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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. "did too!"...."nu uhhh"....."oh yeh"......"no way"......
  2. I just called the BMV and then the title office. I was told you cannot obtain a title for it. The seller has to provide a title as of some law being passed back in 1999 or it cannot be used on the road or off legally. She said in '75 when the bike was new it had a title so it should have one now. Can the owner apply for a replacement title or is he not the original owner.
  3. So, no title, but in Ohio with a notarized b.o.s can you get a title? I'm interested
  4. downtown suckazz Columbus I got a parking ticket for $50 for a 5 minute parking venture. I avoid downtown Columbus now. I will spend my money elsewhere.
  5. sBoth my grandparents had pits as family pets. They were great dogs. Never heard that they ever turned on anyone. Back in the 70's and 80's I had some friends that had pits. Both were far different life styles, one a family, my buddy being a Leo. The other was a biker, worked for the railroad, smoked and partied. Either dog loved me, I could walk in anytime unannounced and they would lick me to death. Both ended up flipping and becoming dangerously aggressive. Much like St Bernards the pitbull breed has been bred and inbred by people seeking to make their dog a certain way, to promote certain tendencies in them for either selling or personal satisfaction. Invariably it ruined the breed. Sure there are a scattering of good dogs here and there, but for the most part, the breeds I mentioned have been detrimentally affected and considering how dangerous a pitbull attack can be a reasonable person can understand the public outcry. Blame whomever, if you or your child is attacked by one you will think differently. Add to this the fact that so many pitbull owners do not keep their dogs confined or under control it makes for one dangerous situation.
  6. We've never ridden together so we all need to get a 'Later' ride together for springtime. 'Later' to Doc as he progresses in life. Congrats!!!! There is beauty in most every state. The thumb area is good, north of Saginaw is good, the Traverse City area is like God's country and the UP is as rural as it gets. My advice is 'stay off the superslab' on your bike as much as is possible. Find an abode outside of the city in the 'burbs'. Best 'o luck to ya! Let's do that 'Later' ride in the spring for sure. Maybe we can make it that' dream video ride' you have been looking for.
  7. If that's the track I am thinking it is, Nascar ran there a few seasons back. The thing I remember being said about it was how terrible the surface was. It was so bad it prevented cars from attaining any of the really fast speeds we like to see from Nascar. My cuz lives in Louisville and says the place usually packs people in, at least a few years back when he and I were talking about it.
  8. It's about 'liability' and how, once again I say, our society today has become 'sue happy'. Its horsechit, but its the 'New America'.
  9. We are a 'sue happy' society. Heck even people who are found not guilty in a court of law now can face a ridiculous civil suit afterwards. Our land is led and driven by lawyers, and who is it that always stands to gain big $$$ whenever a lawsuit occurs? Not the plaintiff, or the accused but rather the lawyer. So these leaders love to open more doors to more lawsuits. And we pay either way.
  10. Maybe add John Lord on the keyboard......
  11. Talking insurance........ We have been with State Farm for 20 or so years. Never have had a homeowners claim.....until we moved to Ohio. In '08 we had a claim due to some hurricane blowing through Ohio which took off the front of our roof covering. Then this past summer a couple of hail storms came through ending up with us needing a new roof (complete) and all new eavetrough as well as repairs to our deck. It also did some damage to my barn roof which I did not want to claim. Now after this 2nd claim, which was just over 4 yrs since the 1st claim, they are raising our deductable to $1k. Where we lived before an insurance company could not raise your rates for claims due to storm damage. I guess they can here, and that's bs. So we are going to shop around......
  12. Wow, how exhilarating! I have an addiction and its 'speed' that fills my need. Man if they had some of the sport bikes you all ride now I would probably be dead...lol...cuz I'd of had to had the fastest. I would have had to run one of these types of races too. I still got the 'jones' but am too frickin old!
  13. You could find a 2010 Camry XLE with low mileage for $20k. 35 mpg, luxury, fast, quality.....
  14. edIts a suckazz economy caused as much by Bush's years as Obama's total snafu for the past 4. I felt during the last 4 yrs of GW's reign that no matter who the next Prez was it was going to take 10-12 years of good leadership and wise decision making to right things. So we then get a Prez who screw the pooch for the most part making that 10-12 yrs probably doubled, imho.
  15. ohiomike

    Fostered dog

    We tried to do the 'rescue' bit and found the paperwork and hassle to be excruciating. Then there was the cost. $300-$400 was a bit much to expect someone who was offering to provide a loving home for a needy dog. We can get a dog neutered and all its shots for much less. Imho it sounded more like a money making proposition for the place instead of them really looking out for the dog. We kept looking and found a cute little Shi poo that needed a home. That was 2 years ago, and she is our little baby.
  16. Congrats on a successful mission! Hauling it was easier than you had thought, wasn't it......lol
  17. True but there's also a stores inventory control setup where they look on their screen to see if they still have any and their inventory numbers hasn't updated. So their computer says they have it, yet in reality their shelf is empty. Or another one I have heard is, when you actually order the item, they have several. Or I have heard this-The mail order screen shows they have 8 pieces when you order, yet it didn't take into account the fact that your order is the 9th in line. Imho, online ordering is a crap shoot. I have order a couple of things from the MC Superstore with 100% success including a set of tires. Maybe I was just lucky but I do understand how much of a pita it is when you have to wait on them to get their inventory. But places like Dennis Kirk are no different. Once I ordered some parts (my bike was down until I got them) and instead of sending them to me here in Ohio, they sent them out west somewhere, Az I think. They blamed UPS. So I had to wait until UPS out in Az or wherever processed the order and realized it was in the wrong place. then ship it back to DK ( they would NOT just send it on to me!), then process it again and ship it to me. This all took like 3 or 4 weeks. DK would not admit fault, but when I got the pkg it showed they had addressed it wrong and it was not UPS's fault. Mail order just plain sucks.
  18. JIT (Just In Time) shipping and ordering has been going on since the early 90's, at the least.
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