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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. You can add all the laws to the books that you want, but none do a bit of good without real enforcement. I agree with you tho. With all the electronic wizardry thats out there now they should have a way to cut a car off if the cell phone is on, or build a breathalizer into the starting circuit, if they really wanted to make a positive change. But I recently read where statistics are saying that the #1 cause of cages crashing is......improper turn signals usage. Most people just plain do not use them. But try counting how many drivers are on their cells sometimes.....hell its easier to count the number that aren't...lol
  2. "12 Minutes with killboy on the Dragon - Ep.3 - April 28, 2012
  3. Yep, make it up past Clare and its God's country, especially over by Traverse City.
  4. The 'blue screen of death'.......I was always told this was a sign of bad things going on inside the 'puter' and usually meant it was time to either get it fixed or replaced.
  5. I feel my arteries filling up as I look at all that.....
  6. He's not interested in the bike. Doesn't want to ride. Back several months ago I mentioned to him I was looking for one and he told me about his bike in the leanto. Based on what I have seen, there is probably very little collector action for these bikes.....unless they are in cherry shape. Plus, he is back in Michigan so 'sharing' is a problem....lol. I was thinking of a price somewhere around $500 to start with, but have been out of the off road riding for a long time and wanted some opinions from people more in tune with the current stuff. I was thinking $800 was about as far as I should go with it but do not want to piss off my best friend either. Another thought I had was oil. We used to use ?Castrol? bean oil but that was before all the synthetics and semi synthetics. I want to make sure I can get the proper oil for it now. What is used now for 2 strokes and think it should be ok for this old rebuilt motor?
  7. A buddy of mine has an old 1973 Yamaha 360 Enduro. The good-It runs. It was rebuilt years back and has just a few hundred miles on the build. They bored it but nothing else special. New front tire, new oil pump. The bad-Quite rusty. Seems to be just surfacr type rust, no welds are compromised. It sat in his leanto since it was rebuilt, maybe 20 years back. Rear tire is weather checked and needs replacing. Tank is dented in several places but is solid. At some time, back when, the tank was cleaned and in the inside was coated to prevent rusting, and its still good to go. No tach. The clutch was sticking but we got it freed up and now it works fine. Seems the plates had become stuck together from sitting so long. Original seat with no tears. Still, its probably hardened up by now. Electrics all work, cables work, its rideable. I'm lookin for something I can take out trail riding, nothing more than to get out. My racing days are over, and I figure with the geography of Ohio I'll get enough of the old 'hill climbing' type of riding just staying on the trails....lol. I have been looking for over a year now and see prices for them all over the place. Lots over $2k, but they are beautiful bikes, nearly in 'like new' condition. The those 'non runners' are under $1k, $500-$800 mostly. Finding parts isn't easy, but they are out there, spread out across the country. This guy is someone I would trust with my life so his word on everything is solid. But he is playing this game of making me make an initial offer. Opinions on a fair price? thanks
  8. Was out riding yesterday and nearly had a headon with........another bike. SOB came right over the centerline, had me choosing my 'alternative' route real quick like.....
  9. http://www.globalenduro.com/endurohimalaya/ Lots of cool riding here......
  10. Check with the state BOV
  11. Depends on the day and who he is talking to.
  12. Well said. I a feel just the same.
  13. Lets see if Jackson, Sharpton and Obama chime in on this! If they do I'm bettin its whitey's fault.
  14. U.S. Supreme Court ""In 1835, Alexis de Tocqueville described the Supreme Court of the United States and its role in American society: "The peace, the prosperity, and the very existence of the Union are vested in the hands of the justices of the Supreme Court. Without them, the Constitution (narrative) would be a dead letter: the executive appeals to them for assistance against the encroachments of the legislative power; the legislature demands their protection against the assaults of the executive; they defend the Union from the disobedience of the states, the states from the exaggerated claims of the Union; the public interest against private interests, and the conservative spirit of stability against the fickleness of the democracy."....... ...Two characteristics of the court were established in its early years. The first was that the court would not give advisory opinions. Only cases where the court's findings were binding on the parties, were allowed to reach its docket. The other characteristic is the court's supreme position with regard to constitutionality of legislation. The court's authority was declared in Marbury v. Madison in 1804. ....." http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h2574.html Marbury v. Madison ""Facts- On his last day in office, President John Adams named forty-two justices of the peace and sixteen new circuit court justices for the District of Columbia under the Organic Act. The Organic Act was an attempt by the Federalists to take control of the federal judiciary before Thomas Jefferson took office. The commissions were signed by President Adams and sealed by acting Secretary of State John Marshall (who later became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and author of this opinion), but they were not delivered before the expiration of Adams’s term as president. Thomas Jefferson refused to honor the commissions, claiming that they were invalid because they had not been delivered by the end of Adams’s term. William Marbury (P) was an intended recipient of an appointment as justice of the peace. Marbury applied directly to the Supreme Court of the United States for a writ of mandamus to compel Jefferson’s Secretary of State, James Madison (D), to deliver the commissions. The Judiciary Act of 1789 had granted the Supreme Court original jurisdiction to issue writs of mandamus “…to any courts appointed, or persons holding office, under the authority of the United States.”....."" http://www.lawnix.com/cases/marbury-madison.html
  15. True. Ohioans turned down Ron Paul as has most other primary states. Him running as an indy will take votes from the other 2 candidates, but the end result will be much the same, only altered by the margin of victory. We know what we have..... but is the unknown any better????.......
  16. They came out to my wifes place of employment and fixed her windshield (chip) for nothing out of pocket. It was turned into her auto insurance. Are you sure your ins policy does not provide for this too? Seems to pretty commonplace anymore....
  17. I agree, cars should be made with breathalizers and shutoffs when ever a cell phone is activated. Texting while driving or drunk driving is much the same. Plus cell phones being used while driving should be illegal unless using hands free technology.
  18. Sonofabitch I hate a frickin thief. Sure hope you get it back, and not in a box. How in the he!! did it happen?
  19. Yes he followed the kid after being told not to. Following someone does not give a person the right to jump the follower. Martin did jump Zimmerman. At least that's the story I have heard over and over. Seems to be plenty of evidence to support that. At that point Zimmerman had the right to defend himself. Whether the kid had the right to be there or not is irrelevant. Zimmerman saw him as someone who was not supposed to be there. If I was Zimmerman in the same scenario as I just put it I would not hesitate to defend myself and if necessary, shoot my attacker. I would also not shoot to do anything other than to stop them in their tracks. Lots of 'if's in this all. I keep remembering everything you and I are (and everyone else) are hearing are coming from or through the media, which we cannot trust. All I want is for the facts to come out, tangible, accurate facts, and if Zimmerman was at fault, then let him hang. But unless some sort of revelation comes out, something the media has not skewed with their bias, I feel he will be exonerated.
  20. There is a lot more to this case than just these points. Is Zimmerman depraved? That's just a part of what has to be proven. Regardless of whether Zimmerman followed the kid, if in fact the kid jumped, attacked Zimmerman after the shooter had stopped following and was returning to his vehicle then the case of 'defending yourself when you feel your life is being threatened' gives Zimmerman the right to 'stand his ground' so to speak. Just because the 911 dispatcher told Zim not to follow the kid, Zimmerman doing so was not illegal nor does it show intent to kill. Its more like a concerned resident of the gated community wanting to make sure this person was not up to no good since this community had been burglarized several times in the past months. Remember, there is a reason why the community is gated. This gives them legal rights to keep out undesirables. Not saying I condone a gated community but it is what it is. Here's a guy that tell's it like it is...."it is what it is"... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LONUecnsMb8&feature=youtu.be
  21. yessir swingset, very well said and spot on.
  22. I have a feeling the 'charges' will be more because of the public outcry of 'racism' rather than a preponderance of evidence found. There must be something in the water in Florida for so many police dept's to screw up what should be a simple case of forensics and evidence gathering. We hear of the Casey Anthony fiasco and now the Zimmerman situation, both seeming to be snafu's.
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