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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. In Cincinnati. We're going to a game there tonight. Any tips on parking nearby? How about safety walking to and from the park? thanks
  2. What's the cost for a carburated v-twin dyno?
  3. Spark-Fuel-Air It has to get a good strong spark, and even though it has a new battery it has to a good highly charged battery or you are going to have problems starting. I am working on my old Kaw now and am keeping a trickle charger (maintainer) hooked up to the battery so its at peak charge when I do license it for the road. Gotta have fuel supplied to the cylinders. Is the spark plug fouled wet, or is it dry. If the problem is electrical and it dies there should be excess fuel (unburned) in the cylinder, no? It has to breath. A plugged air filter can also be a problem. I'd be checking the battery and air filter first, and if ok, then the fuel supply. Plugged filter? If the battery has a full charge and no spark at the plug then its a component and this is the place to get help on the specifics. Lots of well versed riders here and there are a few that work on bikes for a profession too, and they do great work. Maybe being an OR member you might get price breaks, I'm not sure how that works, but for $500 and a little elbow grease you might have a fun riding bike for the summer.
  4. You could borrow mine but it is wide and the 3/4 " plywood decking needs replacing. Shit I think its gonna take maybe 3 sheets!. Its an old snowmobile trailer. Good luck!
  5. Aehh, you'll get em when you get em.....how's that for an update? Lol I'm waitin too for the 2 I ordered.
  6. I'm thinkin the order for the 'T's has already been submitted. Might be too late to order now.
  7. Back in '83 I bought a new Kawasaki KZ 750 LTD twin belt drive mc. 5 years back I gave it to my son but he wasn't interested enough to do anything with it so a few weeks back he called and said he didn't want it and I should get it. So I did. Got it home, changed fluids, plugs cleaned out the gas tank for any residue, kicked the girl over and she fired right up. I knew she would not let me down. So, am waiting on a few gaskets that need replacing, a few bushings and I'll have her fully back on the road. She's a good ol girl.......has never ever let me down. Here's a pic of it back when it was still nearly new....
  8. LOL, doc I am still figuring out the controls, it does so much. Yes, I was listening to fm when the G4 beeped and indicated an incoming call, so I had to touch a button to engage (answer) the phone. This was my first time using it so am not sure how I got it to 3 way. Maybe because we were linked together already. We had to designate Rider 'A' and rider 'B' to each unit. Mine is 'A', hers is 'B'. I do know there is a way to have a solo conversation on the phone but its in the buttons and I just haven't had enough saddle time to figure it out yet. I'm like you, I am not utilizing it to its fullest, but so far its da bomb. But I find the users manual to be a bit difficult to digest, more difficult than the G4 is to use. LOL. I also like the function it has to 'talk' to others using older Cardo systems. But again the manual makes 'linking' with them seem to be kind of difficult, but if its anything like what I have discovered already it won't be difficult at all. Heck it even makes me want to wear my lid.....lol Thanks for the heads up on giving 'rep' to people too.
  9. I appreciate the heads up. Guess the ride up will help clear my head a bit anyway, and we can always leave if it's too much bs. Personally I'm just not into that kind of thing. thanks!
  10. Bike Week is this week? Might have to cruise on up, never been to one. A couple years back a bunch of friends wanted to go to that Easy Rider Rodeo thing in Chilli so they paid our way in so we would go with them. That thing turned out to be the biggest joke. Glad to say we won't be going back. At least we know firsthand how bad it is in the campground there. So I guess its worth going to Bike Week once to at least see it firsthand. Might ride up Thur. or Fri. if the timing works out.
  11. Last year at the end of the season I picked up a Scala Cardo G4 multi communicator system from Riders Discount for an excellent price. Never really got to use them. So a couple weekends back a bunch of us rode to WV and the wife and I thought we'd give it a try, her on her own bike, me on mine. I had already linked my cell to the bluetooth on the G4 at that point. WOW. I had thought this would probably be something I would never use. Thought it would be a pita to use. WRONG WRONG WRONG! Its great and ez to use. I can 2 way with the wife, it has a fm receiver built in with a 'seek' mode, and bam, all of a sudden I get a phone call! Interrupts the music and answering the phone was easy. The clarity of the phone call was surprising and my son on the other end said he could hear me easily even considering I was riding at 60 on the glide. The call can be made to be a 3 way so the wife and I talked to my son at the same time. I was told the clarity of the 2 way was just as good. Another feature is the sound adjusts according to the surrounding noise level, so it increased as my motor noise increase, and leveled off when the surrounding sound diminished. I highly recommend the G4 and thank Rider Discount for selling it at such a good price. I'd give a rep point to RD for this but just plain do not know how.....lol
  12. For sure the ride through Colorado on 50 was outstanding and quite memorable. From Monarch Pass over to Royal Gorge we followed a BMW biker riding 2 up and man was it fun swooping down through those sweepers coming down the mountains. Riding up out of Gunnison heading to Monarch it was a 'white knuckler' as the grade of ascent was pretty steep with no guard rails, or at least it was for me....lol. But I'm sure there were lots of great riding roads in that state.
  13. true, hadn't thought about it like that. Guess its been way too long since I first rode....
  14. ohiomike

    .45 fmj

    Ok, I'm back home. Yes this whole deal is one big crap pile. fizzer if you want it all you were first to speak up since chevy stood down. I'm headed back Fri so I'd like to be able to give my daughter the money then. If fizzer also stands down then Bigg you're next up. Whoever wants this all pm me and I will give you contact info. thanks guys...
  15. I suggest trying differing styles of bikes before choosing one. Some prefer sport bikes, some cruisers and others touring. Don't let someone talk you into one or the other without trying them on for size for yourself. For example a friend of my wife bought a Katana on the urging of her friends, but ended up selling it to buy a cruiser bike. She now says it just fits her and her riding likes better. That's what its all about, what you like and what feels best to you.
  16. When we rode out west last year we went up through SD then Wyoming, down through Utah then back home via US 50. We caught 50 at Grand Junction and laid over in Gunnison. Rode over Monarch pass at 11300 ft and stopped at the Royal Gorge. When you cross I-25 coming south from Denver, its just a short ride north to get to Pikes Peak. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_mountain_passeshttp://www.motorcyclecolorado.com/ 50 through Colorado was cool, but riding through Kansas was just not the same....lol. At Kansas City we caught I-70 and rode that all the way back, but I have been told that 50 through Mo. is excellent too. We were just on a time restraint by then.....lol....so based on what we did I'd say expect to have to lay up at least 2 nights between here and Colorado, maybe 3 nights. That's based on approx 500 miles per day. Have fun and be safe!
  17. ohiomike

    .45 fmj

    Hell I don't know....lol Hows $5 for the slugs sound, and $20 for the .45's? I never sell ammo, I just buy it and use it....lol but this money is going back to my daughter, so how do those prices sound? I'm down in Circleville. I just got off the phone and I have to go up and get up two granddaughters tomorrow. They've seen too much already, looks like they are going to be staying here for a while.
  18. ohiomike

    .45 fmj

    I have a box of 100 (actually 99 rounds, 1 is missing) .45 Winchester 230 grain fmj target/range bullets I need to sell for my daughter. I also have a box (15 rounds) of Remington 12 gauge 2 3/4 MAX slugs (1 oz) I also need to sell for her. Her husband bought them but since has lost his job and their home. I cannot use any of these. The brass on the .45's are in good shape and the slugs are still in the box. The .45's are boxed too. I cannot use any of these and they really need the cash. Right now he has been committed to a local hospital where they are staying so he is kind of out of the picture right now. I think the .45's go for about $36 and the slugs for around $10. Anyone interested in them for somewhere near $25 or a fair price? I think they will have to picked up, not too sure they can be shipped plus shipping would be ridiculous I'm sure. thanks
  19. Cancer sure does suck. I kind of went through the same feelings after Dad's death. Really made me very apprehensive about going to the doctor. I only hope if I get it I can deal with it like he did, or like my buddy in New Hampshire.
  20. Man I can relate. Back in '05 I watched my dad succomb to cancer. He found out in Feb and was gone the first week of June. I did spend as much time with him while he was in the university hospital in Ann Arbor, then his last days at home sipping morphine. I'll pray for you and your loved ones. Hang in there man...
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