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Everything posted by AndyJ

  1. AndyJ

    HIPAA laws

    OK the mental picture of this just made me spit beer... I'm betting what C-Bus said-probably sitting in their system from a previous encounter and she never bothered to actually look at the face sheet before signing it, or maybe she hasn't been back there since you got divorced? Not sure what medical records system they use, but we can do an audit to see when a reg record was last updated. I'm guessing they all have similar functionality.
  2. AndyJ

    Fuel Economy

    I'm also usually in the 40-45 range.
  3. They operate alot in the Akron & Wooster area - got a ticket courtesy of one a few years ago. FWIW OSP uses pretty nice Cessna 182s, which will usually do 140-165mph (airspeed) flat out. It can be kind of exciting to fly near them sometimes - single pilot and they're usually looking down.
  4. AndyJ

    Sunday 8/7?

    Gah, I'm out. Overdid hills on my road bike this morning; I'm taking the rest of the day off from two wheeled hijinks.... That cell looks like it's dissipating as it moves east; shouldn't be an issue. Have fun!
  5. AndyJ

    Sunday 8/7?

    I 'think' I've got the day cleared out for tomorrow. Looks like a good day!
  6. Is the auto road paved now? Never drove up, but I did hike it several times. Another fun mountain to ride is Equinox in south-central VT near Manchester.
  7. Corvair powered Pietenpol? Excellent!! On my to-do list for someday. (I think the Ford would be cooler to look at, but I don't know if it would have enough oomph to cart me around)
  8. You really should just keep the cool stuff you buy. Between this, the 1KR, and a few other bikes I've seen you mention, you'd have a heck of a collection by now. I have room in my garage to help store them.... I think I saw a 400 on the WERA forum recently (maybe it was a 600?) in the vintage forum.
  9. Actually light airplanes are probably the worst terror weapon out there - very little payload, tough to do much damage. The dude who hit the IRS down in TX showed that, but the point got lost in the !!!!11ZOMFGDOOOOOOM!!!one!!111!! fear mongering message from the media and TSA. We spend millions 'protecting' against a basically nonexistent threat and harassing pilots, while you can still rent a Ryder truck with no restrictions.
  10. A Dr. I used to work with was up flying the morning of 9/11; he has some pics of the F16 trying to form up with him to intercept. Actually I thought their dirty stall speed was alot higher like 125 or so? Really there's no excuse for not being aware of TFRs - I get emails for the eastern half of the US; I saw this one last week. It's just embarassing.
  11. AndyJ

    Sunday 8/7?

    Just heard about this from Siacono - I may come down for this depending on what the familia is up to Sunday.
  12. Lots of interesting stuff here! We started talking about this at work abit- wasn't there some kind of across-the-board drop in state $$ for schools last year that's helping to fuel this along with decreasing tax revenues for the cities themselves?
  13. I can vouch for that as well - we no longer have busing, they've cut staff on all levels and increased class size, etc. Pay to play at high school is now 600 a sport (!!!) with no scholarships. Net result is that people are going to be less willing to move to or stay in ciites like mine - I know of a handful who decided to look elsewhere because the schools are starting to go downhill. Watching the news last night, though, looked like some of the levies passed.
  14. Sorry, I can't stand when people bash general aviation - overall similar accident/fatality rates to riding, including stupid pilot tricks and high risk operations. Just like on the bike, if you're proficient, well prepared , look ahead and use good decision making, you mitigate away the majority of the risk (primary difference being that there are far fewer idiots trying to center-punch you with an Escalade at any moment - ie the loose nut behind the yoke/stick is the best indicator of safety or lack thereof). Flounder has it right, though. Much as I despise the entire Soviet-wannabe premise of the TSA, for that kind of distance you're better off letting Southwest do the flying, more for operational reasons than safety. I've done OH-AZ, and it makes for a long, boring day at 170-200mph. To get a charter for a 1200mi leg, you'd be looking at some serious $$$. Those are some really tight time constraints to work with, though - any chance to work with the academy to get some more time ie leave at noon, come back at noon Monday? A bit of weather or some other goofiness could cause you life-long pain and suffering .
  15. OK you owe me a new keyboard; just spit beer all over it.... Harassing people for flipping their shield up while stopped is just idiotic, law or not. Personally, if I leave my shield down while stopped, I'm more dangerous to myself and anyone in front of me, because I can't see anything once my glasses & shield get fogged up. I guess this is yet another example of the pilot's axiom 'Legal is not always safe, and safe is not always legal'.
  16. AndyJ

    VF500f "rebuild"

    90% done, 90% to go, eh? I've always liked miniceptors- that looks great!!
  17. I'll be there... I'll probably head north from 93 or Dresden since I'll probably be near death at that point from trying to keep up with you guys all day .
  18. 491 miles for the day, plus just got back from 12 miles on the road bike with my son. I think de-bugging will wait til tomorrow. Had a great time, (and realized yet again how little I know about riding) and looking forward to next month!!
  19. How big of a fine did they hit her with to cover for court costs + 93 days of jail time? This sounds more like the Party trying to make sure that all Comrades have their papers in order. I thought Medina township was over the top with harassing Bill Doraty about his inflatables, but this tops that idiotic waste of time/money by a mile.
  20. Should be able to make this one, but I may have to bug out in the middle somewhere due to family stuff going on in the afternoon.
  21. So are they basically there to steal stuff to sell on the TSA Ebay store? I'm thinking you'll have more workload trying to keep citizens safe from that bunch of Nazi thugs. Most worthless jobs program ever, but 'whatever it takes to be safe'...
  22. AndyJ

    Hey Ohio!

    Hey thanks so much for all your time and effort for this event, Joe!! I had a great time and learned a lot.
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