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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I think him spending more time in jail than a murderer is a bunch of bullshit. I love dogs but they are still animals. What he did was stupid, but have we really made it to the point that animals get more respect than humans? He deserves to play... he's a dog killer of a breed of dogs that half the world wants put to sleep anyway.


    Side note, did you know that if PEDA rescues your dog it has over a 90% chance of being put to sleep. Since they do it with needles its ok though :rolleyes:

    Actually what did it in for him was the fact that he lied about it. Killing the dogs was just what got all the attention. The opperation of a gambling/ dog fighting ring and housing the events then lieing about it is probably what cost him the time in the slammer. If he would have come clean about it all in the first place he probably would have been better off.

  2. I just got my budget #s through the end of July.


    Gross Profit + 7% to budget Even With 2008

    Payroll Expense - 2.4% to budget - 16.4% to 2008

    Total Expenses - 3.3% to budget - 21.9% to 2008

    Net Income + $77k to budget + $211.5K to 2008


    The department I took over 14 months ago has NEVER turned a profit in the 33 years of existence, losing more than $200K a year. We are on pace to turn a $26k profit this year.....



    ....yet I just took a 10% pay cut?


    Yeah, I feel your pain. I'm working on my budget numbers now and I'm + 9% to my budget and + 11% to 08. That and I just took on another department and exceeded on my annual evaluation yet I get no more $$$ for doing either.


    I just decided to do what I do and forget worrying about it. I’ll get what I’ve earned someday.

  3. I did an annual football game with friends for years called the christams bowl. We'd play full contact, no pads in freezing cold weather every year around Christmas since we were like 12, same core groupe of guys. That was up until about 2 years ago. First someone got a broken nose, then an arm. The next year a concussion and a dislocated shoulder. We realized that grown men can't smack the shit out of eachother like when we were kids...Good times though.
  4. There was still a few spots open... should have brought your shit... or was it in the same place it is now? Fucked up and not running.... how much money did you spend to fix that problem??? Still ain't fixed.


    I thought this was Part Rock Krew... NOT fight club. You're all slow and busted up now stfu :bangbang:

  5. I used it on my Dakota yesterday and... well I haven't driven it yet. BUT the truck has 210K miles on it and after the sefoam tratment it seemed fine. It didn't really somke that bad which I thought was odd since it had so many miles on it. But oh well, I've also heard good things about Marvel Mystery Oil.
  6. WTF is going on with this thread??? I mean don't get me wrong, the intro was good but something just seems off...


    Thanks to all that have accepted my Introduction...I Look forward to meeting new columbus people at local meets...


    I will try and make it to sonic on stenzler rd... What i will do is also get on sonic.com and get the address and put it in my gps to get me right there lol.. Columbus racing is really cool and i would like to meet alot of you guys..


    ...Im just here to meet some new people in columbus and to hang out at local car gatherings


    No-offence , but you sound like some cereal killer robot who’s got a grudge against “racers” for running over your kitten. You’re not going to come to the Sonic on Seltzer Rd and kill us all are you? Then the abundance of pimped out rides… I don’t know, maybe I’m waaaay off but something just seems odd here…Either way, I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and +rep you because you seem to handle shit well and you managed to make it 2 pages with a Scion. That and if you really are a robot cereal killer you may spare me since I was… “nice?” :lol:


    Welcome to CR

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