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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Back again hoping for some + reps.

    What is the best, most effective way to get through the door?


    Hummm, just post some pics of your car and some details about yourself and try not loose your cool. It's goanna be tuff at this point, but MAYBE...just MAYBE people will forget about your first attempt and let you in. Good luck

  2. - Have a 3rd party audit of every government office or tax funded operation (police, fire, courts etc.) every year including local, state and federal to keep them honest.

    - No special “privileges” or “benefits” in holding office. You speak for the people, which should be privilege enough.

    - Limit terms in office for all.

    - Get rid of the Electoral College and let the people speak!

    - Get rid of ALL political parties. Why have separation or labels in office, it should be the party of the people.

    - VOTE on whether or not we go to war!

  3. the front bumper needs repainted but the car ran well. i had new heads on it and i just have extremely bad luck. im almost positive i want to get out of the whole car thing though after this. shits to exspensive.


    You say that now, but after you go without a "Fast" car for a while, you'll be back. I feel your pain maybe just tune it down a bit and take a break. I went through the same thing with my GTP. It kept eating up the trans everytime I went to the track. I finally said fuck it, demodded it and quit for a while. Now I really wish I had something fast again. I'll be back into something soon enough. Good luck though.

  4. Now excuse my interruption, but why does it seem like every thread I read about you or your car involve massive amounts of failure? Is your car really that beat to hell or do people just enjoy fucking with you?


    Either way sucks to hear about your luck, or lack there of, but why not just take this opportunity and get new heads while you’re at it. :D

  5. Insurance will evaluate / charge for minor violatins for 3 years...majors only surcharge for the same 3 years but company place in non-standard carriers for 5 years.


    So what you're saying is that if I stick with the same company they look 5years back? Shit, when i turn 25 I'm shopping around. I'ts not any cheaper through Nationwinde and I have my homeowners Insurance through them FML :(

  6. I don't think anyone here doesn't want to support education....but I for one am not about to flush more of my hard earned money into Issue 1 bullshit and then another school levy where the administration can't manage with what they have already.


    Times are tough, if parents want their kids in programs like band and sports and they can't be funded with what the schools have, then they have to either do without or pay it themselves. Every public organization is crying out for more of the public's money and it has to stop. Fucking balance your budget and make do with what you have. I have to, why not the schools and city gov'ts.


    Agreed. I live in galloway and I'm glad they didn't pass the damn thing. You can't tell me with the amount we pay in taxes on EVERYTHING that they can't work something out. Fix the problems, don't just keep throwing mony at it.

  7. I went to a bachelor party in Windsor last year. It was a weekend deal, we got fuckin wasted in the hotel room then went to the Casinos gambled and I won $500 (US $$$ thank you) then went from bar to bar to bar. We beat some Canadian dudes ass because hit punched the bachelor (In the shoulder hahah) after he danced with his G/F. Got kicked out went to another bar and did some shots then off to see some Titties at the strip club!!!! All that on Friday night!! Now that was a party…..
























    Oh, I almost forgot how this applies to your Mormon friend. Since we had a good portion of Saturday afternoon to kill we went to a Paint ball park, that shit was fun as hell you should do that!

  8. holy shit...i dont even pay that much a month for full coverage on my car and my supercharged truck....and my driving record is way worse, and im younger


    +1. I'm older but don't pay that much to fully insure all 4 of my cars.


    I know right, and I called around and that's what most places are telling me $250-300. Now... at the height of my tickets I had like 7 and 10 points on my license, but aren't they supose to fall off after 2 years, or does the insurance company go back further?

  9. I prefer to dig race anyway. When you don't always have the fastest car in the race (and I know about having a slower car) the X factor is the driver. I'm willing to give up 20-30 WHP depending on the driver. Roll racing is fun, but the real skill is from a dig. Dyno Brian knows what I'm talking about :D


    Mystic Cobra - Et 13.19 @ 103mph and 1.8x 60ft

    GTP - Et 12.70 @ 107mph and 1.8x 60ft


    His Cobra and my GTP would run damn near side by side from a 30 roll. From a 60 Roll we'd be close and he'd start to pull at around 95-100... From a dig however ;) Well, I'd put about a car on him then he'd gain a half a car back by the 1/4, then after that he'd start to gain on me again and eventually pass me.


    Bottom line, Roll Racing is fun racing; Dig Racing is real racing.

  10. i have erie, the vette full coverage with 2 tickets is 500/yr


    how in the fuck.... :wtf: I have 3 tickets on mine and I drive a damn Grand Prix GTP but pay $280 a MONTH for full. Does the magic 25 years old help that much!?

  11. Yeah I think you’re on to something. The government telling me how many times I can go to the hospital a year, or telling me what procedures I'm allowed to have done. Yep, I can't wait till the government can control every aspect of my life. I'll just pay them a shit load in taxes and they can make up my mind for me! :rolleyes: Fuck that!


    The reason America has some of the best heath care in the world is because of the way it’s set up now. Imagine if your trip to the hospital/ doctor was like a trip to the BMV or to the post office.

  12. I have a G/F, but I'm not afraid of the ladies








    But most of all I just like to PARTY!
























    So please consider this the next time PRK is in affect, I'll wait for my invite :lol:

  13. Well consider this my into to Party Rock Crew!


    Hi everyone, my name is Chris and... I like to party! I heard about PRK in the Pics and Video section and thought it looked like a good time. I'm familiar with most of you through CR and everyone seems cool so why not party with ya? Here are my credentials…

    I drink well with others.






    I'm down to help with beer runs!





    I can handle my alcohol.





    I can adapt to my surroundings and be classy


    OR NOT


  14. I really hope see loses and there's a counter suit from the college for tarnishing their name.


    Why? They wouldn't get anything out of her, she doesn't have a job remember.


    This is pretty lame, I mean it's tuff for anyone looking for a job now. I'm sure there are a lot more qualified and EXPERIENCED people out there who have been laid off and can't find work. I guess she's just going the lazy route, "if I can't get a job when I want one then it has to be someone elses fault" :rolleyes:

  15. Yeah, I watched it last night too and thought the same thing. He doesn't appear to be half bad. But everything he said sounded like he was reading it off a teleprompter so I’m not sure how much of that “soul” is he’s and how much is the editors/ writers.
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