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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. Find and Contanct your Representative in the US House by Zip Code: http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/ Contact Your Senators : http://www.senate.gov/ There is an old adage, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” This week the media is trying to convince us that support forSenator Feinstein’s anti-gun legislation is weak, but if we are not PRO-ACTIVE, the legislation will pass as written. You will wake up just in time for SHOT Show with new laws that make your AR-15 a Class 3 weapon. This means that if you want to keep your tactical rifles, you will have to register them, pay a $5-$200 tax, and notify the government if you intend to take them out of state. You will also completely waive your 4th Amendment rights to reasonable search and seizure. ATF will have the right to knock on your door and inspect the weapons anytime they want. You will also see an end to standard capacity magazines. This isn’t a threat. It isn’t political posturing. Diane Feinstein and the anti-gun machine have already introduced the legislation, and it will be rammed through Congress and signed by the President if we do not Stand As One and act today. http://www.gunsamerica.com/blog/we-s...your-contacts/
  2. If no rain Sat I will be out, but its supposed to be scattered showers.
  3. I just read that elsewhere. Plus this- H.J.Res.15 - Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President. http://beta.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-joint-resolution/15/text Un-freaking-believable
  4. That is one place I would love to visit. I have been applying for work there.....
  5. Campaign reform. Limit the amount of money a party and candidate can spend. Give (at least) a 3rd party the same advantage monetarily. Part of this reform would also effectively change the states nomination process's and rules as well as reforming the electoral college. Sweeping change should also legislate term limits and benefit cutoffs for those out of office with one exception, the Pres. But change his to a single 6 yr term.
  6. The intent of us going into Iraq was in response to OBL's orchestrated attack on the WTC. We were after OBL. We learned he was in Afghan and went after him there. We got him. Mission accomplished. Of course there might be other terrorists plotting. But this isn't a crusade we're on. We need to draw down and gtfo. Too much money and far too many lives being lost over there.
  7. A bullie and a Boston Terrier? Wow, you are in for some fun times! Those are some good looking doggies there.
  8. Neither will clam chowder.......
  9. Watching vid's like that in the winter is like torture.....
  10. You got me there, its always 'in the eye of the beholder' isn't it?
  11. Modern technology is incredible. Bet the Viet Nam vets wished they had such technology to work with. Actually a tiny platoon but our guys took care of business. Thank God for that and the lives they did save. Cudo's to all serving over in the shithole but I do agree, we shouldn't be there in the first place. We got OBL so case closed, or it should be, imho.
  12. Soo??? Wgaf. The season is over halfway over anyway. Bring on March Madness!
  13. Why? Her .38 did the trick.....it saved her and the kids. Its better than a sharp stick! Not being an expert I would guess she was shooting practice rounds in a caliber that I would consider to be small anymore. I have bought my wife a small .40 auto loaded with pers. prot. 155 gr. Gold Dots. They have a high pct of stopping power and are about equal to a .357 in that respect. http://www.chuckhawks.com/handgun_power_chart.htm
  14. I've ridden in both areas and while Tenn/NC is awesome, ain't no comparison to the Badlands and South Dakota with the Rockies in the backdrop.
  15. Too many Judges today push political correctness in their courtrooms which is truly helping to kill America, imho.
  16. Saving my pennies for an already planned trip to Sturgis the week prior to the Rally. Really wanted to attend this go around, but guess not.
  17. Sorry to hear of such a travesty. Prayers sent to the family and to you too. Things like this can be real burdens to bear. RIP to the deceased as well.
  18. Nope, facts be damned, its always decided by emotions.
  19. I was the GM at a large truckstop that used to close (yes we actually closed the doors for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day) so we offered OT to anyone who wanted it. Deal was, part of the assignment was to clean. The women's head (toilet) was always the filthiest. Nasty grotty filth everywhere, worse than the men's head. And talk about gross shit written on the stall walls, the women had the mean beat hands down in all terms of filthiness.
  20. Sooo, you carry and no one knows, until there is a need to draw your weapon, then you have a problem. The way we were taught once you fire your weapon, legal or not, the legal entanglement begins. If its a all legit its still a nightmare dealing with all the repercussions, and yes if you stop stuff from happening you are all good, but why carry in a place you know is an unlawful place to do so. The way I understand it not only do you lose your weapon, you lose your ccw forever, and will probably be doing some jail time.
  21. Our auto is financed through Huntington, but haven't had it for very long so not sure on them, but we have all of our other banking through 5th 3rd and are very happy with them.
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