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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. Now yer talkin....lol....Hopefully I'll be ready in the next week or so. I read there are some guide outfits in eastern Ohio that can take you out with their dogs, and it looks pretty cool, but I like the idea of loading up and doing some recon down McArthur way. I guess you can spot their runs and habitat real quick the way they tear stuff up. Good luck if you get down there before me!
  2. http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/s/secret-service-presidents.htm
  3. I know there was extensive msm scrutiny, but the implications were enormous. I have heard firsthand how once the govt swooped in the flow of info became very controlled. I just cannot give them (msm) a pass on presenting full disclosure. Plus they have discovered the oil is still there, its just on the bottom of the gulf. My mom winters in Fla along the gulf coast and yes there was globs of oil that were found on the beaches there tho we (at least I didn't) hear anything about that. Just a small blurb about some up near the panhandle. What industry is bigger than the Oil Industry? Imho the only entity large enough to be able to hold their feet to the fire is big govt. Who subsidizes big oil and who stands to lose large monetary support if certain toes are stepped on? Imho, our govt and big oil are in bed together with both standing to lose $bigtime$ over it all, and since our govt can (and does) control the msm here it only makes sense that controlling and limiting what the public knows means less money lost for the big boys of business.
  4. I just do not buy that the media played the spill up to be worse than it actually was/is. In fact I believe the msm, the same msm that has been in Obama's back pocket since he started campaigning for his initial election, that msm has played it down trying to qualm the public's fears. Partly due to pressure from big oil (don't want to lose any $business$) and partly to keep Obama's public image conducive to him running for office again, this being done by use of govt control and pressure. Underwater drilling should only be done once there are proven procedures for repair/containment for the next 'Deep Water Horizon' event that will happen. Remember the commercial...'its not smart to fool mother nature'??....well we are fooling with it at every turn, and its bound to come back on us sooner or later if we're not careful.
  5. yep. wild hogs. I would love to go down and get a couple myself. I've had wild boar before and unless its a big male, the meat can be real tasty.
  6. A Henry would sure be cool...
  7. Any knock offs worth considering?
  8. One $20 raffle ticket got me a $500 shopping spree at a gun store down in Chilli. Think there's much chance in me finding a nice lever action .30 .30, or maybe even a .45 .70? Would like to get something to pop some of those hogs down MacArthur way....
  9. On mine I could hear the encoder motor trying to activate, kind of a clicking sound, but it was not switching from 2wd to 4wd. I was told when they do this you can bet tha's the problem. The tech said that was one of the worst types of setups and GM really screwed the pooch on most of their 4wd's from the early 90's on up. Somewhere in the late 90's GM (supposedly) fixed the problem but the newer style still is their weak point and proves GM just didn't really fix that wink link. He said the only way to test one of the e. mtrs is by replacing it with one that works. They are great when they work, and when they don't makes you want to drive the sob over a cliff....lol R&R on the older ones was't too bad a job if you have a lift, but these newer ones is a pita kind of job, but it's doable.
  10. Sounds just like the problem I had, and it turned out to be the encoder motor that is bolted onto the bottom of the transfer case.
  11. I hear ya!. Our next and final move will be to a place that makes bfe look overpopulated.....lol
  12. The biggest trick to getting the most out of any heater is good insulation, and good air circulation. A good ol ceiling fan works great for pushing warm air around (plus it doubles as ventilation during warm weather), and a good amount of ceiling insulation keeps it from going straight through the roof. My workshop is an insulated area about 8 1/2 ft x 26 ft. I have an old ceiling fan in it, and use either a propane barn heater like someone pictured in an earlier post, or sometimes I just crank up a small portable kerosene heater and in minutes I can raise the temp by 20-30 degrees. I built this small stall area within my barn thats 26 x 48 and left large door openings so I could drive a vehicle in and just bought some 4 x 8 sheets of 2" dow board (pink styrofoam from Menards) to use as doors, which I just slide back and forth side to side.
  13. I like the first design, but the colors are too bland. Something with more contrast might be more eye catching.
  14. Yep, a pickup, a ramp and some good straps should work.
  15. I'd say 750cc's is as small as you would want to go. Nearer 1000cc's would probably be better for all around riding.
  16. ohiomike


    So now that you moved outta state you find us......lol....well Welcome...(you finally made it to the top!) to a great site!
  17. By gawd we better vote for Barry Soetoro, he's done so damn much!
  18. I rearended a car that was towing another car on a tow bar. Both were sitting in the middle of I-69 (a very dark, unlit portion of the highway in the middle of the night) with their lights off. The towed car didn't even have any lights hooked up so they got ticketed and were at fault. But it didn't help much as they just 'disappeared', never showed up for the court hearing and were from out of state. We were going 60 mph and the Nova I was driving was totaled. Idiots who think they can pull shit like stopping in the middle of a road or highway like that need special consideration when it comes to being penalized.
  19. Nothing good about it. Must have been a horrific sight. Prayers sent......
  20. Back in '68 I lost my mother in a house fire, so it'd be my wife, dog and cat. I know firsthand how it feels to lose someone you love in a fooking fire. Fire and cancer are two mf'ers to have to deal with.
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