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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. I stand here befuddled by my inferiority. You, kind sir, are the king of sarcasm.. for sure......lmao
  2. I use both IE and Chrome. Chrome is much faster and cleaner to use.
  3. My wife drove one of the '10 Camry LE's with a 4 cyl and said it was like our old Camry the way it ran. The XLE has a 2.5 that hits 100 pretty damned quick. Huge diff between it and the old Camry for sure.
  4. Buy a gen. and you will never regret doing so. Just get a portable that is large enough to run most of your house, omho.
  5. I used to take a small brass punch and put in the top of the bleeder and tap it lightly with a hammer before trying to loosen the bleeder. Seems to break it loose so you can open it without snapping it off. Depending on the location of the bleeder I always tried to used either a 6 pt wrench or socket to prevent slippage and rounding the bleeder off.
  6. With the way 536 is seems you would remember that lil biotch.....personally I think its a harder ride than 129 in Tenn/NC.
  7. ehhh, had a caddy years back, so test drove some newer used ones lately. Yep, still nice, but the gas mileage sucks lemons imho. Ended up test driving a '10 Camry XLE. It was every bit as luxurious as the caddy and I'd say the little 4 cyl was so close to being as fast I could hardly tell the diff. When we found out it got nearly 35 mpg, we bought it. Last tank figured at 35.6 mpg. Not bad. Our older '99 Camry is sitting on 280k miles with no issues so figure the new one will last. Glad about passing on the GM anyway after the bailout thing and knowing where GM has spent much of that money....Brazil to build a huge plant, and in China. Screw GM.
  8. I heard about 536 when I was riding the actual Dragon years back. Someone down there found out I soon moving to Ohio and told me about it-called it the closest thing to 129 he had ever ridden. Its surely not a road to make good time on!
  9. Using that link helped me find a place with a cheaper col compared to moving into Columbus. Thank God for that!!!!!!!! LOL It also helped find a little better weather too.
  10. My son's mil moved to Charlotte.....way too much traffic and idiot drivers. Sounds 1000 times worse than the Columbus area, seriously. My sis lives in Raleigh and it is one rocking town, but highly populated as well. Talking to some NC'ans while visiting her they spoke of the 'triangle area' which comprised of Raleigh, Winston-Salem and Charlotte as being way over populated with several million people living and working there. I would look toward Asheville which is over by the Smokey Mt area or up along the BRP. You can also check here -relocationessentials.com/aff/www/tools/salary/col.aspx for checking and comparing cost of living, wages, weather and the like between different areas. Its a beautiful state and up in the Chapel Hill/Raleigh/Windston Salem areas there are strong tendencies for cutting edge technological jobs because of the close proximity to so many colleges-Duke, NC State, UNC, Wake Forrest, just to name a few. Good Luck!
  11. I've heard Win8 sucked, but also heard that about 7 when it came out.
  12. ohiomike


    No problemo man, I just remember that from my smoking days....lol Naw, not really. Of course with this new designer pot out there, maybe a joint would incapacitate someone, but I highly doubt it would a chronic smoker like Gemma is. Now a blunt is much larger....they take all the tobacco out of one of those small cigars and stuff the leafs with pot....which amounts to it being like a couple or 3 joints, maybe more. But heck, we're talking real life and SOA is TVland stuff.
  13. ohiomike


    Sutter has said SOA will last 7 seasons......I believe its in season 5 currently. BTW, a 'j' and a 'blunt' are like comparing apples and oranges. If Gemma smoked a 'blunt' by herself its very possible it could render her slaphappy. Depending on the quality of the smoke, thats a frickin (ala Gold Rush Todd....lol) lot of mj to inhale.
  14. If you choose to run it preiodically remember to run it so the motor thoroughly warms up. Riding it, make it a minimum of 20 miles or so it warms it all the way. Helps keep moisture/condensation from forming in the crankcase.
  15. A friend of mine in Maine was saying riding those roads at night is real risky.....Moose's eyes do not reflect light like a deer's does, so you can be riding along and all of a sudden a moose is right in front of you!
  16. Don't make the mistake thinking deer aren't around. I've seen them in urban areas with nothing but housing around. When they get spooked they run where ever they want.
  17. The novus 1 I use to clean my shields seems to make water bead off it. Slowing down really helps. You just can't run as fast considering all the dangers riding in the fall brings. I used to have a set of deer alerts on my kawasaki and I do believe they helped. Never hit one!.....lol....yeh I know, but I did see deer standing off the side of the road swing their head up when I got near, then turn and run back into the brush. The Kaw is relatively quiet so I don't really think it was the noise that scared them off. My helmet and shield was on so they couldn't see my face......lol......so that wasn't it....lol
  18. Haven't been in years. What are the daily limits here in Ohio?
  19. We were just through Danville on our way to Amish country. Man is that ever a beautiful area!
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