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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I think we just have a difference of opinion. ALOT of people wouldn't neccessarily look at it as defacing the office of the president but rather an expression of his national policies. What do all the hippies always say? Art is just a form of expression? So if you and I can talk about how we dont agree or support his policies but someone else would rather display dissinterest in a picture or a cartoon whats the difference? WE have a freedom, a liberty of expression that we should take advantage of in ANY WAY POSSIBLE. I dont care if you want to sit down and have a town hall meeting or make a sculpture just the fact that your expressing your dissapproval means alot to this country. The day we lose that right, that ability is the day we should all fear.


  2. Please quote someone so we know who you're refering to Brandon. And I'm down for Friday night since i'm on vacation this week :)


    My bad i was on my BB. But i vote saturday


    Either works for me. Work owns me through the week though. :mad:

  3. I am going to guess that if those people that ran were driving a car they stole from you, your tune would change dramatically.


    Or if those same people in the car had just robbed/raped your mother.


    Or were wanted for killing someone in your family.


    All of a sudden, it becomes a whole different story, doesn't it? People normally run because they are innocent. They usually run because they have done something (beyond the traffic citation) that they don't want to be caught for.


    Ummm, not to really start shit here, but


    1. If it was my stolen car, I wouldn't want it involved in a chase where some d-bag thief beat the hell out of it and could potentially total it.


    2. No matter how much I love my car, I'd hate to see innocent people die as a result of trying to retrieve stolen property that can be replaced.


    3. How good and how much faith do you have in the police if you mean to tell me after a rape, robbery or stolen car that the only way they can catch the person is by chasing after them in a car at high speeds? I’m sure there would be plenty of evidence to find who did it after the fact.


    4. Why put innocent by standards in danger because of a traffic violation. Sure they’re probably not running just because they didn’t signal. But hell you can radio ahead to other cops and follow them/ get their license plate and description of car. You don’t have to ride their ass at 75-80 mph down side streets, what the hell are you goanna do then anyway?

  4. this is by far the best price we've found for the mileage...


    There might be a reason for that given the way this shop talks....


    Also keep in mind that if someone who you don't know trys to say shit like "I'll make up some story to tell the guy who actually won the auction..." That would make me wonder what kind of story he's telling me. Don't just look at the $$$ when it comes to something like this. If it seems off to you then it probably is


    ...actually they are going up, but there's deals on them if you are willing to take your time and look...


    You're right and if you keep looking you'll probably find another one similar to this but without the hassel or concerns.

  5. The US military isn't designed to "serve" the people, nor are they appointed by the people. Less civilian involvement is all for the better of the military. Personally, that'll only lead to more politics in the military, which in turn leads to more complications. More complications for men on the ground = Death.



    I mean I know voting works, hell Ted Kennedy's still in office......


    Hummm.... let me think about that, you make a good point...

  6. :lol: Because the average joe is the best source of knowledge about global conflict.


    Not now, but if we put it on the people they would have to make an informed decision. Right now some people don't know whats going on, only because they don't need to. It's out of their hands. But put the responcibility on the people and they will be forced to make an informed decision.

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