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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. Saw Easy Rider when it first came out, have it on disc now, great classic, terrible acting, beautiful scenery and the music was the best part. Wild Ones was good for its time, Wild Hogs was great entertainment, great winter movie. Torque was awesome to watch and the part of Top Gun with Cruise on the red ?Ninja? was really cool too.
  2. Try all you want scruit, once kids reach their teens and become subject to that peer pressure you can usually kiss all the 'he can't sneak it past me' stuff goodbye. Then is the time that 'trust' comes into play because you are forced to trust their decisions at a time when you are not there and they are not on camera.
  3. Bad time of the year to be looking to buy, but there are deals out there if you do enough digging.
  4. Yeh, notice how many gas pumps are now asking for your zip code if you use plastic? Companies claim its for security but I'm thinkin its more for marketing info....
  5. Then, unless they contacted you otherwise you have good grounds to complain for sure. Too bad there was no contact info other than email. But that's not unusual anymore. I ordered a Titan mini jack to use on my table lift and never heard a word from them after I ordered it. After a lot of digging I finally found a contact phone number, and when I talked to them the guy said they never pay attention to feedback, or contacting the buyer with tracking info. Unreal what some companies think is acceptable business practices. But that's the way our society is going anymore. Good luck, hope this all turns out great for you.
  6. Exactly, sometimes it just takes a little bit of time. Unless their 'shipping' info says otherwise, leaving a negative feedback is just going to be 'he said, she said' type of stuff, and the seller can just add their comeback to your negative comment. If it were me I would leave a neutral with explanation, but even that's not worth the effort really. Unless the motor turns out to be a pos and the seller won't refund the money. I recently sold something electronic to an obvious foreigner. Description said it needed work, some parts were missing and a particular part probably needed replacing. Lots of pics too. Sold it cheaper than dirt ( $25??). So the guy dragged his feet paying (over 10 days...lol) then started asking me questions about the item, the type of questions you ask before buying. So we consummate the deal and the next thing I hear is him claiming the item was not as described. I talked to ebay and they say he is wrong, but I still offer him a full refund, after I get the item back, but I am not going to pay to have it shipped back. I told him that's ebay's policy (according to the person I talked to on the phone). So its been a week since our last correspondence.....I think when he got it he decided he didn't want it and figured he could get me to refund everything including shipping it back because, based on his comments, he didn't read the description or look at the pictures....he just didn't understand. So sometimes shithappens.....to both buyers and sellers.
  7. ohiomike

    ride options

    Be careful of those off road critters that tend to cross right in front of you....namely Moose. Know how deer eyes reflect in the dark so you can spot them on the edge of the road at night? Moose aren't like that so on the roads in Maine they can just 'appear' right in front of you. I also recommend a ride to and through the Rockies. Rocky National Park is awesome, so is route 50 through Colorado. Me, I'd like to ride to the Pacific via rt 50.
  8. True, but if you are going down the road, and come upon road conditions where you need it in 4wd being able to just switch it over without stopping on the side of the road or waiting until you get to an off ramp is very handy.
  9. I was not trying to criticize, hope my comments weren't misinterpreted. Sorry if they were. And I will say this. Every situation is different just like every kid is different. What style of parenting works best for one family might not work for the other. Conversely the type of gun safety you impress upon a child can also be done in differing ways. I performed this with my 2 boys by making them familiar with firearms, firearm safety and weapon familiarity. I also taught them hunter safety, respect and hunting consciousness and ethics. I did it the way I had been taught and tried to instill in them things I am seeing so many younger hunters today, failing to do. Gun safety is very important but is only a tiny portion of the gun knowledge that needs to be instilled in our youngsters, imho. Parenting is 24/7 and the most important job a person can undertake. Lots of implications there and we never know how well we have done until our child becomes an adult.
  10. Its funny (not ha ha funny) how life can twist and turn the end result from being anything pleasant. I was tough on all 3 of my kids. Although I never video'd them, I did demand total honesty, and my oldest was the best acting of the 3. Then he married a girl who resented my wife and I, and used everything from his youth in regards to his getting in trouble and his punishments, against us to a point that now we never hear from his family, never get to see our 4 grandchildren. Never even get to communicate with any of them. All I am saying is that even though you and I might think what we are doing is best for them, sometimes these actions can come back to haunt us in the worst ways. You never ever want to go through what my wife and I are going through, trust me.
  11. Man, once the sun starts getting low, the 'yotes around me start their cries, and once its dark they get real loud. There must be quite a brood living just over the hill. I am lookin for one of those Scorpions, maybe used...., but hafta wait before my 30 30 comes in at the dealer. I did some checking around and it seems the Henry 30 30's are a bit scarce right now. My dealer's supplier doesn't even have one so it might be a few weeks....so I am reading your thread with great anticipation.....lol
  12. is this strictly for 9mm's or can you swap a few parts and use it for other calibers? I am thinking about doing some reloading for the 30 30. I am on a fact gathering mission...lol....
  13. NO thanks.....I'm thinkin they would make awful good targets.....
  14. I think you know the answer to that one....lol
  15. I hadn't heard how the 270 culprits were finally dealt with. Glad to hear at least something was done. Better than the other 2 I mentioned. One (the drunk speeder) was suspended due to the investigation, and finally the judge let him off 'for time served' which was a couple of weeks or so. The other got about the same treatment. I do not blame you for your distrust in these cops and their agencies.
  16. lol, not the first time for this kind of bs. a year or so back an officer was stopped on 33 doing 90 and drunk. got off with a slap on the wrist. then an officer was stopped on 270 doing well over 100 and he got off with a slap on the wrist. another officer was stopped on 23 south of cbus for going 90 or so and guess what.....he got off too. In all my years that's the most action like this going on is one general locale. ridiculous behavior by both the officers and the depts.
  17. Maybe handguns, but he also has some long guns and can order a Henry for me. Already talked to him.... I bought my G23 from him a couple years back.
  18. Man I gotta get me one of those....what model Fox caller did you get?
  19. We've got em around us too. In the 4 years we've lived here the sightings have gone up to where they are running through my yard at times. Can't wait to get my .30 .30.....bwahahahaha
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