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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. I used aluminum foil and gun oil to remove some rust on my deeply blued 870. Worked well.
  2. That exhaust is pure art.
  3. Thank you for posting that story. Sobering.
  4. It's a natural part of the cruiser to sport -bike transition. You'll find your comfort-spot soon. I also find that wearing the panty-liner WITH WINGS on the outside of my pants helps with grip.
  5. Schools are in a strange predicament. They have to come up with a policy other than "beat his ass", but by doing so we have fostered a generation of whining taddling pussies. I, like many on this forum have no problem with the "beat his ass" policy. Growing up, my dad was president of the school board and served on it for 12 years. Freshman year, I had to defend myself against an older kid who thought it might be fun to draw swastikas on my locker. My punishment from the school ... 3 days suspension. My punishment from my dad... 5 day ski trip to upstate New York. Beat his ass... Edit: the initial story is a real tragedy. I hope my kids never get to that point of desperation.
  6. C-bus


    Glad to hear. Good luck with your recovery.
  7. What's the best coin purse oil to use? Should I go synthetic?
  8. I am sick and f-ing tired of coin-purse threads.
  9. That doesn't look too bad at all. I slab to work on the bike, so a warrior may have to be an option when two bikes fit the garage. Thanks.
  10. How do the warriors handle at speed? Do you feel like you're going to be blown off?
  11. I absolutely love turkey hunting, but I've never even shot at one. Watching, hearing, smelling, feeling the woods wake up around me is almost spiritual. The kill is secondary.
  12. Does the chip look anything like Jesus? Could be some coin there.
  13. As stated, the choice to click or not to click remains. I couldn't care less about video games or track days, so I don't read those posts.
  14. Don't waste your money on folding stocks or stockless pistol grips. They render the gun useless IMO. Go with that Mossberg or Chevy's setup.
  15. I rode down to Chillicothe yesterday for work. Without a single exception, EVERY bike I rode past was an HD. Nearly every one of them waved at me first. In fact, I was getting a few from across the highway median. Maybe it's my reeeel perty mouth.
  16. If I wanted casual encounters, I'd stay home with the wife.
  17. C-bus


    Medicare reimburses less than insurance companies and private parties in most cases.
  18. De Santis makes the "Tuck This". It is iwb and you can tuck your shirt in around it. Or just wear your shirt out with about any rig. I used to worry about printing, but I don't really give a shit any more.
  19. That's only if they make it past the claymores lined along the perimeter.
  20. I use S&B or Estate. Works just fine.
  21. C-bus


    If your only option ends up being private pay, negotiate up front for "Medicare Allowable" charges. Should be about a dollar per minute.
  22. Going with a 20 gauge would really just be a symbolic gesture for the wife. They are no less powerful, simply delivering less payload. A 12 is actually a more novice -friendly round as it is far more forgiving accuracy-wise. The guy in the pheasant field with the 20 or the. 410 generally needs to be more skilled. I've also seen far better selection of 12 ammo than 20
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