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Everything posted by YSR_Racer_99

  1. Seriously. Specifically, the stretch between Dayton and Cinti, and especially Warren/ Butler county. They now have four lanes in each direction, but have yet to have all eight open. They condense traffic to one area, tear up a large section, repave it, move the lanes, do the same, and on and on until they get to the other side of the highway. Then they do the same thing coming back the other way. And don't get me started on the I75/ SR73 intersection in Springboro. They had the access ramps closed on Friday, with not a worker in sight. ARRRGHHHHHHHH.
  2. MOAR FEAR! (Sorry, couldn't resist)
  3. If you paid via Paypal, you should have refund options. Did the seller have good feedback? Remember those $12 key-fob/ remote cameras? From China or Hong Kong, and the seller for those fully refunded my payment, incl shipping, when neither of the two that I ordered worked. Didn't want me to ship it back, "its not worth the cost". You may be jumping the gun on assuming that they're screwing you.
  4. and in India, will they call them Hogs? Oh wait, its the cows that are sacred, right? My bad. Carry on. Like dust in the wind. My wayward son.
  5. Good point. The truth is somewhere in between. What does a room in the Taj Mahal cost? Back to motorcycles.
  6. The irony (at least for me) is the whole Harley "Made in America" thing. Yeah, I know, brakes are Japanese, this that and the other, but Harley is "The" American motorcycle, right? Not looking to talk about Honda's built here, or any of that. Will the Harley crowd protest, find another brand, keep quiet, or just keep buying every HD t-shirt they can find and putting every variation of the stickers on their back windows? Not really blaming Obama. Just "interesting" that he's currently spending $2 billion with an entourage of 3,000 people for a ten-day tour of India, reportedly to "help stimulate business for America".
  7. Thanks, Obama! Way to keep the jobs here. Harlindian David-sanjay?? http://articles.cnn.com/2010-11-04/world/india.bikes_1_india-market-harley-davidsons-haryana?_s=PM:WORLD
  8. No, but I slept at Holiday Inn Express last night. Whatcha need?
  9. ??? Is it red, or orange? Is there a zip out liner? I have a mesh, but need something for fall/ spring weather. Thx
  10. Yeah! Don't go to a shop because its recommended. Go to a particular artist. They're not all equal, and not all good. Was in Aldi one day with my daughter. Saw a tattoo that I liked, so started talking to the guy about who did it, etc. Embarrassed the crap out of my daughter. The guys little brother had gotten one b/c big brother had one, and is now using Wrecking Balm to try to get rid of it. "Its not working". Uhm, whoops. Make sure the artist is good, cuz if you don't like it, you're SOL. Got my newest on the back of my calf a couple of weeks ago. Having trouble with a couple of spots healing.
  11. My feeling is that soooo many taxes are forced upon me that if I have a chance to "vote" on one, I don't want to do it. The other piece is that they've built some huge, beautiful new schools and muni buildings around here (Springboro, but Mason is even worse), and now they have to figure out how to pay for them. Cutting busing is (IMHO) a way to slap the parents on the wrist, in the hopes that they'll vote FOR the levy next time. I live on a budget, and would like to see the schools do the same. Don't build the huge building with great architecture, then hit me every two years to pay for it. I'm tired of the government (and schools) viewing me as their ATM. Tired of it.
  12. When you come to a stop, make sure to put at least one foot down. And if its only one foot, kinda lean in THAT direction. Brilliant. I know.
  13. It depends on if you're going back, and if you're happy with their work. I typically don't tip anyone (barber, for example), the first time I go to them. If you're building a relationship with them, $20 is a small price to pay. IF they take care of you. Aftercare, touch-ups, details, etc. My tattooist didn't value my time the first couple of times. "Two hours" for a job turned into four. That whole tattoo-shop time thing drives me nuts. Talked to him about it, and now I let him know when I go in how much time I have available. We get along, and he's a great artist. I value that. On the other hand, I hear the other artists all quote $100/ hour rates, which is crazy, BUT that hour typically turns into two or more, and for the original price they quoted you. After their fee spllits with the owner/ shop, sketch/ prep time, materials, etc, they're not making anywhere near that $100/hr. Like anything else, if I'm happy with the service, I'll tip. It doesn't appear to be expected by them, but they appreciate it. I think a lot of the shops are verrrrry slow right now. I don't tip my mechanic, though. And don't get me started on "tip" jars on fast food counters.
  14. Yup. And Jessie Jackson and the ilk will be all over TV.
  15. Seems that locally, when Wright Patt contracts are privatized, the people in the existing positions get a crack at the "new" positions. Any chance of that? Of course, may not want to put all of your eggs in that basket, but just a thought.
  16. Was watching some of the early returns last night, and something for Somerville (down here near Cinti) rolled across with something like "Yes" = 46%, "No"= 54%, but the number of votes were 6 and 7 respectively. I chuckled. Again, that was early-on. The final numbers were waaaay up in the 50's and 40's, if I remember right.
  17. But 2/3 or half the price (depending on if you're looking at the Streetfighter or the Big Hyper).
  18. All I see in the first 4-5 seconds of that clip is a Transformers character.
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