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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. "Trouble for prosecutors in Trayvon Martin case?" http://video.foxnews.com/v/1647766211001/trouble-for-prosecutors-in-trayvon-martin-case/?playlist_id=86856&intcmp=obnetwork
  2. ohiomike

    I'm Down

    Yep, hope you are not seriously hurt and recover fast!
  3. I added a request for an XL and a small. Let me know....
  4. This moron put many people's lives at risk. The cop should have 'stood down' at some point in this pointless chase. Maybe an 'eye in the sky?' Man this reminds me of how much I love speed. Makes the blood surge, the endorphines go wild.....love it, but only when I am going to be the only one to suffer from a bad outcome. I agree, laws should be consistent for 2 and 4 wheeled vehicles as should enforcement. If a car is going to get the 'spike stik' treatment, lay em for the moron with the 'deathwish' before he 'accidently' causes a deadly accident with a car whose driver is texting.....or whatever. Heck the 'T-bone' accident at the end just shows cage drivers aren't paying too much attention to whats going on around them. All it takes is one.... Once the douchebag is found, he should no longer be able to drive any vehicle legally ever again. Extreme actions merit extreme re actions.
  5. "......Martin's blood contained THC, which is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, according to autopsy results released Thursday. The autopsy was conducted February 27, the day after the teenager was shot dead. Toxicology tests found elements of the drug in the teenager's chest blood -- 1.5 nanograms per milliliter of one type (THC), as well as 7.3 nanograms of another type (THC-COOH) -- according to the medical examiner's report. There also was a presumed positive test of cannabinoids in Martin's urine, according to the medical examiner's report. It was not immediately clear how significant these amounts were. No precise levels on the urine were released. Dr. Michael Policastro, a toxicologist, cautioned against reading too much into the blood THC levels, adding that one cannot make a direct correlation between those findings and a level of intoxication. He also noted levels of THC, which can linger in a person's system for days, can spike after death in certain areas of the body because of redistribution. And Dr. Drew Pinsky, an addiction specialist who hosts a show on CNN's sister network HLN, added that marijuana typically does not make users more aggressive. Concentrations of THC routinely rise to 100 to 200 ng/ml after marijuana use, though it typically falls to below 5 ng/ml within three hours of it being smoked, according to information on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's website. While some states have zero-tolerance policies for any drug traces for driving while impaired, others set certain benchmarks, the website of California's Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs notes. In Nevada, that equates to 2 ng/ml for THC and 5 ng/ml for THC-COOH, also known as marijuana metabolite. The cutoff level in Ohio is 2 ng/ml for THC and 50 ng/ml for THC-COOH. According to the medical examiner's report, which was one of several documents on the case released Thursday by the office of special prosecutor Angela Corey, Martin died from a gunshot wounded to chest fired from "intermediate range," within 36 inches."... http://www.cnn.com/2012/05/17/justice/florida-teen-shooting/index.html While I don't think this had much to do with the end result it does show that at least, finally, some of the 'facts' of the incident are being brought forth.
  6. The most heroic ones are nearly never heard about.
  7. Doesn't bother me at all what another man rides. I've stated that emphatically here before, but believe whatever ya want man. In fact going on a group ride this next weekend and I will probably be the only one riding a Harley. But these people also just want to ride and don't rag on what another man rides.
  8. Whatever works best for you, but I doubt I will be involved with many, if any, OR rides or get togethers.
  9. Ninja Doc had made some based on orders from members here. Guess he either still has the 2 I ordered or choose to sell them to someone else because I could not get him to get them to me. Maybe check with him
  10. Yep they seemed like some good ol boys.....RIP Mitchell
  11. Dyslexic I see.... If I shut my mouth and turn and walk away, it doesn't mean you've won. It simply means your stupid ass isn't worth anymore of my time.
  12. I read someone saying 'loud' was fast becoming unwanted across the nation.... Biggest offenders? Guess that depends on when and where. That and how loud 'too loud' is. Where I used to live (far less bike traffic) the biggest and most constant offenders to the ears were the boom boxes in cars. We had a constant flow of cars driving by with stereo's so loud they shook picture frames in our house. Loud cars were a problem too, especially the old hotrods. Its just there weren't so many of those, but they were really loud. But the crux to this is the 'allowable decibel's'. Some communities have this dB level equal to a lawnmower. Some communities are going back to fed regulations where your exhaust must be OEM and must have something stamped on it to prove it is. Denver is one place having instituted this reg. I agree things are getting too loud, but its not just loud bikes. http://www.gcaudio.com/resources/howtos/loudness.html So if they're going to attack 'too loud' loudness, they need to attack all the offenders.
  13. I hear ya on the stereotypical rider. But anymore its becoming a thing of the past moreso than continuing on. Not saying there aren't asshats thinking they have to be heard across the state. Personally I like a good deep rumble to my exhaust, but that's about it. To keep it quiet(er) I keep repacking my baffles....actually over stuffing them with packing I get from the dealer where I get parts for my wife's V Star. Just like sportbikes, the asshats are who bring down criticism on particular types of bikes in general when its those asshats who need and warrant the criticism. But there seem to a proportionate number of members here who seem to take great pleasure in ragging on Harley's in particular. Normally I just pass on those types of threads, but Carolla is a faggot who I cannot stand. But, seriously, more ragging comments about Harleys occur here than the opposite occurs on Harley sites. At least the ones I frequent.
  14. Does it matter what kind of pipes I have? I ride a Harley, and on this site everyone thinks they are the worst bikes around. Hell there's more bullshit thrown around raggin on Harleys here than whats said about non Harley's on Harley sites. My hatred for Carolla has nothing to do any of that. He is a blowhard who needs a punch in the fooking mouth and 5 in the chest.
  15. I'd love for him to follow someone home and hide inside their house. 5 in the chest for Carolla.....that's about all he deserves because he is a douchebag deluxe. Does nothing but run his mouth, ranting about nearly everything under the sun. Someone needs to help everyone and put this pos down 6 feet under.
  16. I totally agree. I have read some very long winded debates over open carrying and what it says to others. Constitutional right or not sometimes you have to also use common sense.
  17. LOL...............
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDPK4GCprYA&feature=player_embedded
  19. That there's funnyyy.....LOL
  20. Goober, not Gomer.....
  21. One of the first things taught in the ccw classes I took was 'brandishing' is illegal and a good way to not only lose your weapon but also your right to carry for life. Also, like Punk said, mix and cage and a bike together and the bike loses everytime. As much as the guy deserved some 'lead' attention I'm sure the law would say a biker should easily be able to ditch a pickup but I suppose in some rare instances a truck might be able to keep up? Nawww, not with you guys riding those fast sport bikes. Sometimes its just plain smarter and easier to cut and run. Once the lead starts flying (and whose to say the cage people weren't armed?) everyone who is involved's life is going to be permanently changed, either through someone's death or jail/hospital time. Thank God Doc is ok. Karma is a bitch.......and usually what comes around goes around....hopefully at a great multiplying factor.
  22. Hey, cool, I'm gettin my Kaw back from my son. He said he has no time for messing with it (it needs a new starter) plus him getting his cycle endorsement. So I'll have my ol KZ 750 back.
  23. Reminds me of the old 'Big Wheels'.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjTAA_da97w&feature=related
  24. Nope. He is the only candidate worth voting for. Don't need no more Obama, or Mr 'Obama-lite', this country needs Ron Paul for 4 years.
  25. That's a 20 amp setup, probably single phase (120 V) but not necessarily. Do you know which breaker controls that recepticle? Might be the easiest way to tell.
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