt oil that I have if I cannot find the Respol or left it somewhere. The oils seem to not collect as much dirt on the chain or any other surface. I am definitely spending less time cleaning my undertail and that whole back left side, especially the rear wheel where all that brake dust comes off and can collect on the wax.
  13. My uncle has tried to get info on some wild ones for a few years and never really turns anything up. At one point I believe ODNR had a map of sightings but there were so few sightings, with too small of numbers, and too far away for me to justify checking it out for myself. On a related note, I know someone on here posted a great video of a guy using his helicopter and an AR15(?) to bag a ton of them. -Edit- Found it; cmh_sprint posted it a little while back: http://vimeo.com/21181307
  14. I highly recommend Frame Oddities in N. Royalton (13001 Abbey Road). You can call him at (440) 582-0240. He has extremely reasonable prices and top notch work
  15. Let me know if you get desperate. I would be interested in another snake, but it would have to be shipped up to Cleveland (no terrarium or heating pad necessary).
  16. I stand corrected. It is not the ORC but the United States Code, Title 18 section 930. "(2) The term "dangerous weapon" means a weapon, device, instrument, material, or substance, animate or inanimate, that is used for, or is readily capable of, causing death or serious bodily injury, except that such term does not include a pocket knife with a blade of less than 2 1/2 inches in length." (near the end of the source) -Edit- Actually, I never stated ORC in my original post (although that is where I though it was). So since I do not see anywhere in Ohio law that this is disputed or revised, it should stand that this is a the reigning law.
  17. Except they are not risking their credibility, only you are. They list that they have lasers for both guns but make you choose which one you have before you look at the product range and even have two different model numbers (as imaposer said). Look at the button and how the plastic looks a little different for the recess from each model. If it works for both then so be it, I am not personally invested, however it does appear as though they are trying to make a distinction between the two. LC9 LCP
  18. I will maybe find it later, but I use the 2 1/2 inch rule. A blade below that is legally allowed to be carried into most buildings and is considered a tool. Beyond that it could be considered a weapon, and beyond 6 inches I don't believe you can carry. I have had school police use the 2 1/2 inch rule (palm of your hand) before when I have been stopped and not a single person all through high school and college has made a remark.
  19. Hit me up if you want a tow around 480. As stated, it is one of the safest places because everyone is traveling in the same direction and nobody is trying to make a left in front of you. My pro tip is simple: keep moving in traffic. Whether that is passing or just moving within your lane (you have 3 available lanes for every 1 car lane plus acceleration/deceleration). The only times I have almost been hit on the freeway is when I became complacent in commuter traffic and stayed stationary and those around me forgot I was there.
  20. Looks like they have finally re-written all the rules now that bullets are considered the dangerous portion of a round ammunition. The amount of anti-gun propaganda surrounding Obama is absolutely astronomical. Anyone remember when he banned black guns back in '08? Yeah, me neither. I refuse to believe or even begin to think about these far off "what if" scenarios that will apparently jeopardize everything. The NRA is too big of a lobbyist to let something like this just slip through the cracks anyways.
  21. If it were a Woodbury ad then it would be advertised for $750 and then when you get there it they would ask $13,000
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