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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Ummm, yeah.... So I tried the live version while I was out Saturday night and... well, it didn't exactly go so smoothly. I had to have a few drinks in me to pull it off but here’s how they went (from what I can remember). I tried about 8 times, but only 3 actually responded back, the other 5 just ignored me after I ask “Can I tap that”. :lol:


    Description: A solid 9 with nice titties, a red blouse and blond hair.

    Me: Hey, so I got a question

    Girl: Okay...? (in a real prissy tone)

    Me: You think I can tap that?

    Girl: WHAT!?

    Me: Can I tap that?

    Girl: Who the fuck are you... Josh (apparently the guy she was with)

    Josh: What the fucks your deal!?

    Me: It was just a question.

    Josh: Well how about I ask you a question

    Me: Okay.

    Josh: How about you get the fuck outta here before I kick your ass.

    Me: So what’s the question, I don't understand, are you asking me if you can kick my ass? Because the answer is no. Now, let me ask YOU a question

    Josh: (just looks at me)

    Me: Can I tap that?

    Josh: Get the fuck outta here.

    Me: Whatev!


    Description: An 8 with a nice rack and a small tight skirt. Brunette hair.

    Me: I got a question.

    Girl: What’s up!

    Me: Are you here with a guy named Josh. (See I got smarter)

    Girl: (A little laugh), ummm no, why?

    Me: Are you here with any guy.

    Girl: No….

    Me: Sweeet, okay so now for the REAL question, can I tap that?

    Girl: LOL, what!?

    Me: Can I tap that.

    Girl: Is that seriously you’re best pick up line.

    Me: I wouldn’t call it a pick up line; I’m more of a cut to the chase kind of guy.

    Girl: Well that’s great, but I’m not.

    Me: Sooooo, is that a yes?

    Girl: No, it’s a no. So sweetie if you think that’s how I am you’re wrong.

    Me: My fault, I just assumed that since your titties were bust out of your extra small dress that you were looking for penor and like I said, I like to cut to the chase.

    Girl: (set her drink down and walked away with her 2 friends)



    Description: 6.5 – 7 nice body, so so face (big nose) blond and DRUNK as FUCK!

    Me: Damn you look good enough to ask a question!?

    Her: Haha, what!?

    Me: I said can I ask you a question

    Her: YES!!!!

    Me: wow you’re loud.

    Her: That’s not a question, let me ask you.

    Me: What?

    Her: What’s your name?

    Me: That’s not how this works.

    Her: Yes it is, what’s your name?

    Me: Travis (just a random name I give to strangers in bars)

    Her: Travis, you need a drink!

    Me: Ummm, yeah so can I ask you a question.

    Her: yeah!

    Me: Can I tap that?

    Her: Whaaat?

    Me: Can I tap that?

    Her: Hahaha, wow I’m not that easy am I.

    Me: I don’t know are you?

    Her: Maybe, you need a drink.

    Me: You callin me ugly?

    Her: No!

    Me: So when can I tap that.

    Her: After we drink.

    Me: Nice.

    Her: why did you ask me that?

    Me: Because it’s a game and I needed to get a yes.

    Her: But I didn’t say yes.

    Me; Yes you did, like 2 seconds ago.

    Her: Oh did I… hahah, okay then.

    Me: Wow… Are you drunk?

    Her: Nooo…wheres your dink.

    Me: I drank it.

    Her: You’re cute!

    Me: You’re drunk and apparently easy.

    Her: Huh, that’s not nice.

    Me: But true right.

    Her: NOoooo I’m not too drunk.

    Me: Okay (at this point it was getting kind of annoying because she would start to half dance then grab onto me and she was pretty sweaty too)

    Her: Don’t be mean.

    Me: Okay, so just so I’m clear, I CAN tap that right.

    Her: If you’re not mean.

    Me: Okay then, meet me in the men’s room.

    Her: What! No that’s nasty!

    Me: So you’d let a stranger tear you’re walls down but all of sudden you have standards as to were?

    Her: You’re getting mean.

    Me: Yeah, well you’re getting annoying so lets call it even.


    I stopped after that. To be honest, its kind of hard to just be that straight forward and keep up the persona of a complete ass. Call me too nice, but it’s hard work being a dick and having to have quick witty come backs. I think I’ll stick to texting.

  2. LOL.


    I just want to know how hard it will to get a hot girl to demo it for us in the shop.



    (Note to Self)


    This is probably not a good idea in terms of my business. LOL


    No no no, you're looking at this all wrong. It's not a bad thing; you're just restructuring Dyno Tune Performance.... Call it... Strip Club Performance! Imagine going to a place where you can get your balls licked while your car is being tuned. You would corner the market it would be a great move. Dollar dances durring pulls. FREE lap dance for the highest HP of the night. Of cource there would be NO SEX IN THE DYON ROOM. I'm telling you, there is no way this would end badly. As long as you don’t mind getting paid in $1’s for the dyno pulls. :D

  3. This is a perfect example of why you wear gear. I'm not a rider, but I've heard people who say shit like "What goods a helmet goanna do when you get hit at 65-70 mph!?"... Ummm, it's probably goanna save your life.


    Do you plan on riding again once you recover? I think it would be kind of tuff to enjoy after something like that, but either way sound like you'll go about in the safe/ smart way (gear).


    Well, like everyone else has said, glad you're okay and hopefully you make a quick recovery.

  4. First:


    Me: Aye, quick question.

    Her: ok what is it

    Me: When are you gunna let me tap that?

    Her: what kind of question is that

    Me: It's quite ambiguous, but an answer now would be great.

    Her: hahahah idk lol u dork thats kind of a bold question to ask

    Me: Okay, so how about a cookie for my effort and then you let me tap that.

    Her: r u drunk

    Me: Are my chances better if I am?

    Her: idk

    Me: I'm done with you.. I'm getting blue balls for pete's sake.

    No response.





    Me: Sooo, when you gunna let me tap that?

    Her: Lol are u drunk

    Me: Why, are my chances better if I am?

    Her: No but it doesn't seem like something u would say

    Me: LOL, I'm really just kidding. It's just a game I'm playing with some buddies to see what people would say.

    Her: O

    Her: I was gonna say what are you doing tonite, but...

    Me: But what?

    Her: You were just kidding ;)

    Me: FML.



  5. This was to a friend...NOT my girlfriend


    Me: So you goann let me tap that or not?

    Her: Haha, what?

    Me: Tap that...are you goann let me?

    Her: Tap what, and where is this coming from

    Me: Your ass, so now that we're clear you goann let me tap it?

    Her: Ummmm, seriously.

    Me: Yes, now quit with the games. Either you will or you won't

    Her: WOW, what brought this on.

    Me: Yes or No.


    Me: Yes or No

    Her: Sure

    Me: Niiiice

    Her: Call me!


    That was like a 20 minute text, like she was really thinking about it. Now I feel dirty...So I just texted my girlfriend. haha


    Me: You goanna let me tap that?

    Her: After work but before dinner…which you’re going to make for me!

    Me: WOW!

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